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Immerse yourself in the breathtaking city of Australia and the river that is so culturally and historically rich. Embrace this scenic beauty with the Boat Rental in Melbourne throughout the day and cherish it for years to come. https://bit.ly/2wbi6cn
YARRA RIVER SKIPPEREDCRUISES Spoilyourselfandtakeadvantageoftheknowledgeandexperienceofalocalexpertwith yourownprivateluxurycruisecharteredbyyourownskipper.Kickyour heelsoffand indulgeallofyoursenseswiththebeautyofthesurroundsoftheYarraRiveron-board oneofourpremiumluxuryvessels,allelectricpoweredtoensureaquietandpeaceful cruisingexperience. Highlights PrivatescenicYarraRivercruises ViewMelbournelandmarksandattractionsfromthe water Celebrateyourspecialeventinstyle Perfectforintimatesmallgroupsofupto10 Luxuriousmodernandcleanvessels Inclusions Privateluxurycruiseforupto10persons ExperiencedandfriendlySkipper OptiontoBYOfoodandbeverages Cateringoptionsalsoavailable 1.5hrcruiseincludescheeseplatterandbottleofwine Duration andt imings 1 . 5 h r , 2 h r o r 4 h r c r u i s e s a v a i l a b l e . CruisesdepartandreturntoDocklands. Forotherpickupordropofflocationspleasecontactus. Seeourwebsiteforavailabletimesorwecancustomise tosuit. Pricing Vessel: Pia Mae / Eliza J (Max 10passengers) .5hrCruise $440 (Includescheeseplatterandbottleofwine) hrcruise $510 hrcruise $659 hrcruise $799 PricesinAustraliandollarsandincludeGST Forgroupslargerthan10persons,pleasecontactusforpricing www.melbourneboathire.com.au 1300 988309 info@melbourneboathire.com.au
CATERING OPTIONS SparklingWine (Bottle) Croser NV, AdelaideHills 750ml $40 Jansz,Tasmania750ml$55 Cascade Premium Light375ml $6 White / Red Wine(Bottle) Non Alcoholic(bottle) Chardonnay, Sticks Yarra Valley 750ml Sauvignon Blanc, Villa Maria, NZ 750ml Riesling, Leo Buring, Clare Valley 750ml Pinot Noir, Sticks Yarra Valley 750ml Shiraz, Barossa Valley750ml $38 $20 $38 $40 $40 San Pellergrino spaklingwater500ml $5 Still water 600ml $3 Softdrinkmix-4xcoke,4xcokezeroand4xsprite200ml$25 *Menu items subject to availability at time ofbooking www.melbourneboathire.com.au 1300 988309 info@melbourneboathire.com.au