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Chinese 1 lesson plan 3-5-3-9

Chinese 1 lesson plan 3-5-3-9. Objectives: Presentation of lesson 2, it is a test grade. Introduce Lesson 3, new words and grammar TSW be able to communicate with their peers. Lesson plan for 3-19-23. This week objectives. *Review the words and grammar we learned in Lesson2, and Lesson 3

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Chinese 1 lesson plan 3-5-3-9

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  1. Chinese 1 lesson plan 3-5-3-9 Objectives: Presentation of lesson 2, it is a test grade. Introduce Lesson 3, new words and grammar TSW be able to communicate with their peers. Lesson plan for 3-19-23

  2. This week objectives • *Review the words and grammar we learned in Lesson2, and Lesson 3 • *TSW be able to identify the words and write pinyin and English meaning of the new words. • *TSW be able to make the sentences by using grammar patterns. • Learn Chinese song: two tigers

  3. Monday objectives: review new words and grammar.Chinese proverbhǎohāoxuéxí好好学习Studyhard ! tiāntiānxiàngshàng天天向上Makeprogresseveryday!

  4. yǎng养raisegǒu狗 dogmāo猫 catlǎohǔ老虎  tigerjīnyú金鱼 gold fishxīyì蜥蜴 lizardwūguī乌龟 turtle xǐhuān 喜 欢 like • wán|玩v。playqiú球n. ballsǎnbù散步 v. walk pǎobù跑步 v. jog, run • shuìjiào v. sleep睡觉 • chǒngwù宠物pet

  5. jiéhūn • 结 婚  get marrieddānshēn单 身singleyǒuxiǎohái有 小 孩 • Have child • cānjūn参 军 join army • zài… gōngzuò在… 工 作 work at… • zài…dúshū在 …读 书 study in/at… • dāng当… be … • yìshùjiā • 艺术家 artist • quánjīshǒu boxer拳击手

  6. Activities: • Each student makes 2 flash cards. • Each student reads out the words in their hands to class. • The students switch the cards with people on his/ her left hand side. They read their words to the class. • One student is selected to be the caller and one student to be a doer. • When the caller call out the word, the doer needs to find the cards from their peers and read out the words. If it correct, the doer will be caller, the next people in line will be the doer.

  7. Grammar have/there is / are… 有… • Tom 有猫Tom has cat • 我家有马。 • raise 养… • 我养了一只猫。 • I raise a cat. • 妈妈养我们。 • Mom raises us. • 喜欢 like • We like sponge Bob. • Youpractice • Write3sentences in your spiral. • Read your sentences to your partners and ask them what your sentences mean. • Write down your partner’s sentences translation. And report to class.

  8. Activities: • Interview 5 classmates about what animal do they raise? • A. 你有宠物吗? • B. 我有。 我有一只猫。 • A.它叫什么名字? • B.他叫老虎。 • A.你喜欢它吗? • B .我很喜欢。老虎和我一起睡觉. 你有宠物吗? • A. 我有。我有一只狗。它叫小美。 • B。 你喜欢它吗? • A. 我很喜欢它。它很可爱。 • B. 真的吗? • A. 对,它会帮我拿课本。 • B. 好有趣。 • A. 小美也喜欢和我一起去散步。 • B. 我的猫不和我去散步 • A. 我的小美还跟我玩球。 • B. 老虎也和我玩球。

  9. yǎng养raisegǒu狗 dogmāo猫 catlǎohǔ老虎 tigerjīnyú金鱼 Gold Fishxīyì蜥蜴 Lizardwūguī乌龟 turtle • Grammar • have… 有… • Tom 有猫。 • 学校 有马。 • raise 养yǎng… • 我养了一只猫。 • 妈妈养我们。

  10. Tuesday objectives: • vocabulary quiz • TSW make sentences with new words • And sentences patterns: • 1. somebody + have+ nounTim有猫。 • 2. what is it’s name? 它叫什么名字?他叫Nicole。 • 3. Somebody like(s)+ noun. 武老师喜欢狗。 • 4. do you like…? People 喜欢 +noun吗?妈妈喜欢我吗? • TSWmake a comic strips with the sentences patterns above.

  11. Voc.quiz: please put pinyin and English next to the Chinese characters. • 1.结 婚  2.单 身3.有 小 孩4.参 军5.养6.狗 7.猫 8.老虎  9.金鱼 10.蜥蜴 11.乌龟 • 12. 在… 工 作 13.在 …读 书14.当… • 15.艺术家16.拳击手 17.喜 欢 18.玩19.球20.散步 21.睡觉22.宠物

  12. Wednesday’s objectives: Review the new words and be able to communicate with these words and grammar. • Review view the new words 2 • Grammar: question sentences. • TSW be able to use the grammar sentence patterns to review the

  13. kěài 可爱 cute yóuxì 游戏 game cōngmíng 聪 明 smart, clever gāozhōng 高 中 high school wán 玩 play • piàoliàng • 漂亮 beautiful • zhēndema真的吗 Really?huì|kuài会 canbāng帮 v. help • ná拿 v. pick, take,

  14. Who 谁 • Whose 谁的? • What 什么 • Where 哪里 • Which 哪一个 • Why 为什么 • How 怎么 nǐshìshéi ? 你是谁? Who are you? wǒshìshuǐjīng 我 是 水 晶。I am crystal. zhèshìshéi de 这 是 谁 的?Whose is this? zhèshìwǒ de 这 是 我 的。It is mine 这是什么?What is this? 这是电脑。This is compu 你在哪里?Where are you? 我在学校。

  15. 哪一个 Which one is yours? 为什么你在学校?Why are you at school? 你怎么在学校? • Why are you at school?

  16. Activities:TSW make the sentences with each words. Group activities. • TSW switch the sentences with his / her partners. • TSW read the sentences of his / her peers paragraph.

  17. Thursday objectives: Review lesson 3Lesson 3 test is tomorrow. • New words • Grammar

  18. Fridayobjectives: Lesson 3 test.

  19. Oral: please read it aloud • 结 婚  单 身有 小 孩参 军养狗 猫 老虎  金鱼 蜥蜴 乌龟

  20. Please put pinyin and English to the following Chinese characters. • 在… 工 作 在 …读 书当… • 艺术家拳击手 喜 欢 玩球散步 睡觉宠物

  21. Make sentences with the following words:养,有,喜欢,在…工作,在 ….读书

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