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The influence of sociological factors on security and the appearance of crime

Explore how economic crisis, poverty, wealth, unemployment, and migration influence security and crime occurrence in a society. Learn about the effects of these factors and the dangers they pose at an international student conference.

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The influence of sociological factors on security and the appearance of crime

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  1. The influence of sociological factors on security and the appearance of crime Authors: lejla kadić Fakultet političkih nauka II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  2. The most significant sociological factors that endanger the safety and influence the appearance of crime are: • • Economic crisis; • • Poverty; • • Wealth; • • Unemployment; • • Migration. • Each of these factors is important in its own way, and to a certain extent it endangers security and affects the occurrence of crime. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  3. Economic crisis • Economic crisis is a form of property crime. It leads to changes in the whole society and this is reflected in the decline in employment in the first place, then the citizens' payment ability is reduced, investment opportunities are abolished, phenomen similar to bankruptcy of economic subjects and similarly. • It is precisely this situation that leads to the fragmentation of the citizens to the poor and the rich, and from this situation, there is an increase in alcoholism, prostitution, disappointment, the moral crisis, that leads a threat to security and to the appearance of crime. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  4. Poverty • Poverty is a phenomenon that is present in all countries, but not equally. This implies a lack of economic, social and cultural conditions for satisfying basic biological and other human needs. • The real fact is that poverty endangers an individual, but greatly affects criminality and then threatens the community. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  5. This is reflected in the following examples: thefts that are happening even from minors because they are endangered materially and have no basic conditions for education, then various fraud, from petty things to the most prominent, robbery that is getting harder, forgeries of documents for various reasons and many similar things. • But poverty can also lead to a moral decay and crisis in the sense of that elderly people can go to alcoholism who are out of work, who do not have means to feed their family, who feel worthless and helpless and because of that go to the alcohol. Then the body's injuries, murders and similar things. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  6. Wealth • Wealth is a challenge even greater for enrichment; this is reflected in the fact that members of larger social strata tend always to get even more wealth, in other words they become greedy for money. This challenge is often absorbed through illegal actions in terms of acquiring capital, even through the most difficult forms of economic and organized crime. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  7. Unemployment • Unemployment has the greatest impact on the individual and his family; this can cause negative consequences for the whole community in terms of theft in order to meet certain needs, and it leads to deterioration of the individual's psychological state, which is characterized by insecurity, disappointment, confusion, which can lead to alcoholism, begging, prostitution... • Unemployment causes various reactions, naturally negative, which only relate to each other. A person who is capable of working and can not get a job, feels guilty and rejected, stops believing in the law and therefore cause crime. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  8. Unemployment in our country is expressed to a large extent, this can be seen at the Employment Service, where people have been registered in large numbers and have been waiting for any kind of job for years. • Criminologist D. Szabo pointed out that unemployment represents "a pressure with a finger on a weapon that opens the way to a criminal career." This is most reflected in minors who have failed to graduate from school and want to have all living conditions, and often engage in various criminal acts such as theft. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  9. Migration • Migration from the poor, less developed countries and disturbances of the affected regions of the world into more stable and richer countries is a global, centuries-old phenomenon. • Migration involves the movement of the population from a social and cultural environment with moral and customary norms into a new environment, where it meets the new moral and cultural standards. For this reason, it is considered that migration can lead to the emergence of a personality crisis, because there is a conflict between the old and the new system of values. These problems are adaptation, poor housing conditions, unemployment, which leads to criminal behavior. II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

  10. In conclusion, I would like to point out that these factors need to be given special attention and that all institutions must be joined in order to ensure that the security of the individual and the community is at an enviable level! II. International student conference „Safety in local communities-legal and criminological perspectives“’, Podgorica., 4 April 2018

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