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ALOHA & WELCOME TO MS. CHUN’S CLASS. 8-30-11 & 9-1-11. Please do the following:. 1. Quietly choose your seats wisely. 2. Take out SSR book & notebooks. 3. Be ready, be positive, & follow ALL TRIBES agreements . AGENDA 8-31-11 & 9/1/11. SSR/BN

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ALOHA & WELCOMETO MS. CHUN’S CLASS 8-30-11 & 9-1-11

  2. Please do the following: • 1. Quietly choose your seats wisely. • 2. Take out SSR book & notebooks. • 3. Be ready, be positive, & follow ALL TRIBES agreements

  3. AGENDA8-31-11 & 9/1/11 • SSR/BN • FLEE MAP: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION (using pages 256-257 in textbook) • EXIT PASS

  4. Breaking News 8-31-11 & 9-1-11(Left side of page 18) • Write a paragraph summarizing your reading in an exciting, shocking, or interesting way. • Write 2 questions that you have from your reading. What are you wondering about? • Pair/Share: • Peer evaluation-give a score for the following: • Breaking news content (interesting, shocking, exciting) • Communication skills • Inquiry/thinking skills (high level questions, relevance)

  5. Flee Map of Scientific Investigation • Use the textbook on pages 256-257 to write at least 3 detailed notes for each step in scientific investigation. • Pair/Share • Discuss the sequence, notes, and your thinking/ideas for each. • Add to your map.

  6. EXIT PASS8-31-11 or 9/1/11 • 1. What was the most interesting thing that you have learned so far in science class? • 2. What are some new connections that you have about science? • 3. What step in scientific investigation is the most important? Why do you think this is the most important step?

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