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Class Readiness Programme. SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SHIKSHA SADAN SEC 5 PANCHKULA (HARYANA). Class READINESS PROGRAMME. Engage Enhance Enrich. Why Need of CRP Arised ?. To increase strength of students in class. To know each child
Class READINESS PROGRAMME Engage Enhance Enrich
Why Need of CRP Arised? • To increase strength of students in class. • To know each child • To adjust in the new environment.
To Know The Child • The individual student is the target and focus of our whole education system. Hence, he must not be taken as granted. We must assess his/her individual needs as he is the most important person in a school premises. • His “Minimum Level Of Learning”. • His Strengths and Weaknesses • His Particular Interests and • What motivates him/her.
Adjust In New Environment • To make children familier with their new classroom environment. • To relate new syllabus with old one. • Balance between available resource and requirements • Assessment of HR and other infrastructure at school
What We Want To Achieve. • To attain the learning goal of class. • Impart education in stress free environment. • To provide maximum learning days as per RTE. • Utilization of available resources. • Synchronization between new and old curriculum.
Introduction to CRP • The “Classroom Readiness Program” is an ambitious programme by the department intended to make child more comfortable in school environment and utilize those initial days of session when attendance is very low.
What Type of Activities It Involves • The children will get a chance to participate in several activities like: book reading, quiz contests, yoga, movies, picnic etc. etc.
Time and Duration of Programme • Period : 25rdMarch To 30thMay • Timing : School Timings • Target : All government schools.
Proposed Activities Library Week Goal of this activity is to develop reading habit in the students. School should ensure that each student must be provided at least one book per day from the school library. It will develop friendliness for books in children. • Every Child should be provided at least one book per day. • Proper record should be maintained. • Children should note down good quotes, poems from books in their copies and collection such material will be appreciated by the teacher and incorporated in CCE. • Children should tell the story among class, which he read yesterday. This will also develop public speaking skills. Assessment will be recorded in CCE.
Proposed Activities Handwriting Week This activity will play an important role in student’s life. Many times we see that some intelligent students who get fail or get lesser marks because of poor handwriting. Once in every year, Handwriting Week is aimed to improve their writing skills i.e. Handwriting quality and speed. • Creative writing. • The material for writing can be dictated by teacher. • Intra class and inter class competitions may be held. • Winning students should be rewarded in morning assembly. • A special “praise letter” should be sent to his/her parents. (motivation)
Proposed Activities Yoga Session Yoga is the ancient and most wisdomfull science in this world. In today’s fast moving lifestyle a person must be aware of yoga techniques. Our motive is to let students practice yoga and enhance their mental and physical abilities. • Daily Yoga classes will be broadcasted through EduSat. • Teacher may supervise the students doing yoga. • Remember, Yoga must not be done in morning assembly or after mid day meal. • Mind focus and calming exercises should be taught to students.
Proposed Activities Accessing Learning Level • Teacher should try to access the “Minimum Learning Level” of each individual student and grade it between 1 to 10. • Then grouping of students should be done (Intelligent, medium and poor group) and then regroup them to learn from peers. • Teacher should access requirements of special or remedial coaching. • Assessment of CCE cards. Note : In first month of session i.e. April, students should come to school with their old books. Home Work will also be given from these books.
Proposed Activities Quest for Knowledge • Teacher should try to ignite the quest for attaining knowledge. • Students may be given names of Great Personalities like SriniwasRamanujan, APJ Abdul Kalam, ShivkarBapujiTalpade etc. (one name each week) and after one week, their should be quiz or test based on life history and work of that great personality. • But be cautious, no readymade material should be given to students. They can search internet, read library books, ask their parents etc. etc. whatever they want, but no readymade curriculum should be made available. • Sole target of this activity is to develop searching skills so that student will bot feel helpless in his/her higher studies when no one particular text book is available containg whole knowledge.
Proposed Activities Reasoning/English Class Sole purpose of this activity is to develop reasoning and analytical skills of student. This may also help him later in his career front. • Reasoning / Analytical ability / Numerical ability may be practiced. • Basic englishgrammer and sentence making can also be taught. • Listening of English audio to develop the listening skill.
Proposed Activities Educational Tours Educational tours are aimed at making studentns aware of the government / social system around them (in which they are living). • Tour to local factories / industries may be organized. • Students may be taken to a bank where a teacher will guide them about how to operate a bank account i.e. how to deposit, how to withdraw, what is an ATM card etc. etc. • Same may be done for Post Offices also for postal services. • Local hospitals, parks, grain market, sabjimandi, bus stand, railway station may also be visited. • A police officer may be called to visit the school and do interaction with children about road safety and other children related issued. This will convert “Horrible Police into Police Uncle.”
Proposed Activities Communication Skills Communication skills are the most vital tool at career front. A person can grow as high as his communication skills are. • Assign the students practical exercises of communication like telling a visitor who is standing at railway platform about “how to reach my school”. • Dialing a phone, picking a phone and greeting etc. • How to treat with guests, officers, seniors etc. etc. • Public speaking skills, seminar and presentation skills may be developed. • Personal relationship building skills can be developed.
Proposed Activities Moral Boosting Character, not the knowledge makes a nation better. In today’s age wee see students who are intelligent enough or even brilliant but morally down. How can we expect those students to build a super power Bhaarat. • NGOs like Patanjali or Swami Vivekanand Mission etc. may be called to organized Character Building Camps in schools.(Ladwa block in Kurukshetra Project) • Inspiring and motivating movies can be broadcasted on edusat.
Proposed Activities GK and Oral Learning • GK session in every class for at least one hour per day (as per need and level of class). • Oral learning like alphabets, counting, tables etc. • GK Quiz competitions ate section, class and school level.
Proposed Activities Self Expression Activities • Activities like Dancing, Music, Clay Modeling, Collage Making, Cooking etc. • All activities under SSA and RMSA which are related to above topics may be imparted during the CRP. • The students who stood first in state and district level competition may be called as a trainer in neighbourhood schools to organize such activities.
Proposed Activities Increasing Knowledge • Activities like Seed Gathering etc. (which increase child’s knowledge). • Picture collection, plant leaves collection dak ticket ,coins etc. • Daily news should be written on a common notice board by students. • In morning assembly a student (different student per day) should read daily news. • Grant for Two Newspapers per school for two months will be given.
Film Festival • Timing 11.00 AM To 1.00 PM • Just after MDM • Children films, Inspiring telefilms etc. • Films related to CWSN. • Bharat EkKhoj • Meena Videos • Awareness and motivational videos e.g. APJ Abdul Kalam
Lots of innovative ideas and teacher invlvement Togather WE CAN TOGATHER We will Thanks to all of listening us peacefully