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PHONOSTYLISTICS AND SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. Prepared by : Lidia Poor. INTRODUCTION. Do the learners acquire the phonostylistylistic (style – dependent ) process of foreign casual speach ? What is the underlying mechnism of this acquisition process ?

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  2. INTRODUCTION • Do the learners acquire the phonostylistylistic (style – dependent ) process of foreign casual speach ? • What is the underlying mechnism of this acquisition process ? • Is it universal for all learners ? LIDIA POOR & CO.

  3. L1 vs. L2 Natural Phonology . • The acquisition of L2 phonology . • The most important factors in acquiring a lg . • Formal vs. natural setting . • Formal vs. casual style . • The character of speech situation . • Speed • Attention LIDIA POOR & CO.

  4. HYPOTHESISL1 vs. L2 Natural Phonology • Native phonological system is confronted with foreign lg requirements . • L1 processes are subconsciously applied by the learner to L2 strings which results in inteference in L2. LIDIA POOR & CO.

  5. The acquisition of L2 phonology • It can be questioned on at least two grounds . • It is conditioned by a multitude of socio – psychological factors . • L2 processes aquire the status of rules and do not apply in uncontrolled speech e.g. in slips of the tongue . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  6. The most important factors in acquiring a lg • The attitude of a learner . • The purpose of learning . • The aptitude of a learner . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  7. The nature of the acquisition mechanism LIDIA POOR & CO.

  8. Formal vs. casual style • The learner tries to decipher the foreign lg intention level . • The casual speech is masking the underlying intention . • So , the biggest gap between production and intention exists in casual speech. LIDIA POOR & CO.

  9. Underlying intention formal GAP Levels of formality casual Production LIDIA POOR & CO.

  10. The character of speech situation It depends on : • The topic of conversation . • The relationship with the interlocutor . • The place of conversation . • The personal characteristics of the speaker . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  11. Speed • The higher the attention level , the lower the speed . • High speed implies the application of assimilatory processes . • But the presence of those processes doesn’t mean that the utterances have been produced with high speed . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  12. Pragmatically Syntagmatically Attention it varies: LIDIA POOR & CO.

  13. EXPERIMENT • The purpose of the experiment was to examine the learners’ use of casual speach processes . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  14. a test drive ten pounds good bye What you want ? cap and gown Don’t miss your train . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  15. CONCLUSIONSNatives vs. foreigners . NATIVE SPEAKERS • Generally applied fewer processes than foreigners – the situation wasn’t casual enough . • Speed also had no influence – they spoke quickly but attentively . • The only phonostylistic processes all of them applied were : nasal assimilation in triumph palatalization in What you want ? . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  16. FOREIGNERS • Used more casual speech processes . • It proves the lack of precise differentiation - the learner puts into practice whatever he has learned no matter the circumstantes . LIDIA POOR & CO.

  17. The end ☺ LIDIA POOR & CO.

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