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The way to Japan’s Revival. GSR / Embassy of Switzerland – Tokyo Science &Technology Division May 2002. WHAT THE WORLD SEES 0.89% Growth of GDP over the last decade (FY01 GDP decrease 1%) 130% proportion of public debt to total GDP $276 mia. Value of bad bank loans outstanding
The way to Japan’s Revival GSR / Embassy of Switzerland – Tokyo Science &Technology Division May 2002
WHAT THE WORLD SEES 0.89% Growth of GDP over the last decade (FY01 GDP decrease 1%) 130% proportion of public debt to total GDP $276 mia. Value of bad bank loans outstanding Deflation Depression syndrome A Rapidly Aging society WHAT JAPAN SEES 12.1% Savings rate, one of the world-s highest: Japan public savings = $11 trio 5.5% Unemployement, one of the world’s lowest $33’840 Average individual gross income $400 Mia in foreign currencies, world’largest reserve Different perceptions, indeed!
Si le Japon était un village de 1000 habitants… • 511 seraient des femmes et 489 des hommes • 10 étrangers vivraient dans ce village • 506 habitants travailleraient: 297 hommes 209 femmes dont 423 dans les entreprises (50 dans le secteur de la construction) et 34 dans l’administration • 55 seraient au chômage • 46 habitants auraient moins de 4 ans, et 179 plus de 65 ans • Et dans 50 ans ce village ne comptera plus que… 791 habitants!
Quelques caractéristiques de la société nippone • Une société basée sur: • L’harmonie et l’unité – l’égalitarisme – la poursuite du consensus • La société japonaise n’est pas fondée sur l’individu mais sur les relations entre individus • La coopération des individus – importance primordiale du groupe (responsabilité partagée) • La fidélité à une organisation (contrat réciproque: emploi à vie) • Le respect de la séniorité – hiérarchie - tradition
Japan Competitiveness • Japan is gliding down the world competitiveness ranking established by the IMD: in 2002, Japan is 30th (among 49 countries)! just in front of China... Japan seems to lack an attractive business climatein terms of: heavy costs, reputation of a closed society, excess regulations and v. heavy bureaucracy, lack of internationally minded skilled people.
Foreign Direct Investment • end of FY2000: total FDI inward stock $50 bn equivalent to 12% of GDP (UK: 34%, US: 30%) • FDI inward flow for FY2000 6 times greater than the figure for FY92 • Ratio of FDI stock outward / inward = 5.5 Very high! (1.9 in UK, 1.4 FR, 0.9 in US) • FY92: outw.flow/ inw. flow= 8.4FY2000: 1.7 • 5 times more M&A in 2000 than in 1996
Japanese Strength in Technology • Technology Exports: ca.$8 bnTechnology Imports: ca.$3 bn => Technology Trade Balance = 2.39, the largest in history (in comparison USA, TTB = 0.85) • World’s largest number of patents • #people involved in R&D activities: ca.1 mio, = 16/1000 labor force, one of the highest ratio in the world • Ratio of R&D expenditures ($125 bn) against GDP = 3.18%, the largest in history (in comp. USA = 2.6%)
PRESENT CHALLENGES FOR JAPAN • Paradigm shift:> from “catch up” to “front-runner” (->basic sciences) • Mounting competition from China & SE Asia>increase high tech industries • Compatibility to the new global economy >New human management necessary! • Increase its industrial competitiveness>deregulate, stimulate private sector R&D (tax breaks, restructurate certain industrial sectors), improve transfer of technology Academia-Ind.-Government • Reform the Education System: promote competition, cultivate creativity & individuality
Knowledge Creating Industries Driving Forces for Economic Growth Light Industries: Semiconductors PCs Heavy Industries: Chemical; Shipbuilding SMILE Knowledge Intensive CyberTechnology Biotechnology Nanotechnology Capital Intensive Labor Intensive industries Pre-Modern Era 50’s - 60’s 70’s - 80’s 21st Century
SMILE! • S for Systemization and integration • M for Materials and nanosciences • I for Information • L for Life Sciences • E for Environment
Major Aimsof Governmental Reform • Making the central government smaller by merger of ministries e.g. Merger of Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture and STA • Strengthening function of PM's Office Making leadership of PM stronger Three Ministers of State Council for Economy and Finance Council for S&T Policy
Prime Minister Science and Technology Administration in Japan Cabinet Office for basic policy and general coordination on important for cabinet Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Council for Science and Technology Policy Atomic Energy Commission Science Vice- Minister Parliamentary Secretary Nuclear Safety Commission Director-General Bureau of Science and Technology Policy Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Post and Telecommunications Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare National Universities and Laboratories Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries National Research Institutes Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry of the Environment
April 96 to March 01TARGET > Doubling spending public money on R&D: commitment to invest Yen 17 trillion ($150 billion) in R&D over this 5 year period !!! April 01 to March 06TARGETS > Half of govt. research funds earmarked for basic research should go to curiosity-oriented research> Double the amount of “competitive funds” (from 9% to 18%) S&T POLICYFive-year Basic Science &Technology Plans
S&T POLICYSecond Science & Technology Basic Plan Three major goals: • The promotion of science, with an emphasis on contributions to the world through scientific knowledge • Ensuring a safe, healthy life for the japanese people • Achieving sustainable economic development through technological innovation
S&T POLICY2nd Science & Technology Basic Plan Adopting a strategic approach to government research investments: • Promoting Basic research • Focus on R&D responding national and social issues: 4 highly prioritized areas Life sciences, Health and Medical treatment Information and Telecommunications, Environmental Science, Nanotechnology and Materials
S&T POLICY2nd Science & Technology Basic Plan Reforming the S&T systems • Building competitive research environment • Improving university facilities • Improving evaluation system • Enhancing young researcher’s independence and mobility • Promoting cooperation among academic, industrial and governmental research sectors • Enhancing communications with society
Governmental Budget on S&T • FY 2002: 3.539 Trillion Yen (SFr. 45 Mia) • FY 2001: 3.469 Trillion Yen • Second S&T Basic Plan (FY 2001 - 2005): Aims at Spending 24 Trillion Yen (ca. SFr. 300 Mia) over the next 5 years
Japan R&D Expenditures(FY2000)$125 bn(+1,7% from FY99)ca. 3.2% GDP Performers Sources
Government R&D ExpendituresEvolution over last decade(in 100 bn Yen)
Contents 1. Universities in Japan 2. Timeline of Transfer to Independent Admin Body 3. Toyama Plan: Guideline for University Reform by MEXT 4. Alliances among Universities 5. New HR System, New Organizations at Univ 6. Competitive Funds 7. Industry-Academia Cooperation 8. TLO’s and MOT 9. Future Issues for Universities in Japan
1. Universities in Japan:(1) Education • 49% of eligible students proceed to univ. • 101 national universities and colleges • 496 private universities - educating 70% of nation’s students • 66 regional universities • All national universities offer Master’s, 80 of them offer Ph.D.
1. University in Japan: (2) Research • Universities spent 1.99 trillion yen in R&D in FY 2000 • 251 venture companies emerged from universities by Aug 2001 • Very few licensed patents: Univ. account for 20% of nation’s R&D expenditures and employ 35% of country’s researchers but were granted only 161 patents in FY2000
1. University in Japan: (3) Collaboration with industryDomestic • Collaboration still very much based on individual networks (a professor – company resonance): informal and consultative. • R&D funds paid by Jap. companies to Japanese Univ. increased from 38,4 bn Yen in FY96 to 73 bn Yen in FY99; 65% going to national universities
1. University in Japan: (3) Collaboration with industryInternational Industry increasingly outsourcing R&D abroad Unit: $ mio FY99
2. Timeline for Transition to Independent Administrative Bodies • March 2002: MEXT issued Final Report on Study of Privatization of National Universities: “On New Form of National Universities” • FY 2004: Transfer all national universities to the independent administrative bodies • Mergers and realignment of universities to be done by FY 2004
3. Toyama Plan: Guideline by MEXT for Univ. Reform • Promote consolidation and realignment of universities • Revitalize universities • Introduce private sector’s competition theory • Prompt transfer to independent admin bodies • Introduce competitions via third-party evaluation • Elevate the level of Japanese universities: Top 30 universities in Japan to be world top class
3. Toyama Plan: TOP 30 Program for Universities • Select top 30 universities in 10 fields • Nurture the top 30 universities to the world class, by competition via evaluation and prioritized resource allocation (between yen 100 mio and Yen 500 mio/year/Univ.) Goals: 1) World-class environment and system for research & education, 2) Internationally competitive HR, 3) Contribution to the society
4. Alliances among Universities • 75 out of 101 considering consolidations/ alliance with other universities • 9 cases already reached agreement to merge • Consolidations tend to be based on geography and on academic fields • Some universities determined to stay on their own (Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies etc.,)
4. Local Alliances (Number of National Universities as of April 2002) Hokkaido (7) Okinawa (1) Chubu (22) Chugoku (6) Tohoku (7) Kinki (15) Kyushu (14) Kanto (20) Shikoku (7)
5. New Management System for Universities • More Teaching staff from outside organization, industry, and abroad • HR Management based on merits and abilities • Increase Tenure Track Professors • Independence for parts of universities (Business Schools, Law Schools) • Increased Transparency • Evaluation by the Third Party Organization
6. Competitive Funds(1) Govt Scheme • 2nd S&T Basic Plan: Goal to double competitive funds • 30% Overhead to be secured within competitive funds • Reform Planning on Competitive Funds at CSTP
Research funds on open and competitive-proposal basis 1$=130yen (Bil $) [+6.4%] [+10.0%] [+13.5%] [+12.5%] [+7.6%] [+27.0%]
6. Competitive Funds (2) MEXT MEXT has 5 major platforms of competitive funds; 1. Grants-in-aid for S&T 2. Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) 3. Special Coordination Fund for Promotion of S&T 4. Research for the Future Program 5. Funding for Innovative Technology Development Project
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation (1)Laws to facilitate tech transfer 1998: “Law for Promotion of Technology Transfer from Universities” (Nat’l univs can establish TLOs 2000: Law to Strengthen Industrial Technological Ability 2000: Change in rules for professors at national univ.: now possible to take up executive positions in companies 2001: Ease Patent Law for National University Researchers
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation (2)Law to be facilitated • Professors will be able to obtain equities such as stock options as remuneration from their venture companies (2002) • Ceiling on compensation money for inventions will be removed (2002)
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation (3)Government Initiatives • Toyama Plan (MEXT; June 2001) • Corporatize 700 patents at Univ in 5 years • Create 10 “Silicon Valleys” in 10 years • Hiranuma Plan (METI; May 2001) • Venture Companies 1000 in 3 years • 10 Fold Patents from Univ in 10 Years
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation (4) Technology Licensing Offices • 27 TLOs as of April 2002 • Domestic Patent Application through TLOs: 1306 cases as of Sept. 2001 (740 in Dec 2000) • 263 Venture companies from Univ. • FY 2002 METI will invest 47.7 billion yen , MEXT 32.4 billion, in academia-industry cooperation
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation (5) Local Intellectual Clusters • Launch FY 2002 ~ by MEXT • 5-year program, 6 billion yen annually • To make national universities CORES of industrial clusters for innovation • Boost local economy via cooperation with industry • 10 Clusters will be launched in FY 2002
Sapporo: IT Kobe: Med Sendai: IT Hiroshima: Bio Kyoto: Nanotech Kita Kyushu : IT(LSI) Nagano/Ueda : Nanotech Hamamatsu: Opto-Electronics Fukuoka: IT Osaka Area : Biomedicine Takamatsu: Bio Keihanna: IT/Genome 7. (5) Intellectual Clusters
7. Industry-Academia Cooperation(6) TLO + MoT TLO: Transit Point of Technology Demand for More Comprehensive System Management of Technology (MoT) • 13 universities are considering establishing Management of Technology programs as of March 2002.
Life Science Budget FY02By Ministry • Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry US$207 Million • Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor US$812.7 Million • Ministry of Education and Science US$1619.2 Million • Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Forest US$123.07 Million • Ministry of Environment US$30.5 Million
Bio Ventures in Japan 2010 (Target) September 2001 1000 ~1998 The National Strategy for IndustrialBiotechnologies 250 60 Source: Presentation by Japan Bioindustry Association