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  1. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS A reflexive verb is a verb whose action refers back to the subject, such as “I hurt myself ” or “They enjoyed themselves”. Reflexive verbs are always accompanied by a reflexive pronoun: mi, ti, si, ci, vi, si. The verb itself is conjugated according to the tense and the subject. Here is the present tense of the verb divertirsi, which means to enjoy oneself.

  2. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS Examples: Vidivertite in classe?  Do you all enjoy yourselves in class? Cidivertiamoquandoparliamo.  We enjoy ourselves/We have fun when we talk. Lei prima vesteilsuo bambino e poi siveste.  First she dresses her son and then she dresses herself/she gets dressed.

  3. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS Reflexive verbs are more common in Italian than in English. Many Italian reflexives express ideas that are not normally expressed reflexively in English. Examples: Gianni sialzaalleotto.  Gianni gets up (raiseshimself) at eight o’clock. Poi siveste.  Then he gets dressed (dresseshimself). Poi simette a studiare.  Then he begins to study. (Then he putshimself to study.)

  4. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS Here is a list of some common reflexive verbs in Italian:

  5. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS Examples: (sentirsi) Come visentite, signori?  How are you feeling? Cisentiamo molto meglio, grazie.  We’re feeling much better, thank you. (preoccuparsi) Mipreoccupodimiofiglio, chesiannoia a scuola.  I’m worried about my son, who gets bored at school.

  6. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS The reflexive pronoun generally comes before the conjugated verb.In the infinitive form, it is usually attached to the end of the infinitive, which drops the final –e. Examples: Non sifermaa Padova.  He’s not stopping in Padova. Preferiscefermarsi a Ferrara.  He prefers to stop in Ferrara. Viaddormentatepresto?  Do you fall asleep early? Cercatediaddormentarvi presto.  Try to fall asleep early.

  7. I VERBI RIFLESSIVI -> REFLEXIVE VERBS In the passatoprossimo, reflexive verbs always take the auxiliary verb essere. The past participle agrees with the subject. Examples: Paola sièsvegliataallesei.  Paola woke up at six. Le ragazzesisonolavate.  The girls washed themselves. Cisiamomessi a studiare.  We started studying.

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