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Make a difference for free: TheHungerSite & Kiva

Help charities & entrepreneurs for free at TheHungerSite & Kiva. Click daily, fund loans, change lives. No spam, just impact. Join today!

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Make a difference for free: TheHungerSite & Kiva

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  1. WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO GOOD FOR FREE? Yes? Then www.TheHungerSite.com is for you

  2. www.thehungersite.com

  3. Started in June 1999 Monies generated from advertising by site sponsors Has expanded to five (5) other charities: Breast Cancer Animal Rescue Childrens’ Health Rain Forest Literacy Each site has a charity partner who receives/distributes generated funds; national and/or international partners You can click once a day, every day Takes two (2) minutes a day max Site doesn’t sell your address to anyone else You won’t get emails/letters asking for more donations www.TheHungerSite.com

  4. RESULTS FOR 2007 Hunger 53.6 million cups given Rain Forest 10,155 acres saved Animal 42.7 million bowls of food Childrens’ 657,619 helped Rescue Health Literacy 328,072 Books delivered Breast 7,151 Cancer mammograms

  5. Kiva operates on the principle of microloans Started in March 2005 in Uganda when 7 business were posted on the website requesting a total of $3,500. Six months later every loan had been repaid. This experience proved it was possible to lend to the poor over the Internet. “Entrepreneurs” request loans through in-country partners Kiva lenders (you and me) donate $25 to one or more entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs receive funds, establish/ expand their business and eventually repay the loans Once the loan is repaid, the lender can ask to be repaid or relend to another entrepreneur WWW.KIVA.ORGDoes actually require money, BUT you can get it back it you wish Kiva has recently been highlighted in Bill Clinton’s book, Giving, and on Oprah. As a result, thousands of new members have loaned monies and funded all entrepreneurs. More entrepreneurs are being added daily.

  6. Website contains lots of info on: • in-country partners • repayment rates, loan default rates (less than .2% overall) • local factors affecting repayments such as crop failures, widespread disease (e.g., HIV/AIDS), • national factors such as large currency devaluation, or political instability, or natural disasters

  7. Statistics (as of Februrary 24, 2008) Total value of all loans: $23,264,960 # of Kiva Lenders: 254,978 # of loans funded through Kiva.org: 34,844 # of Kiva Field Partners (microfinance institutions Kiva.org partners with): 83 # of countries Kiva Field Partners are located in: 41 Current repayment rate (all partners): 99.88% Current default rate (all partners): 0.12% Avg size of loan for funding: $ 552.22 Avg total amount loaned per Kiva Lender (includes reloaned funds): $ 91.45 Avg number of loans per Kiva Lender: 2.37

  8. Anyone can give a little which when combined with all the other ‘littles’ can change the world. • With TheHungerSite, it’s 2 minutes of your time • With Kiva.org, it’s a small amount of money.

  9. GO OUT THERE AND GET CLICKING • www.Kiva.org • AND • www.thehungersite.com

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