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Magnacom Sales Training June 1, 2001. Steven Greenberg Director of Online Marketing. HARK! Competitive Overview. Contents. Competitive Landscape Primary Differentiators “Top Five” Competitors Review Other Competitors Review Keywords. Competitive Landscape. Extranet Access Control.
Magnacom Sales Training June 1, 2001 Steven GreenbergDirector of Online Marketing HARK! Competitive Overview HARK! Competitive Overview
Contents • Competitive Landscape • Primary Differentiators • “Top Five” Competitors Review • Other Competitors Review • Keywords HARK! Competitive Overview
Competitive Landscape Extranet Access Control Internal Access Control Security Management HARK! Texar CA – eTrust – A.C Securant BMC – Control-SA Oblix Access360 AppGate Securant Netegrity Aventail CrossLogix OpenNetwork Conclave SYSTOR - SAM HARK! Competitive Overview
Primary Differentiators HARK! is… Our Competitors offer Automated – time & resource saving Manual – resource-intensive, hidden costs, time consuming Lengthy, complex & costlyimplementation and integration Easy to implement – cost effective and FAST Intelligent & accurate– discovery algorithms allow highly-granular permissions based on actual network usage Guesswork – requires rough grouping of users, resulting in coarse & inaccurate permission granularity, and more permissions than necessary HARK! Competitive Overview
Competitors Review • Computer Associates • Access360 • BMC • Securant • Texar More on these companies on the “Competitor Brief” handout HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: CAProduct: eTrust Access Control FACTS Issue Fact Founded in 1976, CA boasts over $6 billion in revenue for the fiscal year 2000, with 18,000 employees. They have offices in countries all over the world. Who Are They? Part of eTrust enterprise package - including access control, authentication, authorization, administration, auditing, real-time monitoring, central point of management, single user ID and password. The Product Difficult and complex implementation – takes at least three months to get up and running – requires heavy resource commitment. Top Business Differentiators • Requires manual permissions configuration • No real-time alerting • Limited platform support (NT/UNIX Only) • Slows network traffic Top Technological Differentiators HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: CAProduct: eTrust Access Control Q/A They Ask Your Answer Could Be… CA is a well-known name in security software – and eTrust is a comprehensive package for enterprise security. However, eTrust Access Control could not be considered “best of breed.” With Camelot, you get BOTH a best-of-breed technology and a dynamic company committed to supporting its customers. Who Are They? eTrust Access Control is part of a package that encompasses all aspects of network security. They don’t specialize in automated access control, or have the resource saving discovery algorithms. With Hark!, you get state of the art technology that actually SAVES you money. What do they have? What differentiates Hark! (Business)? There is a hidden cost when you buy eTrust – it takes at least 3 months to install, and involves expensive and imprecise manual permissions configuration. Hark! can be up and running in a matter of hours, and can do the permissions configuration for you. What differentiates Hark! (Technical)? eTrust requires manual permissions configuration, and is difficult to master. Its architecture actually slows network traffic (because each access attempt requires the system to refer to the permissions table, which CA saves in the user mode, whereas Hark! operates solely in kernel level filter mode for real-time response) and it doesn't alert you to access violations in real-time. HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: Access360Product: enRole FACTS Issue Fact Access360 was founded in 1999 and has received $69 million in funding; they have 260 employees and consider themselves a resource provisioning company. Who Are They? enRole is a centralized resource management system that matches users with access rights, and automatically sets up accounts on a wide variety of computing systems and applications. The Product enRole is complimentary to Hark! – since it is not an access control product. Access360 is not a competitor – and they have even passed on potential access control customers to Camelot! Top Business Differentiators • Coarse granularity – application/server level only • No real-time alerting • Communication between elements is not encrypted • No discovery algorithms Top Technological Differentiators HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: Access360Product: enRole Q/A They Ask Your Answer Could Be… Access 360 is not marketing itself as a security company. Their product doesn’t encrypt traffic. They’re not a competitor, per se. Who Are They? They’ve got a good system for resource provisioning – but if you want to control exactly which user accesses which resource – they’ll tell you to look elsewhere. What do they have? What differentiates Hark! (Business)? enRole is not a competing product – it’s complimentary. It’s not access control. In fact, Camelot has received access control sales referrals from Access360 in the past. What differentiates Hark! (Technical)? enRole is not access control. HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: BMCProduct: Control-SA FACTS Issue Fact BMC was founded in 1980. BMC Software has $1.7 billion in revenue and employs over 7,000 employees in offices in 50 major markets around the globe. Who Are They? Control-SA is a security management product, and enables management of all enterprise security systems from a central point of control. The Product Control-SA is not an access control product – but rather a security management product, which centralizes management of server permissions. Top Business Differentiators • Not access control • Difficult implementation • VERY expensive – few $100K’s • Less than 150 units sold Top Technological Differentiators HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: BMCProduct: Control-SA Q/A They Ask Your Answer Could Be… BMC is a well-known software vendor. BMC is used to HUGE sales; they have not innovated beyond slow, labor-intensive implementations. Who Are They? Control-SA is not an automated access control product. Control-SA uses imprecise, built-in operating system access control tools. It centralizes management – but requires labor-intensive manual definition of access permissions. What do they have? What differentiates Hark! (Business)? Control-SA is not an automated access control product. It lacks Hark!’s adaptive capabilities and it can not respond to security policies in real-time. It involves tremendous cost and implementation. Control-SA is not an access control product. It relies on OS-based access control permissions, and does not automatically define access rights. What differentiates Hark! (Technical)? HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: SecurantProduct: ClearTrust FACTS Issue Fact Founded in 1995, privately-held Securant grew from 40 to 200 employees in the last 2 years and received $31 million last year in extra funding. Who Are They? Controls user access to web-based resources including applications, content and transactions. An enterprise access control and security management system that incorporates single sign-on, authorization, authentication and auditing capabilities. The Product ClearTrust is a comprehensive tool – but still lacks Hark!s primary advantage – automation. ClearTrust requires labor-intensive manual permission configuration. Top Business Differentiators • No automatic permissions configuration • Poor granularity of permissions definition • No File Server protection • No alerting • Expensive – 150K$ + $20/user • Role-based access control ONLY Top Technological Differentiators HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: SecurantProduct: ClearTrust Q/A They Ask Your Answer Could Be… ClearTrust is a solid product – and Securant already has some sales under their belt. What they don’t have is Network Intelligence. Camelot’s automated access control, based on this unique technology, makes all the difference to resource-strapped companies. Who Are They? There’s really nothing that ClearTurst can’t do for an organization. However, if you are thinking of purchasing Securant, you should ask yourself if you are willing to invest the time and manpower to configure and manage access permissions across your organization. What do they have? Simply put, ClearTrust can do with web servers and web applications everything that Hark! does – but it’s much more expensive, and has a serious hidden cost – resource-intensive manual access permissions configuration. Hark! lets you put your resources to better use, and that saves your organization money in the short and long term. What differentiates Hark! (Business)? ClearTrust focuses on access control to web servers & web applications. However, there are other – very significant – information resources in organizations. Hark! protects the heart of enterprise – your fileservers – and with the Hark! Development Kit (HDK), protects your web-based resources, too. What differentiates Hark! (Technical)? HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: TexarProduct: SecureRealms FACTS Issue Fact Founded in 1998, Texar is based in Ottawa with sales offices in NC and CA. Although they doubled their size in the last year to 80, it looks like they might be looking for more financing. SecureRealms was just released this April. Who Are They? SecureRealms works by dynamically creating trusted, virtual realms - a closed community of business partners whom are given the right to selectively access information from member servers according to the policies or rules that are defined by the information owner. The Product Texar is a young company and their technology is innovative. However, they are still in development and haven’t yet established a 24/7 support center. They also lack Hark!s primary advantage – resource-saving automation. Top Business Differentiators • No redundancy – single point of failure access • Not all communications encrypted • Slows network traffic • No automatic permissions configuration Top Technological Differentiators HARK! Competitive Overview
Company: TexarProduct: SecureRealms Q/A They Ask Your Answer Could Be… Texar is an up-and-coming company with a promising product, but their technology is still in developmental stages, as is their company infrastructure. They haven’t yet established a 24/7 support center. Camelot is already well into version 1.3 and has a two year technological advantage. Who Are They? Without Hark!s automatic access permissions definition, the infrastructure and experience to compete for enterprise clients, or even a secure system architecture, SecureRealms will be long in development before it will truly compete with Hark!. What do they have? What differentiates Hark! (Business)? SecureRealms lacks Hark!s resource-saving automation – which means you spend more money in the short and the long term. Texar still lacks the infrastructure and experience to compete for enterprise clients. Camelot’s two year advantage means that Hark! is stable, tested and that the bugs have been worked out already. SecureRealms technology appears compelling on paper – but there are some big security holes that are typical of beta phase products. Some of their traffic is not encrypted, they’ve got some redundancy issues, and SecureRealms actually slows your network response speed. What differentiates Hark! (Technical)? HARK! Competitive Overview
Other Competitors Review - I IBM (Tivoli) Part of a family of products - you can't just buy access control. Requires manual permissions configuration. Checkpoint Not a competitor – they don’t do access control. Cisco Protects only their own devices, requires manual permissions configuration. Symantec UNIX only. No high granularity. Requires manual permissions configuration. Netegrity Does not protect file servers - only web-based applications. Requires manual permissions configuration. Oblix Protects web servers, not file servers. No high granularity and alerting. Requires manual permissions configuration. Primary Differentiator Name HARK! Competitive Overview
C A M E L O T Go Compete. Network Secure. HARK! Competitive Overview