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Table of Contents. Military Service Obligation (MSO)Navy Reserve CompositionIndividual Ready Reserve ResponsibilitiesNavy Knowledge Online (NKO)IRR ParticipationIRR BenefitsActive Duty for Training (ADT)MobilizationSELRES Opportunities. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93). PERS-93 - IRR Force M
1. Understanding the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93)
Millington, TN This brief is provided to explain your responsibilities and benefits as a member of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). This brief is provided to explain your responsibilities and benefits as a member of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR).
2. Table of Contents Military Service Obligation (MSO)
Navy Reserve Composition
Individual Ready Reserve Responsibilities
Navy Knowledge Online (NKO)
IRR Participation
IRR Benefits
Active Duty for Training (ADT)
SELRES Opportunities The following topics will be discussed during this briefing. Please feel free to ask questions throughout the presentation.The following topics will be discussed during this briefing. Please feel free to ask questions throughout the presentation.
3. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93) PERS-93 - IRR Force Management, Mobilizations, and Muster Division
Manages the IRR
Primary point of contact for IRR Sailors
(800) 535-2699 (Call Center) The mission of PERS-93 is to manage the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). PERS-93 provides support for reenlistments/extensions, requests for mobilization, ADT orders processing, annual IRR virtual screening, personnel record updates, and the annual physical muster. The best way to reach PERS-93 is to contact an IRR counselor by dialing 1-800-535-2699.The mission of PERS-93 is to manage the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). PERS-93 provides support for reenlistments/extensions, requests for mobilization, ADT orders processing, annual IRR virtual screening, personnel record updates, and the annual physical muster. The best way to reach PERS-93 is to contact an IRR counselor by dialing 1-800-535-2699.
4. Military Service Obligation (MSO) Your MSO is EIGHT years
Based upon your Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD)
Applies to every service member
Mandated by Federal law (Title 10, US Code)
Upon separation from Active Duty, your remaining MSO is served in the Ready Reserve
Officers must resign reserve commission AFTER completing their MSO to be separated from IRR
Enlisted personnel in good standing may reenlist or extend to remain in IRR
Your MSO date is listed in Block 6 on your DD 214 or initial service contract Every member of the uniformed services has an 8-year Minimum Service Obligation (MSO). This is federal law and was stipulated in your contract when you entered active duty.
If you did not complete 8 years of service while on active duty, you must finish the remainder of your MSO in the Ready Reserve. This can be done either in a drilling status (i.e., Selected Reserve or Voluntary Training Unit) or a non-drilling status (i.e., IRR). If you have MSO remaining when you discharge from active duty and you choose not to join the drilling Navy Reserve, you are automatically placed in the IRR until the expiration of your Minimum Service Obligation. Officers should keep in mind that at the expiration of their MSO, they do not automatically lose their commission. This is the case even if they are not in a drilling status. Officers must resign their commission to separate from the Navy Reserve after their MSO expires.Every member of the uniformed services has an 8-year Minimum Service Obligation (MSO). This is federal law and was stipulated in your contract when you entered active duty.
If you did not complete 8 years of service while on active duty, you must finish the remainder of your MSO in the Ready Reserve. This can be done either in a drilling status (i.e., Selected Reserve or Voluntary Training Unit) or a non-drilling status (i.e., IRR). If you have MSO remaining when you discharge from active duty and you choose not to join the drilling Navy Reserve, you are automatically placed in the IRR until the expiration of your Minimum Service Obligation. Officers should keep in mind that at the expiration of their MSO, they do not automatically lose their commission. This is the case even if they are not in a drilling status. Officers must resign their commission to separate from the Navy Reserve after their MSO expires.
5. Sample DD Form 214 Every service member receives a DD 214 when separating from active duty. On block six (highlighted with the red box), the member can find the date when their MSO expires. Service members must either join the Selected Reserve, VTU, or finish the remainder of their obligation in the IRR. Once that commitment has been met, enlisted members have completed their obligation to the military. As discussed previously, officers must submit a letter of resignation in order to be separated from the IRR even after their MSO is complete.Every service member receives a DD 214 when separating from active duty. On block six (highlighted with the red box), the member can find the date when their MSO expires. Service members must either join the Selected Reserve, VTU, or finish the remainder of their obligation in the IRR. Once that commitment has been met, enlisted members have completed their obligation to the military. As discussed previously, officers must submit a letter of resignation in order to be separated from the IRR even after their MSO is complete.
6. Navy Reserve Composition This chart provides a breakdown of the Navy Reserve Force. Starting on the far right, the red box is the Navy Reserves retired pool. The yellow box indicates the Inactive Standby Reserve (USNR-S2) status. In this status, members cannot earn points nor promote. This is the category in which members are placed if they do not meet the minimum participation requirements while in the IRR. The USNR-S1 status of the Standby Reserve is dedicated to Key Federal Employees and IRR members who have verified hardships. The Ready Reserve is indicated in the green which is made of Full Time Support (FTS), Selected Reserve (SELRES), and the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Comprised of approximately 45% of the Ready Reserve, the IRR contains the Volunteer Training Unit (VTU) - where members drill in a non-pay status, the Merchant Marines (MMIRRG), and the non-drilling Active Status Pool (ASP). You are in the ASP of the IRR.This chart provides a breakdown of the Navy Reserve Force. Starting on the far right, the red box is the Navy Reserves retired pool. The yellow box indicates the Inactive Standby Reserve (USNR-S2) status. In this status, members cannot earn points nor promote. This is the category in which members are placed if they do not meet the minimum participation requirements while in the IRR. The USNR-S1 status of the Standby Reserve is dedicated to Key Federal Employees and IRR members who have verified hardships. The Ready Reserve is indicated in the green which is made of Full Time Support (FTS), Selected Reserve (SELRES), and the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR). Comprised of approximately 45% of the Ready Reserve, the IRR contains the Volunteer Training Unit (VTU) - where members drill in a non-pay status, the Merchant Marines (MMIRRG), and the non-drilling Active Status Pool (ASP). You are in the ASP of the IRR.
7. Individual Ready Reserve No drills, but participation IS required
All members may be eligible for:
Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW)
Funeral Honors Duty (FHD)
Mobilization or Recall to Active Duty
Retirement points
Officers are automatically considered for promotion
Enlisted personnel are not eligible for promotion
Eligible for involuntary recall to active duty (Title 10 US Code) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members include members not assigned to a specific drilling unit and those members assigned to a VTU. IRR members in VTUs are not paid for drilling, but do receive retirement points. All IRR members may be eligible for Active Duty for Training (ADT), Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW), Funeral Honor Duty (FHD), and mobilization or recall to active duty. IRR members are eligible to earn retirement points for performing drills (if in the VTU), ADT, ADSW, FHD, and for completing correspondence courses.
Officers are considered for promotion in the IRR, but enlisted members cannot advance. Once an enlisted member completes their MSO, they have no further obligation to the Navy. Officers must resign their commission; otherwise, they continue to remain in the IRR beyond their MSO. All members of the IRR are subject to involuntary recall to active duty (by authority of the Secretary of the Navy). This has not been required in years past, but all members should be aware of their responsibilities.Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) members include members not assigned to a specific drilling unit and those members assigned to a VTU. IRR members in VTUs are not paid for drilling, but do receive retirement points. All IRR members may be eligible for Active Duty for Training (ADT), Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW), Funeral Honor Duty (FHD), and mobilization or recall to active duty. IRR members are eligible to earn retirement points for performing drills (if in the VTU), ADT, ADSW, FHD, and for completing correspondence courses.
Officers are considered for promotion in the IRR, but enlisted members cannot advance. Once an enlisted member completes their MSO, they have no further obligation to the Navy. Officers must resign their commission; otherwise, they continue to remain in the IRR beyond their MSO. All members of the IRR are subject to involuntary recall to active duty (by authority of the Secretary of the Navy). This has not been required in years past, but all members should be aware of their responsibilities.
8. Must meet certain obligations required by Federal law and Naval Regulations
Respond to all official correspondence
Update recall information annually or as required (via the BUPERS Online IRR Virtual Screening)
Meet participation requirements
Maintain uniforms in serviceable condition
Muster, when ordered
Members of the IRR must meet minimum participation requirements. Officers must earn 27 points per anniversary year. Enlisted members do not have a minimum point requirement. Federal law and DoD policy requires that all IRR members respond to all official correspondence, update recall information (virtual screening), meet minimum participation requirements, and maintain uniforms in serviceable condition.
All members must also perform an annual physical muster, when ordered to do so.Members of the IRR must meet minimum participation requirements. Officers must earn 27 points per anniversary year. Enlisted members do not have a minimum point requirement. Federal law and DoD policy requires that all IRR members respond to all official correspondence, update recall information (virtual screening), meet minimum participation requirements, and maintain uniforms in serviceable condition.
All members must also perform an annual physical muster, when ordered to do so.
9. Updates Required Annually Residence/Mailing Address/Phone/E-Mail
Marital/Dependency Status
Changes in Education/Licenses/Skills
Changes in physical condition which could affect readiness
Civilian Employer Information (CEI) An IRR member is required to provide updated information on his/her mailing address, phone number, marital status, number of dependents, civilian employer/occupation, changes in education, skills or licenses, changes in physical condition (disabilities, pregnancy, etc.), and any change that affects his/her ability to be recalled to active duty (i.e., single parent, disability, jail sentence, etc.). Members who fail to complete their virtual musters or do not attend required physical musters will be placed in a USNR-S2 status, in which they will not be eligible to earn points for retirement or promote (if an officer). Visit Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) or contact Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93) to make these annual updates. The web address and contact info will be shown at the conclusion of this presentation.An IRR member is required to provide updated information on his/her mailing address, phone number, marital status, number of dependents, civilian employer/occupation, changes in education, skills or licenses, changes in physical condition (disabilities, pregnancy, etc.), and any change that affects his/her ability to be recalled to active duty (i.e., single parent, disability, jail sentence, etc.). Members who fail to complete their virtual musters or do not attend required physical musters will be placed in a USNR-S2 status, in which they will not be eligible to earn points for retirement or promote (if an officer). Visit Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) or contact Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93) to make these annual updates. The web address and contact info will be shown at the conclusion of this presentation.
10. Qualifying Year 50 pts = 1 qualifying year towards retirement
(15 free points + 35 earned points = 50 points)
Every member in the IRR automatically receives 15 points per anniversary year
Remaining 35 points must be earned
Various ways to earn points are:
SELRES/VTU drills (4 pts per weekend)
Correspondence Courses (pts per course vary)
AT/ADT/ADSW (1 pt per day) For IRR members to qualify for a Navy Reserve retirement, they must complete 20 qualifying years. Earning 50 points per anniversary year yields 1 qualifying year. Every IRR member automatically receives 15 gratuitous points per anniversary year. The member must earn the remaining 35 points through various avenues listed on this slide.
Qualifying years can be earned on active duty and while in the Navy Reserve.For IRR members to qualify for a Navy Reserve retirement, they must complete 20 qualifying years. Earning 50 points per anniversary year yields 1 qualifying year. Every IRR member automatically receives 15 gratuitous points per anniversary year. The member must earn the remaining 35 points through various avenues listed on this slide.
Qualifying years can be earned on active duty and while in the Navy Reserve.
11. IRR Participation- Enlisted Members with less than 20 qualifying years of service
No minimum participation is required
Not earning qualifying years towards retirement MAY make you ineligible for reenlistment or extension
Members with 20 or more qualifying years of service
MUST earn a qualifying year every anniversary year (15 membership points + 35 earned points = 50 points) Again, you need to earn at least 50 points to qualify for a good year for retirement purposes. Staying active and participating keeps your military skills current as well as increases the opportunity for a Reserve Retirement.Again, you need to earn at least 50 points to qualify for a good year for retirement purposes. Staying active and participating keeps your military skills current as well as increases the opportunity for a Reserve Retirement.
12. Common Reasons for IRR Reenlistment or Extension Disapproval Last two years of service are not qualifying years toward retirement
Member earned less than 50 points
Members age disqualifies them from mobilization-ready status and not within 2 years from being retirement eligible (in sanctuary)
Member did not participate in mandatory virtual screening or physical musters Here are some common reasons why reenlistments and extension are disapproved. IRR members should stay informed concerning their status, as maintaining satisfactory participation while in the IRR can lead to a Reserve Retirement as well as other benefits. Here are some common reasons why reenlistments and extension are disapproved. IRR members should stay informed concerning their status, as maintaining satisfactory participation while in the IRR can lead to a Reserve Retirement as well as other benefits.
13. IRR Participation- Officers Members with less than 20 qualifying years of service
27 points required per anniversary year
Includes 15 membership points
Note: 27 points will not earn a qualifying year for retirement.
Non-participation may result in administrative action (PERS-91)
Members with 20 or more qualifying years of service
MUST earn a qualifying year every anniversary year (15 membership points + 35 earned points = 50 points) IRR Officers need to earn at least 27 points to to remain in good standing. Failure to do so will result in administrative action, such as being placed in a USNR-S2 status (inactive). Note that 27 points will not earn IRR members a qualifying year for retirement. For IRR members with 20 or more qualifying years of service, they must earn a qualify year each anniversary year to remain in the IRR.IRR Officers need to earn at least 27 points to to remain in good standing. Failure to do so will result in administrative action, such as being placed in a USNR-S2 status (inactive). Note that 27 points will not earn IRR members a qualifying year for retirement. For IRR members with 20 or more qualifying years of service, they must earn a qualify year each anniversary year to remain in the IRR.
14. IRR Benefits Identification Cards - Department of Defense Guard and Reserve Members and their dependents.
Military Exchange and Commissary - Unlimited use with valid Identification card. Benefits while in the IRR include ID cards for the member and their dependents, use of military exchange and commissary, and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) privileges.Benefits while in the IRR include ID cards for the member and their dependents, use of military exchange and commissary, and Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) privileges.
15. Post 9/11 GI Bill Post 9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008
No cost to Sailors - does not require buy-in
Educational Assistance
Entitled to 36 months
Tuition - an amount which does not exceed the maximum amount of established charges regularly charged in-state students for full-time pursuit of approved undergraduate education in the state in which the individual is enrolled
Monthly Housing Allowance
Stipend for Books and Supplies
Entitlements take effect on 1 August 2009
Authority to transfer unused education benefits to dependents
Website: http://www.gibill.va.gov Congress recently passed the Post 9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008, which is a replacement for the Montgomery GI Bill, taking effect on 1 August 2009. This educational program does not require a buy-in from service members to be eligible. It provides educational assistance for up to 36 months, covering tuition, a monthly housing allowance, and a stipend for books and supplies. This program also provide each military department the authority to allow members to transfer unused education benefits to their dependents. For further information, please visit the listed website.Congress recently passed the Post 9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008, which is a replacement for the Montgomery GI Bill, taking effect on 1 August 2009. This educational program does not require a buy-in from service members to be eligible. It provides educational assistance for up to 36 months, covering tuition, a monthly housing allowance, and a stipend for books and supplies. This program also provide each military department the authority to allow members to transfer unused education benefits to their dependents. For further information, please visit the listed website.
16. Funeral Honors Duty (FHD) Volunteer opportunities via local Navy Operational Support Center
May receive FHD Allowance (minimum of $50)
Point credit (1 pt per assignment)
Travel costs > 50 miles from place of residence
Managed by Regional CAC/FHD Coordinator In interested, IRR members can participate in Funeral Honors Duty, in which they will earn 1 point and be paid a $50 allowance per funeral. IRR members should contact their local Naval Support Activity or NOSC for more information.In interested, IRR members can participate in Funeral Honors Duty, in which they will earn 1 point and be paid a $50 allowance per funeral. IRR members should contact their local Naval Support Activity or NOSC for more information.
17. Active Duty for Training Primary Purpose of ADT:
Train in your Career Field
Maintain Readiness/Mobilization Skills
Secondary Purpose of ADT:
Support the Fleet
Earn Money/Retirement Points Active Duty for Training (ADT) is designed to provide active duty training to IRR members to maintain readiness and refresh military skills. ADT, in which IRR Sailors provide operational support, also benefits the fleet. Participating in either paid or unpaid ADT will earn retirement point credit for the member. Primarily the funding source will be from the gaining command where the members wishes to earn points. Please contact an IRR Counselor at Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93) if interested in applying for ADTActive Duty for Training (ADT) is designed to provide active duty training to IRR members to maintain readiness and refresh military skills. ADT, in which IRR Sailors provide operational support, also benefits the fleet. Participating in either paid or unpaid ADT will earn retirement point credit for the member. Primarily the funding source will be from the gaining command where the members wishes to earn points. Please contact an IRR Counselor at Navy Personnel Command (PERS-93) if interested in applying for ADT
18. Applying for ADT Eligibility:
Mobilization potential (rating/skills)
Bona Fide Training Opportunity
Phone call: (800) 535-2699
FAX request to (901) 874-2363
Website: https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil/ ADT eligibility depends on reserve category and rating. For more information, see the NPC website or call the toll free number. ADT eligibility depends on reserve category and rating. For more information, see the NPC website or call the toll free number.
19. IRR Mobilization Policy In accordance with Title 10 US Code, all members of the IRR are eligible for involuntary recall to Active Duty.
Navy has NOT exercised this authority.
Mobilization from the IRR is currently on a voluntary basis, but subject to change. It is important for all members of the IRR to understand their responsibilities regarding mobilization. In accordance with federal law, all IRR members are eligible for involuntary recall to active duty. However, currently, mobilization is on a voluntary basis only, but maintaining mobilization readiness is required.It is important for all members of the IRR to understand their responsibilities regarding mobilization. In accordance with federal law, all IRR members are eligible for involuntary recall to active duty. However, currently, mobilization is on a voluntary basis only, but maintaining mobilization readiness is required.
20. Voluntary Mobilization Volunteer opportunities exist for qualified IRR Sailors in support of the GWOT and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Some examples include:
Enlisted- NAVELSF Customs Inspector Mission, Kuwait
Officers- Joint billets within CENTCOM AOR
Call PERS-93 to volunteer or visit NKO for updated information!
(800) 535-2699 However, if you are interested in volunteering for mobilization or recall, there are several opportunities available. For further information, please contact an IRR Counselor at PERS-93.However, if you are interested in volunteering for mobilization or recall, there are several opportunities available. For further information, please contact an IRR Counselor at PERS-93.
21. Mobilization Benefits Competitive Pay
Healthcare for you and your dependents
Retirement Points
Housing and food allowances
MGIB benefits/time extension
Enlisted Advancement Opportunity
Tax-Free pay (combat zone)
During mobilization, IRR members are eligible for many benefits. Enlisted IRR members may be eligible for reenlistment or extension in the Navy Reserve, including some reenlistment bonus programs. IRR members may earn retirement points, apply for VGLI coverage, receive any reserve medals or ribbons awarded, ID cards for access to the exchanges and MWR for the member and their dependents, and commissary privileges.During mobilization, IRR members are eligible for many benefits. Enlisted IRR members may be eligible for reenlistment or extension in the Navy Reserve, including some reenlistment bonus programs. IRR members may earn retirement points, apply for VGLI coverage, receive any reserve medals or ribbons awarded, ID cards for access to the exchanges and MWR for the member and their dependents, and commissary privileges.
22. Involuntary Mobilization Must be ready to mobilize within 30 days of alert notification
Delay, Deferment & Exemption Requests
Reviewed by DD&E Board (Pers 91)
Family, Civilian Career, Financial Hardships or VA disability are not automatic exemptions
Case-by-case basis, same standard as Active Duty deployment IRR members must be ready to mobilize within 30 days of initial notification.
If notified to mobilize involuntarily, IRR members have the right to submit a delay, deferment, or exemption request. Such requests are reviewed by a DD&E board for a decision. Family, civilian career, financial hardships, or VA disabilities are not automatic exemptions. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis by the DD&E board.IRR members must be ready to mobilize within 30 days of initial notification.
If notified to mobilize involuntarily, IRR members have the right to submit a delay, deferment, or exemption request. Such requests are reviewed by a DD&E board for a decision. Family, civilian career, financial hardships, or VA disabilities are not automatic exemptions. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis by the DD&E board.
23. Involuntary Mobilization It is your obligation to maintain mobilization readiness
Notify PERS-93 of any changes in physical or medical condition which could affect your readiness The Navy is not mobilizing the IRR on an involuntary basis at this time. However, there are opportunities to be voluntarily recalled. Members who are interested should contact an IRR Counselor to volunteer. It is the responsibility of all members in the IRR to maintain mobilization readiness. This includes maintaining physical readiness and keeping PERS-93 up-to-date with any medical condition that could affect your readiness.The Navy is not mobilizing the IRR on an involuntary basis at this time. However, there are opportunities to be voluntarily recalled. Members who are interested should contact an IRR Counselor to volunteer. It is the responsibility of all members in the IRR to maintain mobilization readiness. This includes maintaining physical readiness and keeping PERS-93 up-to-date with any medical condition that could affect your readiness.
24. Navy Reserve Information (PERS-93) IRR Force Management, Mobilizations, and Musters Branch
https://wwwa.nko.navy.mil or
(800) 535-2699 to update your recall or status
BUPERSINST 1001.39 series
For more information about the Navy Reserve, you may visit the listed websites or contact an IRR counselor at 1-800-535-2699. Remember, if there are changes in your status, such as a divorce, birth of a child, or change in employment, you must contact an IRR counselor at PERS-93 to update your personnel records. This concludes the IRR brief. Are there any questions?For more information about the Navy Reserve, you may visit the listed websites or contact an IRR counselor at 1-800-535-2699. Remember, if there are changes in your status, such as a divorce, birth of a child, or change in employment, you must contact an IRR counselor at PERS-93 to update your personnel records. This concludes the IRR brief. Are there any questions?