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The Challenge

Welsh Government Department for Health and Social Services. Seasonal Flu Vaccination. The Challenge

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The Challenge

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  1. Welsh GovernmentDepartment for Health and Social Services Seasonal Flu Vaccination The Challenge The 2009 swine flu pandemic reinforced the importance of seasonal flu vaccination. However, there was a decrease in jab uptake between 2008-09 to 2009-10. With a new target of 75% uptake by 2015, a national communications campaign was planned to provide a clear message to help inform, build trust and dispel fears. We needed to communicate the availability of the seasonal flu vaccination specifically to those with ongoing medical conditions, pregnant women and the over 65s. All those concerned were encouraged to speak to their GP to arrange their jab.The main challenge was a large proportion of the public not realising just how serious the flu virus is. The Response Integrated, above-the-line media campaign developed by COI, along with the creative to provide the overarching focus for Local Health Boards’ PR activities. TV & Video-on-Demand:Adaptation of Department of Health 2008 TV ads for a bilingual, pan-Wales TV campaign. Radio Spot Advertising:3 bilingual ads targeting the over 65s, younger ‘at risk’ males and younger ‘at risk’ females Radio Community Messaging: on all radio stations in Wales, using the relationship these have with listeners to provide authentic and relevant information. Out-Of-Home: Bus headliners and 6-sheet bus shelter posters to target all audiences Ambient:Advertising in pharmacies to target those in a relevant ‘health’ frame of mind Online & Search:undertaken by client in-house Post-campaign research to assess effectiveness of the campaign, and identify possible barriers to uptake of the jab • The Results • A 2.2% increase in flu jab uptake for over 65s, and a significant reduction in decrease in uptake amongst under 65s from previous year (-0.6% compared to -8.3% in 2008/9) • Media Campaign Results: • TV: 17% over-delivery achieved versus plan. 82% of impacts delivered in top shows (e.g X-Factor and Coronation St) • Radio Advertising: On average, against booked: 1.52% more impacts achieved / 3.06% more spots / 6.11% more OTH • Community Messaging: Stations pan-Wales: 833 web page impressions / 458 unique users / 344 unique competition entries * • Research Findings: • 3 key barriers to uptake: misunderstanding of flu, misunderstanding or fear of the vaccination and denial of vulnerability • 2 key levers for increased uptake: GPs as advocates and advertising • Messaging needs to be better targeted to different audiences, explaining who is at risk, and that the vaccination is safe • Increased personal discussion with GP / more accessibility to vaccinations out-of-hours • Employer engagement would be a great help

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