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How is it measured?

How is it measured?. http://www.gapminder.org. How is it measured?. Human Development Index (HDI): - Life expectancy - Literacy - Educational - GDP per capita Educational attainment . How is it measured?. BUT!!!! Is everyone developing equally?

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How is it measured?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How is it measured? http://www.gapminder.org

  2. How is it measured? • Human Development Index (HDI): - Life expectancy - Literacy - Educational - GDP per capita • Educational attainment

  3. How is it measured? • BUT!!!! Is everyone developing equally? • Can we have economic growth with increasing inequality?

  4. How is it measured? • Gini Coefficient: G=A/(A+B) A value of 0 represents absolute equality, and a value of 100 absolute inequality.

  5. Where does it happen? • Is the UK Developed? • Has it stopped Developing?

  6. Where does it happen? • Developed/Developing is too simplistic • Development is a process not a goal • Depends on the local - Social - Political - Natural - Financial - Environental Development needs.

  7. 2. Complexity of Development: Thinking about Impact! Engineers Without Borders UK

  8. Thinking about Impact!

  9. Thinkingabout Impact! What is the difference between: It is changing of mind-set from what we want to do, to what we want to achieve

  10. 3. Advice

  11. Advice: Know Before You • Communication: • Learn a language | • Learn to teach • Technical: Know the basics and be able to do it • Read more about development • Think of the organisations you want to work with http://www.oxfam.org/en/content/from-poverty-power-full-text

  12. Advice: In the ‘field’ • Think of the organisations you want to work with • Know your role and responsibilities • Expect the unexpected • Write a diary or a blog – Reflect! • Remember your motivations (Int’l Dev. is Int’l) • Stay healthy mental + physically! • Be safe (check your insurance) • Have fun!

  13. Advice: In the ‘field’ Know you Role and Responsibilities: • Amplify the voice of the beneficiariesat every stage • EnsureHealth and Safety • Createopportunityfor locals, not remove it • Ensure sustainabilityof projects • Monitor and evaluate real impact and feedback • Ambassador for home country and organisation, especially when socialising.

  14. Advice: In the ‘field’ • Think of the organisations you want to work with • Know your ROLE! • Expect the unexpected • Write a diary or a blog – Reflect! • Remember your motivations (Int’l Dev. is Int’l) • Stay healthy mental + physically! • Be safe (check your insurance) • Have fun!

  15. Advice: On your return • Prepare: Reverse culture shock! • Think: How will you continue on your return?

  16. Conclusions: 1. Intro to development: What is development? Who is involved? How it be measured? When did it develop? Where does it happy? 2. Complexity of Development: Thinking about Impact 3. Advice: Know Before you Go In the ‘field’ On your return

  17. Thank you for listening ¿ Questions ? Sacha Grodzinski Chair, Engineers Without Borders UK Sacha.grodzinski@ewb-uk.org

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