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Progress on U nbundling of University of Limpopo and E stablishment of a new Health and Allied Sciences University I ncorporating the Medunsa Campus. Presentation to the PC on Higher Education & Training 19 June 2013. Background.
Progress on Unbundling of University of Limpopo and Establishment of a new Health and Allied Sciences University Incorporating the MedunsaCampus Presentation to the PC on Higher Education & Training 19 June 2013
Background • Minister of Higher Education and Training, and Minister of Health appointed a Technical Team to review the impact of the merger of the Medical University of South Africa (Medunsa) and the University of the North which resulted in the establishment of the University of Limpopo (UL) • Findings and recommendations of the Technical Team received and considered by the Ministers (May 2011) • Key recommendation: the merger which led to the establishment of the University of Limpopo should be undone and a new university should be established incorporating Medunsa • In terms of the Higher Education Act (101 of 1997) the Minister requested and received advice from the Council on Higher Education (CHE) on the recommendations of the Technical Team (September 2012)
Joint Technical Task Team • After consultation with the Minister of Health, the Minister Higher Education and Training appointed a Joint Technical Task Team (JTT) to advise on processes for separating the Medunsa Campus from the University of Limpopo, and establishing a new university incorporating the Medunsa Campus that would be viable and sustainable into the future • The JTT comprised of officials from the DHET, the National DoH, the Gauteng DoH, the HPCSA, SAMA and selected Medical Deans • The JTT began its substantive work in June 2012. It will provide its final report and recommendations to the Minister by September 2013
Progress • A roadmap outlining the sequence of processes for the unbundling of Medunsa Campus from the University of Limpopo has been developed • Engagement between the Minister and the UL Council • Publication of a Government Notice inviting all interested persons and organisations to provide comments on the Minister’s intention to establish a new university incorporating the Medunsa campus • Stakeholder engagement is planned in terms of the PAJA (specifically UL Management, UL Council, the Medunsa Campus staff and students, Turfloop staff and students and identified external stakeholders)
Progress • The legal framework for the establishment of a new university and the separation of the Medunsa campus from the University of Limpopo in line with the Higher Education Act, is in place • An academic model suitable for a comprehensive university offering health and allied health sciences programmes has been researched and developed • A feasibility study based on institutional and resource gaps between the current Medunsa and the proposed new university model is underway • The feasibility study will form the foundation document for submission to National Treasury of an 2014 MTEF bid for the establishment of the new university
Planned Activities • Protocol guidelines to determine the transitional and future management arrangements for the new university will be drafted by September 2013 • The Joint Technical Team will finalise its report and submit to the two Ministers by end August 2013 • The establishment of the New Health and Allied Sciences university is expected by January 2014, including an announcement of the transitional arrangements • Separation will be finalised during 2014 and with the 2015 intake of students being new university students • Interim governance and management structures for the new university will be put in place with its establishment in 2014