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Constantinos Simserides 1,2 1 Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Special Lab for Non-Invasive Brain Imaging, Magdeburg, Germany 2 University of Athens, Physics Department, Solid State Section, Athens, Greece. Spin-polarization and magnetization of conduction-band
Constantinos Simserides1,2 1 Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, Special Lab for Non-Invasive Brain Imaging, Magdeburg, Germany 2 University of Athens, Physics Department, Solid State Section, Athens, Greece Spin-polarization and magnetization of conduction-band dilute-magnetic-semiconductor quantum wells with non-step-likedensity of states Title-affiliation
e.g. n-doped DMS ZnSe / Zn1-x-yCdxMnySe / ZnSe QWs B in-plane magnetic field Keywords – Things to remember • DOS = density of states • DMS = dilute magnetic semiconductor conduction band, narrow to wide, DMS QWs
outline • How does in-plane B modify DOS ? - DOS diverges significantly from ideal step-like 2DEG form • considerable fluctuation of M • severe changes to physical properties e.g. • spin-subband populations, spin polarization • internal energy, U free energy, F • Shannon entropy, S • in-plane magnetization, M (if vigorous competition between spatial and magnetic confinement)
B applied parallel to quasi 2DEG DOS in simple structures not only the generalshape of the DOS varies, but this effect is also quantitative. ● the DOS deviates from the famous step-like (B→0) form. • interplay between spatial and magnetic confinement ● Ei(kx) must be determined self-consistently for quantum wells which are not ideally narrow [1]. ● The eigenvalue equation has to be solved for each i and kx [1]. ●The van Hove singularities, are not - in general - simple saddle points [1]. ●The singularities are e.g. crucial for the interpretation of magnetoresistance measurements [1,2].
n(ε) -ln|ε-Ei| DETAILS… DOS in simple structures LimitB → 0, Ei(kx) = Ei+ ħ2kx2/(2m*). DOS recovers simple famous 2DEG form Limit simple saddle point, Ei(kx) = Ei – ħ2kx2/(2n*), (n* > 0). DOS diverges logarithmically
Basic Theory and Equations Comparison with characteristic systems knowing DOS we can calculate various electronic properties…
DOS in DMS structures enhanced energy splitting between spin-up and spin-down states (all possible degrees of freedombecomeevident) i, kx, σ for any typeofinterplay between spatial and magnetic confinement i.e. for narrow as well as for wide QWs
proportional to the cyclotron gap spin-spin exchange interaction between s- or p- conduction band electrons and d- electrons of Μn+2 cations Enhanced electron spin-splitting, Uoσ Higher temperatures. spin-splitting decreases enhanced contribution of spin-up electrons Feedback mechanism due tondown(r) - nup(r). Low temperatures. spin-splitting maximum, ~ 1/3 of conduction band offset
Results and discussion (a) Low temperatures, N = constant, T = constant
L = 10 nm (spatial confinement dominates) ~ parabolic spin subbands increase B more flat dispersion few % DOS increase A single behavior of Internal Energy Free Energy Entropy
L = 30 nm(drastic dispersion modification) Spin-subband dispersion and DOS
L = 30 nm Spin-subband Populations Internal energy Free Energy Entropy + Depopulation of higher spin-subband
L = 60 nm(~ spin-down bilayer system) Spin-subband dispersion and DOS
L = 60 nm Spin-subband Populations Internal Energy Free Energy Entropy + Depopulation of higher spin-subband
Magnetization considerable fluctuation of M (if vigorous competition between spatial and magnetic confinement)
Magnetization considerable fluctuation of M (if vigorous competition between spatial and magnetic confinement) Magnetization fluctuation: 5 A/m (as adding 1017 cm-3 Mn).
Results and discussion (b) Higher temperatures, N = constant
Spin-subband populations – Depopulation ● exploit the depopulation of the higher subbands to eliminate spin-up electrons ● choose the parameters so that only spin-down electrons survive or Subband populations, L = 30 nm Subband populations, L = 60 nm
Spin Polarization Ns = Ns,up + Ns,down (free carrier 2D concentration) ● spin-polarization 10 nm
Synopsis - Conclusion - Results for different degrees of magnetic and spatial confinement. - Valuable system for conduction-band spintronics. - How much the classical staircase 2DEG DOS must be modified, under in-plane B. - The DOS modification causes considerable effects on the system’s physical properties. Spin-subband Populations, Spin Polarization Internal energy Free energy Entropy Magnetization We predict a significant fluctuation of the M when the dispersion is severely modified by the parallel magnetic field.
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Acknowledgments Many thanks to Prof. G. P. Triberis Prof. J. J. Quinn Prof. Kyung-Soo Yi
Spin Polarization, to be continued … ● spin-polarization 30 nm ● comparison 10 nm, 30 nm, 60 nm We keep N = constant ! ● spin-polarization 60 nm
Spin Polarization – Non homogeneous spin-splitting ● non-homogeneous spin-splitting, 30 nm
Spin Polarization – Non homogeneous spin-splitting ● non-homogeneous spin-splitting, 60 nm
-ln|ε-Ei| n(ε) DETAILS… quasi 2DEG DOS modification under in-plane B LimitB → 0, Ei(kx) = Ei+ ħ2kx2/(2m*). DOS recovers simple famous 2DEG form • Sometimes this step-like DOS may become a stereotype, although even e.g. in the excellent old review [AFS] the authors pointed out that “for more complex energy spectra” - than the simple parabola – “the density of states must generally be found numerically”. At that time most of the calculations referred to parabolic bands and the in-plane magnetic field was treated as a perturbation which gave a few percent correction in the effective mass. This is one of the two asymptotic limits of the present case. The need to understand and calculate self-consistently the dispersion of a quasi 2DEG in the general case of interplay between spatial and magnetic localization, when the system is subjected to an in-plane magnetic field, can be justified in [SIMS] and [MAKAR] and in the references therein. Nice calculations of the DOS under in-plane magnetic field can be found in Lyo’s paper [LYO], in a tight-binding approach for narrow double quantum wells. The crucial features of the present DOS, i.e. the van Hove singularities, are not - in general - simple saddle points [1] because the Ei(kx), as we approach the critical points, are not of the form -akx2, a > 0. Simple analytical models are insufficient to explain e.g. the magnetoresistance and have to be replaced by self-consistent calculations in the case of wider quantum wells [SIMS,MAKAR]. Limit simple saddle point, Ei(kx) = Ei – ħ2kx2/(2n*), (n* > 0). DOS diverges logarithmically
Spin Polarization For conduction band electrons Ns = Ns,up + Ns,down(free carrier 2D concentration)
Spin-subband populations– Depopulation ● choose the parameters so that only spin-down electrons survive or ● exploit the depopulation of the higher subbands to eliminate spin-up electrons