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Paragraph Development. By Nikhil Joshi Lecturer in ‘Language & Communication Skills’ IT Dept.-GCET E-mail: nikhiljoshi@gcet.ac.in Blog: www.gcet-languageclub.blogspot.com. Introduction. A paragraph is a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit.
Paragraph Development By Nikhil Joshi Lecturer in ‘Language & Communication Skills’ IT Dept.-GCET E-mail: nikhiljoshi@gcet.ac.in Blog: www.gcet-languageclub.blogspot.com
Introduction • A paragraph is a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit. • It is a group of related sentences which express an idea. • It may express an opinion, provide information through the use of facts and details, tell a story or simply describe a person, a place, an object or a feeling.
Main Idea • Before you begin to determine the composition of your paragraphs, you must first understand what the controlling idea is in your specific piece of writing.. • What is the main point that you are trying to convey to your reader? • Choose information that will help to support and perpetuate the central idea through out the entire paper.
Generating Ideas • Who is my targeted audience? • What do I want to say? • Why am I writing it? • The whole process is an organic one.
Components of a Paragraph • Topic Sentence: expresses main idea-may appear at beginning, middle or end. • Coherence: properly connected sentences-move easily from one thought to another • -take care of pronoun references • -repetition of key words • -Transitional tags like conjunctions: and, but, however, moreover etc.
Components of a Paragraph • Unity • Adequate development • Formulation of controlling idea • Explanation of idea • Example • Completion of paragraph or transition into next paragraph • Length
Techniques for Paragraph Development • Illustration • Comparison & Contrast • Classification • Problem & Solution
Conclusion • Mark the paragraph divisions based on unity • Put each idea into a separate paragraph • Construct short paragraphs for memos, letters, circulars and notices • Do not have too much variation in length of your paragraphs in a text.
T h a n k y o u… • nIKHIL jOSHI • e-mail: • nikhiljoshi@gcet.ac.in • nikhileshjoshi@yahoo.co.in • My Websites: • www.geocities.com/nikhiljoshi/saregama • www.nikhiljoshi2007.blogspot.com • www.gcet-languageclub.blogspot.com