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Detailed briefing for Year Three School-Based Training including important dates, communication guidelines with tutors, and placement requirements. Contact tutors for pastoral, academic, or training problems.
BA (Hons) Primary Education Year Three School Based Training Briefing 2015-2016
Communicating with Tutors Please follow the flowchart when communicating with tutors at the university. You must email or phone tutors if you would like to speak to/meet them. We will try our hardest to respond as soon as possible, within 2 working days. Pastoral problem School Based Training Problem – University Based School Based Training Problem – School Based Academic Problem Unit Specific Problem Personal Tutor Personal Tutor Class Mentor and/or Professional Mentor Unit Tutor Student Hub Personal Tutor Student experience team lead – Joanne Mimnagh or Sue Wright Partnership Coordinator for BA Year 3– Mamta Naik University visiting tutor Unit Leader Placement Coordinator for BA Year 3– Mamta Naik Quality teaching and learning team lead – Chris Robson OR Sue Wright
Year 3 • One placement only • Weeks 9 - 20 (Monday 28th September to Friday 18th December, 2015) • W/b 5TH October (Week 10) is a return to university and prep week • IMPORTANT – Final week of placement is after Final Report Week….. • Whole class and intervention focus • Interim week is Week 15 (w/b 9th Nov) • Final week is Week 19 (w/b 7th December) • Please note that students will also return to university for one day in the week following interim. They will have a PDR meeting to revisit targets and re-write action plans on this day. • Core 3 assessment and Specialism 3 – students need to research and gather information to inform their core presentations (focus on their intervention work and change management) and their Specialism 3 assessment
Important Dates Preparation Week in School Week beginning 28/09/15 Preparation Week in University -including “Meet your SBT tutor” Tue 6th OR Wed 7th October Week beginning 5th October, 2015 The Class Mentor briefing Wednesday 7th October 2015 at 2.30 pm Block Placement • Monday 28th September – Friday 18th December 2015 (You have one week for half term in whichever week your school is closed.)
Important Dates Interim Report w/b 9th November 2015 PDR Tutorial – following Interim Reports Final Report w/b 7th December 2015
PE – Teaching Requirement • Plan at least one lesson for PE and teach this to the whole class or a group • If your school employs a professional company to teach PE, negotiate some time to plan and prep with personnel and then teach your lesson. (This may be done in conjunction with the person from the professional company). • If you have the opportunity to teach PE on more than one occasion, this would be excellent development for you.
If you know that you are going to be absent, negotiate this with the school and inform your MMU Tutor • If you have an unexpected absence you must • -Contact the school YOURSELF as early as possible • -Keep the school informed on a daily basis • Ensure that you have left a copy of your plans for the week with the teacher • Contact the Placements Office and your MMU Tutor • See page 7 in the handbook which is available on the Partnership website, for contact details and a reminder of procedures. • “Exceptional Factors” are not required for SBT! You will, however, need a doctor’s note if you are absent for more than five consecutive school • days. Absences that total 5 or more days will require time making up • in school. Dealing with absences appropriately
*Placement Requirements Handbooks All documentation is electronic and available on the Partnership website – see link below. There are 2 handbooks: Specific – Relates to this placement Generic – Relates to all placements Available at www.mmu.ac.uk/education/partnerships/primary
Student Requirements Page 10 of the Specific Handbook (SH)spells out what is required and expected in the Y3 placement. Page 12 gives the overview of requirements Page 14 gives the specific requirements, which are planning, teaching & assessment, confidentialityand evaluation. Pages 18 - 19 outline the requirements and processes for each stage of the placement Make sure that you are familiar with these pages! Handbook quiz!!!
*Before you begin your preparation week in school: 1. Ring the School and introduce yourself. 2. Write a letter of introduction to the Head Teacher and email it to the school. Include in this letter the “ Year 3 Headlines” that will be available on Moodle and you MUST copy and paste this information into your letter. Also, make copies for the School/Professional Mentor , your Class Mentor and include a copy in your file for your MMU tutor. 3. Familiarise yourself with the context of the school: • Raise Online • School’s website • Ofsted
*Preparation Week in school All the requirements for this phase are in the placement specific handbook All the usual stuff…. Lots of observing, discussion and note taking, negotiating initial timetables and discuss how you will identify and approach the intervention requirements
*TheBlock Placement Teaching requirements = Progressive 70% by the interim visit 80% for the last two weeks of the placement for those students who are graded as good/outstanding overall at Interim. Where students move to 80% teaching, planning will be reduced to weekly plans except for lessons where a formal observation (RoLO ) is to take place. FINAL TWO WEEKS ONLY 10% = PPA time (preferably with your class mentor) 10% = file time 10% = professional development e.g. • observing and working with groups where the teacher has prepared and planned the material • completing school based tasks • Supporting in other age phases, • Shadowing other professionals • preparing materials and displays etc • Addressing tasks in your Phonics Workbook
*What does the intervention requirement look like? School A School B You may be asked to deliver to a ‘booster group’ in preparation for their National Curriculum tests/SATs. This might be the equivalent to half a day a week (10 %). It may be delivered in intensive blocks of time rather than distributed across the whole of the placement. • 10% teaching time allocated to group intervention with a specific group in your base class throughout the placement e.g. 2 x 1 hour sessions or 4 x ½ hour sessions per week. OR • 10 % with an identified group of children that the school would like you to target in order to have a positive impact on their progress.
*What does the intervention requirement look like? • With your class mentor identify a suitable group of children (between 6 and 8 in number) • Agree the core area to be focused on.(Maths, English or Science) • Identify the time frame that the intervention will take place across. (When and across what period/length of time) • Agree what specific areas of the core subject are to be covered. • Identify the starting point/attainment levels for each individual child within the group and any specific issues/barriers that may have impacted upon their learning. • Think about how progress will be tracked and monitored across the intervention period and in particular what ‘end’ assessment will be carried out. Determine if all assessment will be formative or if there will be some element of summative assessment involved. • Research and plan. Map out what you propose to cover across the sequence of sessions. This will change as a result of your ongoing assessments and evaluations, but you need to demonstrate your initial aspirations for the children and their progression. • Plan individual sessions and evaluate their impact upon the children’s learning.
Links to university assessments…... Remember, you need to capitalise on every bit of information about the children that you can if you are going to effectively evaluate for your assessment. Spend some time during the next week accessing the faculty ‘partnership’ website. Find all the assessment pro formasfrom etc. Prep the group record sheets. Think about how you will manage the information about the children’s learning so that it is manageable and useful for you in planning the next steps in learning. Being conscious of this before you begin your intervention and putting these in place, will allow you to have a good body of evidence for you to reflect upon and critically evaluate for your presentation assessment.
*TheBlock Placement Planning • There is no longer a specific MMU planning pro forma! You will be able to use your school’s planning format or create your own! There is, however, specific guidance of what should be included in a good lesson plan. There is an example planning format that you can use and/or adapt. See the Partnership website. • Plan for differentiation - be specific! • Plan for additional adults – in all taught sessions
Teaching and Assessment • Discuss and complete a detailed evaluation of each lesson you teach – comment on the impact on the children’s learning, your professional development AND the next steps. See the Planning and Evaluation guidance on the Partnership website to ensure that your evaluations are reflecting on all the key aspects . • Use Group Assessment Records • Gather samples of children’s work – mark and annotate • Develop and complete Whole Class Monitoring sheets in Literacy, Numeracy, Science, (Computing) and two Foundation subjects • Ensure consistent use of the Additional Adults Communication and Feedback sheets Your SBT tutor needs to see exactly how your assessments are Informing your future planning and teaching! You MUST write on/annotate your existing plans – this shows that they ARE working documents – we like this! *TheBlock Placement
*TheBlock Placement Planning, Teaching and Assessment Guidance You need to use all of these. • Unit Plan (a sequence of lessons) • Individual session planner /foundation stage session planners • Phonics Planners • Guided Reading Planner • Group assessment records* • Whole Class Monitoring sheets* SEE EXAMPLE • Additional adult communication and feedback sheets * Proformas are suggestions only
*What does an outstanding Y3 student look like in terms of assessment? • It starts at the planning stage! You must clearly identify who, what, when and how you are going to assess throughout the lesson. Include key questions that are differentiated to match the individual abilities within your class. Remember “ever 6” and “closing the gap”. • Make sure that you are using the Additional Adult feedback sheets so that you are aware of the progress and learning/achievements of children who have been supported by another adult. • Annotate your lesson plan immediately after delivering the session and/or add post-it-note observations. • In your lesson evaluation make sure that you comment specifically on the progress/learning of key individuals and/or groups. Remember to include the information from the additional adult feedback. • Ensure that both written and verbal feedback is used to give pupils regular and constructive feedback and that they are involved in this process.
And then … • In your evaluation clearly identify the next steps that all children will need to take and how/when this will happen. • Transfer information onto the whole class/group monitoring sheets – available electronically on the Partnership website. You may want to adapt this to suit your class/context/needs. • Use this information to complete and/or adapt the prior knowledge section of the subsequent lesson plans. • Annotate your next lesson plan to show how and why you have adapted this plan in the light of your assessments and evaluations – this is very good practice! It shows that your plans are working documents and provides clear evidence of assessment informing planning!
Finally … The quality of evidence of children’s work in your assessment file and your ability to discuss in depth the impact of your teaching upon the pupils’ attainment, outcomes and progress will determine the level that you will be graded as. Assessment files should also contain clear evidence of the school’s assessment policy and assessment practices that you have engaged with, e.g. APP You need to be able to take ownership of this process and be prepared to discuss how assessment has informed your planning and has had a positive impact upon the children’s learning. 3/RI – Examples of children’s work with some meaningful annotations that comment on the learning that took place in the lesson and that shows that you understand how learning takes place. Monitoring sheets will have been used and have some commentary evident on them. 2/G – A range of examples of children’s work which are annotated and show that you have a sound understanding of the learning that took place and the emerging needs of the children/next steps. Monitoring sheets /record of pupils’ progress and attainment are maintained and used to inform future planning.
… to be Outstanding! • 1/O – A comprehensive range of examples of work across curriculum areas, demonstrating the qualities above, identifying next steps. We would expect to see a several examples for individual children or groups which demonstrate clear progression and can also be linked back explicitly to lesson plans and class/group monitoring sheets. These monitoring sheets will have implications or next steps identified on them. Your discussions and files will demonstrate that you have a clear idea of both the short term and longer term targets and intended outcomes for groups and individual children.
*Behaviour Management The Charlie Taylor checklist: Whitehall Infants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T8NyYbNzQE Woodend Park https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1LOIe9Bzcs
Ben Wye has devised an interactive behaviour monitoring tool • I will show this to you at the briefing……
Phonics Don’t forget to carry on with your Professional Training & Development Handbook For Teaching Phonics All students HAVE to teach phonics (even if you are in KS2!)
*Professional Development and Review • Contextual analysis • The school • Your base class • Targets from previous placement • *A Key Issue – relating to the specific context of this school • Weekly reflection/review • Progress made against initial targets and key issue • Next steps against each of these • New learning – staff meetings, parents evening, school visit, opportunities to work with other professionals etc. • New targets arising from RoLOs • Progress Towards the Standards
How are you monitored and assessed? RoLOs As last year, focused and regular – at least one a week in addition to the phonics RoLO. Phonics RoLO separate and specific. There are three of these in the Phonics PT&D Handbook. It will also be available from the Partnership website. Mathematics RoLO – separate and specific. In the mathematics PT&D Handbook Interim Report Overall assessment: Outstanding/Good Pass, Requires Improvement or At Risk and graded 1-4. There is clear guidance in the SBT report as to how the overall grade will be deterimed. Final Report Overall assessment: Outstanding /GoodPass, Requires Improvement or Fail and graded 1-4
*How are you monitored and assessed? • Grading • Use the Grading Criteria AND the Progress Towards the Standards document • Involve yourself in your assessment • Where are you up to? • Where do you want to go? • What does your CT and/or Mentor need to see to demonstrate you are there? • This is not something that happens to you – YOU ARE PART OF THE PROCESS! Engage with it and you will see the difference. • There should be no surprises!!
Expectations of you as final year student on final placement…….
External Examiners and QA… You may be involved in: • Visits from external examiners in final week • Senior moderator visits • QA moderator visits • Meeting with external examiners at Brooks.
Other stuff Meet with your University SBT tutor on Tuesday 6th (Crewe) OR Wednesday 7th (Manchester) October at 11:00 a.m. You are REQUIRED to bring: • Contextual analysis • Letter to head teacher, • Key issues and targets, • (planning and reflection) plus anything else that you think is relevant. Times – location etc on Moodle next week….. What if my tutor is not available?
And finally…. ENJOY YOUR PLACEMENT! And keep in touch – email me with your news, micro successes, surprises, great ideas – send photos to share…..