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METGRID is a collaborative project among major global weather forecasting centers to share forecasts, improve accuracy, and reduce uncertainty through ensemble predictions. This initiative aims to address key issues in organizational, communication, and software aspects. The project is underway, with a pilot phase expected to begin in early 2006.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. METGRID 2005. 1. 27 KMA Supercomputer Center Dongil LEE

  2. Background of METGRID • Why weather agencies are using Supercomputer? • Current and future weather forecasting -> Numerical Weather Prediction • Two ways of best efforts • Improving the initial field of NWP (best analysis, data assimilation…) • Decreasing the uncertainty of NWP product (ensemble weather forecasting, super -, Multi-model ensemble with different initial field

  3. Limitation of Single Centerfor weather forecasting • Human resources • Data resources • Computing resources

  4. Some basis/related issues • THOPEX • WMO FWIS • GEOSS • Gloriad • Grid • E-Science Single Global Weather Forecasting

  5. METGRID starting • Dr. David Roger (Chief Executive, Met Office, UK) outlined a possible future scenario for global weather forecasting – August 2004 • Prof. Geerd-R Hoffmann (DWD), Vice president of CBS, WMO prepared ‘proposal for a technical feasibility study’ - November 2004 • 7 centers will have first coordination meeting of METGRID – March 2005

  6. Purpose of METGRID • All major global weather forecasting centers of the world • To share their global forecasts with each other as a multi-model ensemble • To agree on areas of the world which merited further studies • To carry-out detailed ensemble predictions for these regions • Studies are undertaken as part of the THOPEX research program

  7. Partners of METGRID

  8. Issues of METGRID • Organizational issues • Communication • Software • Operational aspects • Pilot phase and other aspects

  9. Action needed • Agree on first outline of proposal in principle • Agree on proposal for study • Set up a project for carrying out the study and agree on resources • Deliver results of study ( ~ 09/2005 ) • Start of pilot phase ( 01/2006 ~ )

  10. KMA status • Partnership with DWD for V-GISC • Simple UNICORE test with DWD • Setting up UNICORE including user interface for 2nd Supercomputer System • Intent to expand Partnership with CAgM of WMO, NCAR, Grid Community and others…

  11. Thank you

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