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Explore the vast and diverse geographical features of Russia and the surrounding republics, from the 11 time zones to the rich mineral resources, challenging climates, and human-environment interactions. Learn about the Siberian permafrost, Caucasus Mountains, Volga River, Lake Baikal, and more.

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  2. Time Zones Russia is huge country, spanning 11 time zones

  3. Landforms and Resources

  4. Northern European Plain stretches more than 1000 miles. Chenozem(black earth) is abundant

  5. Nearly 75% of the region’s people live here Moscow is the capital of Russia

  6. Ural Mountains: dividing line between Europe and Asia

  7. Some geographers consider Europe and Asia one continent called Eurasia

  8. East of the Ural Mountain is theWest Siberian Plain. Rivers here run northward to the Arctic Ocean.

  9. Central Siberian Plateau

  10. Russian Far East Sakhalin Island Kamchatka Peninsula Kuril Islands

  11. Caucasus Mountains form the border between Russia and Transcaucasia Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia

  12. Caucasus Mountains

  13. Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan Uzbekistan

  14. Turan Plain Two major rivers: Syr Darya Amu Darya

  15. Turan Plain Two deserts: Kara Kum Kyzyl Kum

  16. Volga River: longest in Europe drains to the Caspian Sea 2,300 miles

  17. Caspian Sea: a saltwater lake Largest inland sea in the world

  18. Lake Baikal: deepest lake in the world – more than one mile

  19. Huge reserves of coal, iron ore, and other metals Deposits of petroleum and natural gas among the world’s largest

  20. Vast forests hold one-fifth of the world’s timber

  21. One of the world’s largest producers of hydroelectric power

  22. Rich energy and mineral resources are located in frozen Siberia

  23. Difficult to attract workers and maintain machinery in the harsh climate

  24. Climate and Vegetation

  25. Much of Russia and the Republics are far from the moderating influence of the sea CONTINENTALITY

  26. Siberia is covered by a layer of permanently frozen subsoil called permafrost Building is difficult

  27. Most of the region has humid continental or subarctic climate

  28. Moist Mediterranean air gives Transcaucasia a humid subtropical climate

  29. Taiga Tundra Four major vegetation regions:

  30. Steppe Deserts: Kara Kum Kyzyl Kum

  31. Human-Environment Interaction

  32. 1960 - present the Aral Sea lost about 80% of its water

  33. Irrigation has diverted so much water that the sea is disappearing. Sea was polluted by pesticides and fertilizers in runoff: rainfall not absorbed by the soil Causing an increase in cancer and respiratory diseases

  34. Siberia is the coldest inhabited place on earth

  35. Temperatures reach –90F in winter “General Winter” defeated Napoleon and Hitler

  36. . . . and +94F in the summer Rivers flood Swamps form Clouds of insects attack Siberia’s residents

  37. As the ground thaws, buildings sink and roads buckle

  38. Trans-Siberian Railway links Moscow with Vladivostok – more than 5,700 miles

  39. Allowed the population of Siberia and access to its resources 1891-1903: 70,000 workers moved 70 million cubic feet of earth Cleared more than 100,000 acres of forest

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