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Context free languages. 1. Equivalence of context free grammars 2. Normal forms. Context-free grammars. In a context free grammar, all productions are of the form A -> w, where A is a nonterminal or the start symbol S, and w is a string from (N T)*. Handles, recursive productions.
Context free languages 1. Equivalence of context free grammars 2. Normal forms
Context-free grammars • In a context free grammar, all productions are of the formA -> w,where A is a nonterminal or the start symbol S, and w is a string from(N T)*
Handles, recursive productions • In the production A -> xw,prefix x, if a single symbol, is called the handle of the production, whether x is in N or T • A productionA -> Awis called left-recursive • The productionA -> wAis called right recursive
Repeated sentential forms • In a derivation, the sentential form wAxS-> … -> wAx -> … -> wAx -> …is called a repeated sentential form. All the intervening steps are wasted steps.
Leftmost derivationsMinimal leftmost derivations • A derivation is a leftmost derivation if at each step only the leftmost nonterminal symbol is replaced using some rule of the grammar. • A leftmost derivation is called minimal if no sentential form is repeated in the derivation
Weak equivalence • Two context-free grammars G1 and G2 are called weakly equivalent ifL(G1) = L(G2)
Example of weak equivalence • G1: S -> S01; S -> 1L(G1) = { 1(01)* } • G2: S -> S0S; S -> 1L(G2) = { 1(01)* }
Strong equivalence • Two CFGs G1 and G2 are called strongly equivalent if they are weakly equivalent, and for each string w of terminals in L(G1) = L(G2), and the minimal left-most derivations of w in G1 and the minimal left-most derivations of w in G2 are exactly the same in number, and so can be put into one-to-one correspondence.
Strong equivalence • Thus G1 and G2 must both be unambiguous, or must both be ambiguous in exactly the same number of ways, for each string w in T*
Weakly equivalent but not strongly equivalent • G1: Grammar of expressions S:S -> T | S + T;T -> F | T * F;F -> a | ( S ); • G2: Grammar of expressions S:S -> E;E -> E + E | E * E | (E) | a; • L(G1) = L(G2) = valid expressions using a, +, *, (, and ). G1 has operator precedence.
Example: Strong equivalence • G1: S->A; A->1B; A->1; B->0AL(G1) = { (10)*1 } • G2: S->B; B->A1; B->1; A->B0L(G2) = { 1(01)* }
Elementary transformations of context free grammars • substitution • expansion • removal of useless productions • removal of non-generative productions • removal of left recursive productions
Substitution • If G has the A-rule, A->uBv,and all the B-rules are:B->w1, B->w2, . . . , B->wk, then • 1. Remove the A-rule A->uBv2. Add the A-rules: A->uw1v, A->uw2v, . . . , A->uwkv3. Keep all the other rules of G, including the B-rules
Example of substitution • G1: S->H;H->TT;T->S; T->aSb; T->c • G2: S->H;H->ST; H->aSbT; H->cT;T->S; T->aSb; T->c;
Strong equivalence after substitution • The grammar G, and the grammar G’ obtained by substitution of B into the A-rule, are strongly equivalent if steps 2 and 3 do not introduce duplicate rules.
Expansion • If a grammar has the A-rule, A->uv • Remove this A-rule, and replace it with the two rules • A->Xv; X->u; or with • A->uY; Y->v where X (or Y) is a new non-terminal symbol of the grammar.
Strong equivalence after expansion • If G is context free, and G’ is obtained from G by expansion, then G and G’ are strongly equivalent.
Useful production • A production A->w of a cfg G is useful if there is a string x from T* such thatS-> . . -> uAv -> uwv -> . . -> x • Otherwise the production, A->w is useless • Thus, a production that is never used to derive a string of terminals is useless
Removing useless productions • T-marking • S-marking • Productions that are both T-marked and S-marked are useful. All other productions can be removed.
T-marking • Construct a sequence P0, P1, P2, . . . , of subsets of P, and a sequence N0, N1, N2, . . . of subsets of N as follows: • P0 = empty, N0 = empty, j = 0 • P[j+1] = { A->w|w in (N[j] + T)* } • N[j+1] = { A in N | P[j+1] contains a rule A->w } • Continue until P[j] = P[j+1] = P[T]
S-marking • Construct a sequence Q1, Q2, Q3, . . . of subsets of P[T] as follows: • Q1 = {S->w in P[T]} • Q[j+1] = Q[j] + {A->w in P[T] | Q[j] contains a rule B->uAv } • Continue until Q[j] = Q[j+1] = P[S] • P[S] are now the useful productions.
Example: T/S-marking • Rule T mark S mark1. S->H 2 12. H->AB3. H->aH 2 24. H->a 1 25. B->Hb 26. C->aC • Thus only 1,3,4 are useful
Strong equivalence after removal of useless productions • If grammar G’ is obtained from grammar G after removal of useless productions of grammar G, then G and G’ are strongly equivalent.
Removing left-recursive rules • Let all the X-rules of grammar G be:X->u1 | u2 | . . . | ukX->Xw1 | Xw2 | . . . | XwhThen these rules may be replaced by the following:X->u1 | u2 | . . . | ukX->u1Z | u2Z | . . . | ukZZ->w1 | w2 | . . . | whZ->w1Z | w2Z | . . . | whZwhere Z is a new non-terminal symbol
Example: Removing left-recursive rules • S->E; S->E;E->T | aT | bT; E->T | aT | bT; E->EaT | EbT; E->TG | aTG | bTG; T->F; G->aT | bT;T->TcF | TdF; G->aTG | bTG; F->n | xEy T->F; T->FH; H->cF | dF; H->cFH | dFH; F->n | xEy
Strong equivalence after removal of left-recursive rules • If grammar G’ is obtained from grammar G by replacing the left-recursive rules of G by right recursive rules to get G’, then G and G’ are strongly equivalent.
Well-formed grammars • A context free grammar G=(N,T,P,S) is well-formed if each production has one of the forms:S->S->AA->wwhere A N and w (N+T)* - N and each production is useful.
Example of well-formed grammars • Parenthesis grammarS->A;A->AA;A->(A);A->();
Chomsky Normal form • A context free grammar G=(N,T,P,S) is in normal form (Chomsky normal form) if each production has one of the forms:S->S->AA->BCA->awhere A,B,C N and a T.
Example of Chomsky normal form grammar • Parenthesis grammarS->A; S->A; A->AA; A->AA;A->(A); A->BC; B-> (; C->AD; D->);A->(); A->BD;
Chomsky Normal Form Theorem • From any context free grammar, one can construct a strongly equivalent grammar in Chomsky normal form.
Greibach normal form(standard form) • A context free grammar G=(N,T,P,S) is in standard form (Greibach normal form) if each production has one of the forms:S->S->AA->awwhere A N, a T, and w (N+T)*.
Example: converting to Greibach standard form • First remove left-recursive rules:S->E; S->E;E->T; E->T;E->EaT; E->TF;T->n; F->aT;T->xEy; F->aTF; T->n; T->xEy;
Converting to Greibach: then substitute to get nonterminal handles • S->E; S->E; E->T; E->n | xEy;E->TF; E->nF | xEyF;F->aT; F->aT; F->aTF; F->aTF; T->n; T->n; T->xEy; T->xEy;
Standard Form Theorem • From any context free grammar, one can construct a strongly equivalent grammar in standard form (Greibach normal form).
Pumping Lemma for context free languages • If L is a context free language, then there exists a positive integer p such that: if w L and |w| > p, thenw = xuyvz, with uv and y nonempty and xukyvkz L for all k 0.