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IAEA Activities in the Area of Partitioning and Transmutation. Alexander Stanculescu Nuclear Energy Department Nuclear Power Technology Development Section. IAEA Activities.
IAEA Activities in the Area of Partitioning and Transmutation Alexander Stanculescu Nuclear Energy Department Nuclear Power Technology Development Section
IAEA Activities • Implemented in collaboration by IAEA’s Nuclear Power Technology Development and Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Sections • Framework given by the Technical Working Groups on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR) and on Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options (TWG-NFCO) 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Technical Working Group on Fast Reactors (TWG-FR) • TWG-FR working tool to • Promote exchange of information on national and multi-national fast reactor and hybrid systems (e.g., ADS) programs • Stimulate and facilitate collaborative research and development (CRPs) • Coordinate activities with other Agency projects (e.g., in Safety), and international organizations (EC and NEA) 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Belarus, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea, Russia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States of America, as well as the EU (EC), and OECD/NEA Observers: Sweden, Turkey Membership of the TWG-FR 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
TWG-FR Annual Meetings • Last meeting held in Vienna, IAEA Headquarters, 10 – 14 May 2004 • Next meeting will be hosted by Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN), in São Paulo, Brazil,23 – 27 May2004 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Recent Accomplishments • Information exchange • Thorium fuel utilization: Options and trends (IAEA TECDOC-1319) • Power Reactor and Sub-critical Blanket Systems with Lead and Lead-Bismuth as Coolant and/or Target Material (IAEA TECDOC-1348) • Potential of thorium based fuel cycles to constrain plutonium and reduce long lived waste toxicity (IAEA TECDOC-1349) • Emerging nuclear energy and transmutation systems: core physics and engineering aspects (IAEA TECDOC-1356) • Review of national accelerator driven system programmes for partitioning and transmutation (IAEA TECDOC-1365) 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Recent Accomplishments • Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on Potential of Thorium Based Fuel Cycles to Constrain Plutonium and to Reduce Long Lived Waste Toxicity • Results presented at PHYSOR 2002 • Final results published in IAEA TECDOC-1349 • Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on Use of Thorium Based Fuel Cycles in Accelerator Driven Systems to Incinerate Plutonium and to Reduce Long-term Waste Toxicities • IAEA TECDOC under preparation 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • Information exchange • TECDOC on review of solid and mobile fuels for partitioning and transmutation systems • TECDOC on theoretical and experimental studies of heavy liquid metal thermal hydraulics • TECDOC on comparative assessment of the dynamics and safety characteristics of transmutation systems • TECDOC on the status of accelerator driven systems R&D and technology 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • Compendium on the use of fusion / fission / accelerator based systems for the utilization and transmutation of actinides and long-lived fission products • Description of the technology • Description of the various R&D areas linked to the technology • Summary of the major past, current and planned R&D activities in these areas (worldwide) 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • IAEA Workshop on Technology and Applications of Accelerator Driven Systems, in collaboration with ICTP, Trieste, Italy, 17-21 October 2005 • Main objectives: formation and training • Lectures, tutorials, computer exercises • Participants mostly from Eastern Europe and Asia, but also participation from Africa, Western Europe, and South America • Syllabus: accelerator technology, nuclear data, ADS concepts (design), simulation methods, ADS safety, fuel cycle issues • More information soon available on http://www.iaea.org/inis/aws/fnss/meetings/index.html#planned 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • Coordinated Research Project (2002-2006) on Studies of Advanced Reactor Technology Options for Effective Incineration of Radioactive Waste • Participation from 17 institutions in 13 Member States, and the EC (JRC) • Comparative assessment of the transient behaviour of advanced transmutation systems • Both critical and sub-critical systems to be considered • critical liquid metal, and gas cooled fast reactor • heavy liquid metal, and gas cooled ADS • critical and sub-critical molten salt reactor • fusion-fission hybrid sub-critical reactor 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • Coordinated Research Project (2005-2009) on Analytical and Experimental Benchmark Analyses of Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS) • Improve understanding of physics of the coupling of external sources with sub-critical cores • Integrated calculation schemes will be used by the participants to perform computational and experimental benchmark analyses • Experimental backing of analytical benchmarks is major objective of the CRP 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Sub-critical Assembly Dubna (SAD), ISTC Project #2267 Proton beam: 660 MeV, 1.52 A,1.0 kW Target: lead MOX: 73% UO2, 27% PuO2 97%239Pu in PuO2 Total fuel mass ~340 kg Keff0.940990.00134 Energetic gain18.7 Sub-critical blanket power < 19 kW Diameter: - target & fuel ~50 cm - target, fuel & reflectors ~90 cm 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
YALINA-Booster, ISTC #B070 keff = 0.975 – 0.980 Booster zone 48х48х50 cm Enriched Umetand UO2 Neutron flux En >0.1 MeV 109n/cm2s Moderator Pb Intermediate zone Thickness 3cm Natural Umet + В4С Moderator Pb Thermal zone Thickness24 cm Enriched UO2 Moderator polyethylene Reflector graphite Thermal neutron flux with Ti3Htarget109n/cm2s 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
Ongoing and Planned Activities • ADS Research and Development Database • ADS related R&D programs: experimental facilities (existing and planned) and programs, methods and data development, design studies, … • Web based, operational http://www-adsdb.iaea.org/index.cfm • Data collection started, contributions solicited • Request login ID and PW from a.stanculescu@iaea.org • Data can then be provided on-line, intuitive interface 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004
For more information, please visit http://www.iaea.org/inis/aws/fnss/ Thank You ! 8th IEM on P&T, Las Vegas, Nevada, 9-11 November 2004