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THE LIFE OF A BEE. By Katie. I’m a bee, a worker bee. In the summer I live for about 6weeks. The black and yellow stripes on my back are to warn animals and humans like you that I can hurt you. My home, my leader. My home is an apiary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. THE LIFE OF A BEE. By Katie.

  2. I’m a bee, a worker bee In the summer I live for about 6weeks. The black and yellow stripes on my back are to warn animals and humans like you that I can hurt you.

  3. My home, my leader My home is an apiary At the apiary I have a master she is called the Queen Bee.

  4. My jobs as a worker bee At my home apiary I produce wax and shape it into hexagonal cells called comb. I also go out and collect pollen and eat nectar on the job.

  5. All about my master Queen Bee My master (queen bee) lives for only 4 years and the drones look after her and help her make babies

  6. My Group And Others Name. All the bee’s in the world all are in a group. My group and the others is called a Colony.

  7. How Do We Communicate. Us bees we communicate by dance. Worker bees like me have special routines to show were the pollen is and nectar.

  8. Thank you for watching and listening to my story This is Alexa the worker bee signing of because I’ve got to go and collect pollen. Buzzzzzzzzzz

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