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The Metaphor of the Pencil

Embrace the wisdom of the Pencil Maker to become a better person and educator. Learn to trust, overcome mistakes, nurture inner values, make a lasting impact, and guide others with hope. Start your journey of self-improvement and mentorship today.

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The Metaphor of the Pencil

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Metaphor of the Pencil

  2. At the beginningthe Pencils Maker spoke to the pencil and said: ” There are five things that you have to know before I send you out there. Keep them in mind and you will become the best pencil in the world.“

  3. One: You will be able to do many things but only if you will allow people to guide you.

  4. Two: Once in a while you have to suffer a painful sharpening, you will shorten but this will be necessary if you want to became a betterpencil.

  5. Three: You will be able to correct any mistake you will do.

  6. Four: The most important part of you will be always your inside.

  7. Five: No matter what, you will always keep on writing… Make sure to leave always a clear mark, easy to read, although the situation may seem difficult.

  8. The pencil listened to him and promised to keep everything in mind, after “she” entered happily the box because she had understood everything the Pencil Maker had told her. Then … her adventure started. Today yours can start as well…

  9. Now try to substitute yourself to the pencil. To be an happy person and to became a better person, I propose you the 5 indications of the pencil Maker.

  10. You will be able to do great things but only if you will allow somebody more skilled than you to take you by the hand. If you will trust him you will discover all your capabilities. If you will be patient and wait , certainly there will be somebody else that will put his hand in your hand to let you lead him towards new expertises. And you will experience the pleasure to be an Educator. One:

  11. Two: Once in a while you will experience a painful “sharpening” going through lots of problems and climbing hills of misunderstandings YOU WILL HAVE “TO REDUCE YOURSELF” But you will need this to became a better person “ less intrusive” lighter and vibrating. You will find in yourself the strength to be small to became an educator of the youngers

  12. Three: You will discover that you as well can make mistakes, but you will see that no mistake is irreparable. You will learn to overtake the possible mistakes thanks to the understanding of who will help you to erase them. And then if you want it, you will experience the happiness to lighten the heart of those who have mistaken toward you.

  13. Four: The most important part of you will always be that inside yourself, that of your conscience that will lead you to make the choices that will better suit you and the people that live close to you and that are involved like you. And from these shared choices, mutual confidence and cooperation will come out.

  14. Five: On what ever you will walk, always remember that you have to leave your mark. It does not matter the context , and although you will think that nobody cares about your mark you have to keep on writing because in this way you will help those who are growing at you side.

  15. Everyone of us is like a coloured pencil created by a Maker for a special reason and scope. And if you leave clear and meaningful marks as the signs of a path, then you will know how to lead the new generations to find in their hearts the only mark that is worth to be left.

  16. It is the sign of trust that builds up,TOGETHER, DRAWINGS OF HOPE

  17. And you as well, you that started for the first time the UTE or you that once again enrolled , YOU AS WELL With everybody else, will be able to make a mark of light and hope to lead the steps of younger people toward the fulfilment of their higher ambitions.

  18. Follow the five indications and the MARK that you will leave, will stay for ever.

  19. To you all,FRIENDSofa wish: bind together all the personal marks in a coloured and happy rainbow,SIGN OF HOPEthat everybody can see,SIGN OF EDUCATIONAL CAREfor all generations!

  20. Per fiorire sempre per formarsi sempre ... ed essere "le pupille" del mondo

  21. Thank you! Prof.ssa Anna Maria BOSCO Fine

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