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Crisis: High-Quality Housing Stability Solutions

Leading source on homelessness causes, solutions. Renting Ready program empowers tenants, reassures landlords, prevents repeat homelessness. Get informed, take action! Contact us today.

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Crisis: High-Quality Housing Stability Solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Crisis Chris Hancock – Head of Housing

  2. Homelessness ends here High quality services that enable housing stability, financial security, improved wellbeing and the development of positive relationships Leading source of knowledge on causes, effects and solutions for homelessness. Influencing opinion and public policy so that ending the homelessness crisis really matters to people

  3. Private Renting Programme • PRS is a viable solution • Social Lettings Agencies • Tenant and Landlord Support • No incentives required

  4. Crisis Skylight Model • Members • Not time limited / not conditional • Coaching Approach • No one single answer

  5. Renting Ready Why pre-tenancy training? • Managing clients' expectations • Prevention of repeat homelessness • More likely problems can be resolved before eviction is necessary • Landlords feel reassured they are getting good tenant • Tenants feel empowered and confident to deal with issues themselves • Tenants will gain skills to manage better on a low income Renting Ready: • Housing Options: Understanding how it all works - rights and responsibilities • Getting ready to move: what are landlords looking for, what do I need to consider? • Money Matters: budgeting, understanding financial liabilities/credit/financial products • Making the money go further: cooking on a budget, getting free stuff • Making a house a home: basic DIY, furnishings, when to ask the landlord • Finding and living with flatmates: flatmate types, how to prevent and deal with common problems Make sure clients understand it, attendance is not enough!

  6. Home, no less will do – research • Homeless people were perceived by landlords as a risky group to let to – Only 18% of landlords were willing to let to homeless people • Effects of welfare reform have impacted on landlords attitudes to letting to homeless people and tenants in receipt of housing benefit • Costs and additional safeguards (i.e. increasing deposit, guarantors) were a key barrier to accessing the PRS for homeless people  • Local authorities said it had become more difficult for single homeless people to access the PRS in the past five years • PRS access schemes and similar support can help overcome barriers homeless people are experiencing but most local authority respondents agreed there needed to more assistance provided for single homeless people

  7. Home, no less will do E-mail private.renting@crisis.org.uk Tel 020 7426 5685 Twitter: @PrivateRenting Or visit http://www.crisis.org.uk

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