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Talking about Past, present & future

Talking about Past, present & future. Sudah , sedang , akan, baru & belum. Indicating Time & Tense. Belum not yet Sudah has already happened (past tense) Sedang in the process of (present tense) Akan will happen (future tense) Baru has just happened. Past tense Sudah.

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Talking about Past, present & future

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Talking about Past, present & future Sudah, sedang, akan, baru & belum

  2. Indicating Time & Tense Belumnot yet Sudahhas already happened (past tense) Sedangin the process of (present tense) Akanwill happen (future tense) Baruhas just happened

  3. Past tense Sudah • Sudah– already happened • Saya sudah mandi • I have already had a shower

  4. Saya sudahmandi !!

  5. Present tense SEDANG • Sedang – happening now • Saya sedang makan pagi • I am having breakfast now

  6. Keluargasedangmakanpagi.

  7. Future tense AKAN • Akan - will happen future tense • Saya akan mengerjakan PRku nanti • I will do my homework later

  8. Peter akan mengerjakanPRnyananti(diasedangmenontontelevisi).

  9. Just happened BARU • BARU just happened • Saya baru makan pagi • I have just had breakfast

  10. Saya barumakanpagi !!

  11. Not Yet BELUM • BELUM - not yet happened • Saya belum mengenakan seragam sekolah. • I have not yet got dressed (into school uniform)

  12. Anita belummengenakanseragamsekolah (diasedangmerapikantempattidurnya)

  13. Tamat

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