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PLC’s What does Professional Learning Communities look like in Covina-Valley USD?
What Are PLC’s • An ongoing process through which teachers and administrators work collaboratively to seek and share learning and to act on their learning, their goal being to enhance their effectiveness as professionals for students’ benefit (Hord, 1997) • A school culture that recognizes a capitalizes on the collective strengths and talents of the staff (Protheroe, 2008) • Team members who regularly collaborate toward continued improvement in meeting learning needs through a shared curricular-focused vision (Reichstetter, 2006) • What makes a PLC difficult to define is that it is not a prescription, a new program, a model, or an innovation to be implemented. Rather, a PLC is an infrastructure or way of working together that results in continuous school improvement (Hord, 1997).
CUEA Contract • 7.7 Faculty Meetings • 7.7.1 Administration shall collaborate with site leadership when developing the topics • for faculty meetings, collaborative meetings, and professional development. At • the request of the Association, the District agrees to meet and confer with the • Association where there are concerns at a particular school about excessive meetings. • 7.7.2 Professional Development involving an entire school staff will be included as a • part of regular staff meetings whenever practicable.
Attributes of a TEAM • Share a Common Goal • Work Together Interdependently • Mutual Accountability for Results
When Developing PLC’s, Ask yourself These Questions: • How does this fit and/or meet our mission, vision and goals as a school? (ultimately LCAP) • How does this meet the learning needs of our students?
What Can we Do to keep our TEAM accountable? • Can we develop agenda’s for PLC’s? • Can we require feedback (notes, lessons, etc.)? • Can we require a specific meeting place? • What do we do when teachers don’t comply? • Establishing protocol and norms will help not only the process, but an understanding of expectations for both teachers and administrators.