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3 Mathematicans

By: Tanner Hensley. 3 Mathematicans. Aryabhatta. Born 476-550 in India He advanced in arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry using the decimal system He is sometimes called “Father of Algebra”

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3 Mathematicans

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Tanner Hensley 3 Mathematicans

  2. Aryabhatta • Born 476-550 in India • He advanced in arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry using the decimal system • He is sometimes called “Father of Algebra” • His most famous accomplishment in mathematics was the Aryabhatta Algorithm which means solving for diophantine equations

  3. Aryabhatta • He studied at the University of Nalanda • One major work was Aryabhatiya • The book dealt with many topics like astronomy, spherical triogonometry, arithmetic, algebra and plane trigonometry • It was translated in latin in the 13th century

  4. Aryabhatta • He made several important discoveries in astronomy: for example his estimate of the earths circumference was more accurate than any achieved in ancient Greece • He worked out the value of pi • Worked out the area of a triangle • He calculates the volume of a sphere

  5. Aryabhatta

  6. Jules Henri Poincare • His favorite sayings was • “ Science is built up with facts, as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.” • “ Thought is only a flash between two long nights, but this flash is everything.”

  7. Jules Henri Poincare • He was a french mathematician, theoretical physcicist, engineer, and a philosopher of science • He was also described as a ploymath • During his childhood he was seriously ill for a time with diphtheria

  8. Jules Henri Poincare • Born in France 1854-1912 • Poincare found the theory of algebraic topology • He is sometimes called the father of topology • He discovered automorphic functions and essentially found the theory of periodic orbits

  9. Jules Henri • He also was deeply interested in philosophy of science • He argued for conventionalism and against both formalism and logicism • Preliminary version of the special theory of relativity and stated that the velocity of light is a limit velocity and that mass depends on speed

  10. Jules Henri Poincare

  11. Nina Karlovna Bari • Nina parents were Olga Eduardovna Seligson and Karl Adolfovich • Nina was educated at a private school LOV yazemska's High School for girls in Moscow • She showed great potential in mathematics • Nina graduated in 1921 from Moscow state university

  12. Nina • She became the first woman to graduate from Moscow State University • Her goal was to become a university teacher • She won won one of the small number scholarships

  13. Nina • She studied and worked for six months at the Sorbonne and the collage De France in paris • Year later she visited Lvov, Poland • She participated in Third-All Union Congress • She also gave lectures at the moscow Polytechine Institution

  14. Nina • She was killed by a train in the moscow metro. • Nina was considered to be the principal leader of Mathematics • She helped many students to improve there Ph.D and improve theses

  15. Nina

  16. Resources • Aryabhatta- wikipedia.org • Jules Henri Poincare- wikipedia. Org and www-history.mcs.st.andrews.ac.uk/Biographies/poincare.html • Nina Bari- wikipedia.org and Agnes Scott College website

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