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Trends in health and health care in Zambia

Trends in health and health care in Zambia. Emmanuela Gakidou, PhD Associate Professor, Global Health April 18th, 2013. Outline. Population-level trends in burden of disease and coverage of key interventions Facility-level trends in provision of services Patient-level satisfaction.

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Trends in health and health care in Zambia

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Trends in health and health care in Zambia Emmanuela Gakidou, PhD Associate Professor, Global Health April 18th, 2013

  2. Outline • Population-level trends in burden of disease and coverage of key interventions • Facility-level trends in provision of services • Patient-level satisfaction

  3. Zambia overview

  4. www.healthmetricsandevaluation.org/gbd

  5. Zambia: trends in top 20 causes of child death

  6. Health sector reform Trend in under-5 mortality Child Health Week Catch up immunization with CHWs ITN scale up ACTs HR and infrastructure investments PMTCT IRS HiB

  7. Trends in coverage of select key interventions

  8. Under-5 mortality

  9. DPT3 immunization coverage

  10. Scale up of ITN ownership

  11. ITN ownership compared toITN use

  12. Key MCH interventions and under-5 mortality

  13. Education of women of reproductive age

  14. Childhood malnutrition (underweight)

  15. Education, malnutrition and mortality

  16. Facility-level trends in the provision of services

  17. Trend in ART-related visits at health facilities

  18. Trend in non- ART related services

  19. Trends in volume of care for facilities that provide ART vs. facilities that do not

  20. What do the customers say?Patient satisfaction across facilities in Zambia

  21. Average travel time to urban and rural health facilities, by education

  22. Proportion of patients waiting over 1 hour, urban and rural facilities, by education

  23. Overall patient satisfaction

  24. Proportion of patients that would return to facility

  25. Burden of disease in Zambia, 2010

  26. Extra slides

  27. Zambia Health Surveillance Data Sources *unpublished

  28. Zambia Health Surveillance Data Sources *unpublished

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