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Explore Current Trends in Health Care

Explore Current Trends in Health Care. Health Team Relations 2 nd & 4 th Block Instructor: Melissa Lewis. A. Cost Containment. Reasons for high health care costs a. Technological advances (ex. Organ transplants) b. Aging population c. Health-related lawsuits.

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Explore Current Trends in Health Care

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Explore Current Trends in Health Care Health Team Relations 2nd & 4th Block Instructor: Melissa Lewis

  2. A. Cost Containment • Reasons for high health care costs a. Technological advances (ex. Organ transplants) b. Aging population c. Health-related lawsuits

  3. Cost Containment Cont… • Methods of cost containment a. DRG’s (diagnostic related groups) b. Combination of services c. Outpatient services d. Mass or bulk purchasing (Sam’s) e. Early intervention/preventive services

  4. Home Health Care: • People are going home from the hospital quicker and sicker. So, this is definitely a growing field. • This is a another form of cost containment. • All HC professionals are included in this (examples – Nursing, PT, RT, Social services, food services, etc.

  5. Geriatric Care: • Care for the elderly • This field will continue to grow because people are living longer • Facilities that care for the elderly include: -Long term care facilities, Convalescent care facilities, Nursing homes, retirement homes, independent living facilities

  6. Geriatric Care Cont… • Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1. Led to development of regulations regarding long term care & home health care 2. Requires states to establish training & competency evaluation for nursing assistants

  7. Geriatric Care cont… 3. Each NA is now required to pass a written and a skills test to obtain certification 4. It also requires continuing education

  8. Telemedicine: • Involves the use of video, audio, computer systems to provide medical care services • Allows HC to be delivered even when people are not in the same location • Must have proper telecommunication lines for this to be effective

  9. Wellness: • Definition: a state of being in optimal health with a balanced relationship between physical, mental, & social health 1. Physical wellness 2. Emotional wellness 3. Social wellness

  10. Wellness cont… 4. Mental & intellectual wellness 5. Spritual wellness 6. Holistic Health: Care that promotes physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual well-being by treating the WHOLE body, mind, & spirit

  11. Alternative & Complementary Methods of Health Care: • ***Ayurvedic practioners*** • Chinese medicine practitioners • Chiropractors • Homeopaths • Hypnotists • Naturopaths

  12. THE END!!!

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