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Narrative Paragraph

Fernando Osante Sydney Gómez Santiago Cuesta. Narrative Paragraph. Narrative Paragraph.

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Narrative Paragraph

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fernando Osante Sydney Gómez Santiago Cuesta NarrativeParagraph

  2. NarrativeParagraph • Narration paragraphs are most distinctively used in fiction. As such, they will contain all necessary components of action development: protagonist, setting, goal, obstacle, climax and resolution. Writing a narration paragraph requires, consequently, sequential order and chronology. There are many descriptive elements included into the body of a narration paragraph but, if composed correctly, the paragraph will feature much more action than depiction.

  3. Step 1 • Choose a topic that will appeal to the designated audience for your narrative paragraph.

  4. Step 2 • List several details that you know or have learned about your chosen topic.

  5. Step 3 • Write a topic sentence that introduces what key information will be in the paragraph.

  6. Step 4 • Create an outline of your paragraph that begins with your topic sentence and contains at least three important details from your list.

  7. Step 5 • Write your three detail sentences. Use transitions between each sentence to lead your reader logically through the narrative.

  8. Step 6 • Add your final clincher or concluding sentence that sums up your paragraph without simply repeating the details from your paragraph.

  9. Step 7 • Check your paragraph for errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation, or have an adult or peer read your paragraph to identify mistakes.

  10. Elements of a Narrative Paragraph • Protagonist – in the above paragraph, the protagonist is Larry who is introduced at the very beginning of the story; • Setting – Larry’s house is the setting. From the paragraph, reader can learn about his bedroom (where he woke up), it is also clear that it’s a two-storey house with an attic, and a fenced garden; • Goal – the goal of the story is Nick visiting Larry; • Obstacle – what stops Larry from coming down, and earlier on, from concentrating on getting dressed are repeating bizarre sounds coming from all parts of the house; • Climax – Larry trying to check what was causing the sound; • Resolution – Larry falls from the stairs and calls out to Nick to help him get up.

  11. Example #1 • Larry suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. The sun was dazzling his half-open eyes, and he couldn’t figure out what time it was. The door to his room was closed; the house was immersed in some sort of reckless silence. He slowly got out of his bed and approached the bench right next to the window. For a moment, he thought, he heard a tapping sound coming from the attic. Then again he heard the sound, only this time it seemed to be somewhat closer. He looked outside the window and saw a man going by the left side of the road. On seeing Larry, the man approached his garden’s fence and whistled. At this point, Larry recognized Nick and waved his hand. He quickly got dressed and was about the get down to open the gate, but he again heard someone murmuring in the other part of the house. Larry decided to go to the attic and see what was causing this, now buzzing, sound. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He quickly opened its door and looked inside. Nothing was found. He was about to turn back and attend to his guest when he, suddenly, slipped on the stairs and fell. He called out to Nick to help him get up.

  12. Example #2 • Every Saturday morning I get up at eight o'clock. I immediately cook breakfast and my daughter and my wife and I usually have breakfast together. I usually go shopping. My daughter and wife usually go to the park to have some fun with the other children in our neighborhood. After I do the shopping, I come home and my wife and I clean the house. My wife then cooks lunch while my daughter plays in her room and then we eat together. After lunch, we sometimes go shopping. If we don't go shopping, we often go to the countryside for a nice walk. We often get home quite late and have a small dinner. We usually watch a film on TV and then go to bed at about eleven o'clock.

  13. Exercise #1 • Sunday is a _______________ day for me. I _______________ like _______________. I _______________ get up _______________ and then I _______________. After _______________, I often go _______________. Sometimes, I like _______________ . In the evening, I _______________ like _______________ . I usually go to bed around _______________.

  14. Example #3 • Yesterday evening I got home from work at 6 o'clock. My wife had prepared dinner which we ate immediately. After I had cleaned up the kitchen, we watched TV for about an hour. Then we got ready to go out with some friends. Our friends arrived at about 9 o'clock and we chatted for a while. Later we decided to visit a jazz club and listen to some music. We really enjoyed ourselves and stayed late. We finally left at one o'clock in the morning.

  15. Exercise #2 • Yesterday evening ______________ at ________ o'clock. I immediately ______________. After ______________, I (or we) ________________. Then I (or we) __________________________. I (or we) _________________a while. Later I (or we) _______________________________. I (or we) finally _______________.

  16. Example #~4 • Yo-Yos were the fad my senior year. Just about everyone had one tethered to his index finger. You weren’t supposed to yo-yo during school hours, but no one enforced the rule, so between classed yo-yos flew in every direction. Some of us got innovative and lengthened our yo-yo strings to monstrous lengths. I had about the longest yo-yo string in the whole school. I could yo-yo out the second story window and “walk the dog” on the sidewalk below, even climb the front steps of the school with passers by, following the yo-yo up its string to my middle finger, which I would crook to them in friendly gesture. Sometimes before the tardy bell would ring, the whole class would be leaning out the window watching my feat saying, “Do it again.”

  17. Example #4 • The last person I expected to see on the tour bus was Jake Reed! Jake and I were childhood sweethearts until I moved to Georgia in 1999. We had vowed to write to each other and did so for about three years. We were both choosing which college to attend about that time. When I boarded the bus and saw Jake, we both knew it wasn't just chance!

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