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CS342 Data Structure

CS342 Data Structure. Review of C++: Overriding base-class functions. Overriding Base-Class Members in a Derived Class. To override a base-class member function In the derived class, supply a new version of that function with the same signature same function name, different definition

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CS342 Data Structure

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  1. CS342 Data Structure Review of C++: Overriding base-class functions

  2. Overriding Base-Class Members in a Derived Class • To override a base-class member function • In the derived class, supply a new version of that function with the same signature • same function name, different definition • When the function is then mentioned by name in the derived class, the derived version is automatically called • The scope-resolution operator may be used to access the base class version from the derived class

  3. 1 // Fig. 9.5: employ.h 17 // Fig. 9.5: employ.cpp 2 // Definition of class Employee 18 // Member function definitions for class Employee 19 #include <iostream> 3 #ifndef EMPLOY_H 4 #define EMPLOY_H 20 21 using std::cout; 5 6 class Employee { 22 23 #include <cstring> 7 public: 24 #include <cassert> 8 Employee( const char *, const char * ); // constructor 9 void print() const; // output first and last name 25 #include "employ.h" 26 10 ~Employee(); // destructor 11 private: 27 // Constructor dynamically allocates space for the 28 // first and last name and uses strcpy to copy 12 char *firstName; // dynamically allocated string 13 char *lastName; // dynamically allocated string 29 // the first and last names into the object. 14 }; 30 Employee::Employee( const char *first, const char *last ) 15 31 { 16 #endif 32 firstName = new char[ strlen( first ) + 1 ]; 1. Employee class definition ----------------------- 1. Load header 1.1 Function definitions

  4. 33 assert( firstName != 0 ); // terminate if not allocated 51 // Fig. 9.5: hourly.h 34 strcpy( firstName, first ); 52 // Definition of class HourlyWorker 53 #ifndef HOURLY_H 35 54 #define HOURLY_H 36 lastName = new char[ strlen( last ) + 1 ]; 55 37 assert( lastName != 0 ); // terminate if not allocated 56 #include "employ.h" 38 strcpy( lastName, last ); 39 } 57 HourlyWorker inherits from Employee. 58 class HourlyWorker : public Employee { 40 59 public: 41 // Output employee name HourlyWorker will override the print function. 60 HourlyWorker( const char*, const char*, double, double ); 42 void Employee::print() const 61 double getPay() const; // calculate and return salary 43 { cout << firstName << ' ' << lastName; } 44 62 void print() const; // overridden base-class print 63 private: 45 // Destructor deallocates dynamically allocated memory 46 Employee::~Employee() 47 { 48 delete [] firstName; // reclaim dynamic memory 49 delete [] lastName; // reclaim dynamic memory 50 } 1.1 Function definitions --------------------- 1. HourlyWorker class definition

  5. 64 double wage; // wage per hour 69 // Fig. 9.5: hourly.cpp 65 double hours; // hours worked for week 70 // Member function definitions for class HourlyWorker 66 }; 71 #include <iostream> 67 72 68 #endif 73 using std::cout; 74 using std::endl; 75 76 #include <iomanip> 77 78 using std::ios; 79 using std::setiosflags; 80 using std::setprecision; 81 82 #include "hourly.h" 83 84 // Constructor for class HourlyWorker 85 HourlyWorker::HourlyWorker( const char *first, 86 const char *last, 87 double initHours, double initWage ) 88 : Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor 89 { 90 hours = initHours; // should validate 91 wage = initWage; // should validate 92 } 93 94 // Get the HourlyWorker's pay 95 double HourlyWorker::getPay() const { return wage * hours; } 1. Load header 1.1 Function definitions

  6. 107 // Fig. 9.5: fig09_05.cpp 96 97 // Print the HourlyWorker's name and pay 108 // Overriding a base-class member function in a 98 void HourlyWorker::print() const 109 // derived class. 99 { 110 #include "hourly.h" 100 cout << "HourlyWorker::print() is executing\n\n"; 111 The print function is overriden in HourlyWorker. However, the new function still can call the original print function using :: 112 int main() 101 Employee::print(); // call base-class print function 102 113 { 103 cout << " is an hourly worker with pay of $" 114 HourlyWorker h( "Bob", "Smith", 40.0, 10.00 ); 104 << setiosflags( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint ) 115 h.print(); 116 return 0; 105 << setprecision( 2 ) << getPay() << endl; 106 } 117 } 1.1 Function Definitions -------------------- 1. Load header 1.1 Initialize object 2. Function call Program Output HourlyWorker::print() is executing Bob Smith is an hourly worker with pay of $400.00

  7. Implicit Derived-Class Object to Base-Class Object Conversion • Assignment of derived and base classes • Derived-class type and base-class type are different • Derived-class object can be treated as a base-class object • Derived class has members corresponding to all of the base class’s members • Derived-class has more members than the base-class object • Derived-class object canbe assigned to a base-class object • Base-class object cannot be treated as a derived-class object • Would leave additional derived class members undefined • Base-class object cannotbe assigned to a derived class object unless the assignment operator is overloaded to allow such an assignment

  8. Implicit Derived-Class Object to Base-Class Object Conversion continued • Mixing base and derived class pointers and objects • Referring to a base-class object with a base-class pointer • Allowed • Referring to a derived-class object with a derived-class pointer • Allowed • Referring to a derived-class object with a base-class pointer • Possible syntax error • Code can only refer to base-class members, or syntax error • Referring to a base-class object with a derived-class pointer • Syntax error, unless • The derived-class pointer must first be cast to a base-class pointer

  9. Down-casting Base-Class Pointers to Derived Class Pointers • Derived classes relationships to base classes • Objects of a derived class can be treated as objects of the base class • Reverse not true — base class objects cannot be derived-class objects • Down-casting a pointer • Use an explicit cast to convert a base-class pointer to a derived-class pointer • If pointer is going to be de-referenced, the type of the pointer must match the type of object to which the pointer points • Format: derivedPtr = static_cast< DerivedClass * > basePtr;

  10. Down-casting Base-Class Pointers to Derived-Class Pointers continued • The following example: point (base class)  circle (derived class) • Demonstrates the down-casting of base class pointers to derived class pointers • Class Circle is derived from class Point • A pointer of type Point is used to reference a Circle object, and a pointer to type Circle is used to reference a Point object

  11. Example highlight: point (base) class and circle (derived) class pointPtr = &c; // Assign address of circle object to pointPtr is OK! // Treat a circle as a point (see only the point base class part) // i.e., *pointPtr refers to the point (base class) object. circlePtr = &p; // Assign address of a point object to a circlePtr is not allowed circlePtr = static_cast< Circle * >( pointPtr ); // if pointPtr = &c; then // *circlePtr refers to the circle object! pointPtr = &p; // Assign address of point object to pointPtr is OK. circlePtr = static_cast< Circle * >( pointPtr ); // here *circlePtr refers to a // circle (derived class) object, however, the data members // defined in the circle class are undefined!!! Full example follows

  12. 1 // Fig. 9.4: point.h 22 // Fig. 9.4: point.cpp 23 // Member functions for class Point 2 // Definition of class Point 24 #include <iostream> 3 #ifndef POINT_H 25 #include "point.h" 4 #define POINT_H 26 5 27 // Constructor for class Point 6 #include <iostream> 28 Point::Point( int a, int b ) { setPoint( a, b ); } 7 29 8 using std::ostream; 30 // Set x and y coordinates of Point 9 31 void Point::setPoint( int a, int b ) 10 class Point { 32 { 11 friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const Point & ); 33 x = a; 12 public: 13 Point( int = 0, int = 0 ); // default constructor 14 void setPoint( int, int ); // set coordinates 15 int getX() const { return x; } // get x coordinate 16 int getY() const { return y; } // get y coordinate 17 protected:// accessible by derived classes 18 int x, y; // x and y coordinates of the Point 19 }; 20 21 #endif 1. Point class definition ------------- 1. Load header 1.1 Function definitions

  13. 34 y = b; 44 // Fig. 9.4: circle.h 35 } 45 // Definition of class Circle 36 46 #ifndef CIRCLE_H 37 // Output Point (with overloaded stream insertion operator) 47 #define CIRCLE_H 38 ostream &operator<<( ostream &output, const Point &p ) 48 49 #include <iostream> 39 { 40 output << '[' << p.x << ", " << p.y << ']'; 50 Class Circle publicly inherits from class Point, so it will have class Point's public and protected member functions and data. 51 using std::ostream; 41 42 return output; // enables cascaded calls 52 43 } 53 #include <iomanip> 54 55 using std::ios; 56 using std::setiosflags; 57 using std::setprecision; 58 59 #include "point.h" 60 61 class Circle : public Point { // Circle inherits from Point 62 friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const Circle & ); 63 public: 64 // default constructor 1.1 Function definitions --------------------- 1. Circle class definition

  14. 65 Circle( double r = 0.0, int x = 0, int y = 0 ); 75 // Fig. 9.4: circle.cpp 76 // Member function definitions for class Circle 66 67 void setRadius( double ); // set radius 77 #include "circle.h" 68 double getRadius() const; // return radius 78 69 double area() const; // calculate area 79 // Constructor for Circle calls constructor for Point 70 protected: 80 // with a member initializer then initializes radius. Circle inherits from Point, and has Point's data members (which are set by calling Point's constructor). 71 double radius; 81 Circle::Circle( double r, int a, int b ) 72 }; 82 : Point( a, b ) // call base-class constructor 73 83 { setRadius( r ); } 74 #endif 84 85 // Set radius of Circle 86 void Circle::setRadius( double r ) 87 { radius = ( r >= 0 ? r : 0 ); } 88 1. Circle definition -------------------- 1. Load header 1.1 Function Definitions

  15. 107 // Fig. 9.4: fig09_04.cpp 89 // Get radius of Circle 90 double Circle::getRadius() const { return radius; } 108 // Casting base-class pointers to derived-class pointers 91 109 #include <iostream> 92 // Calculate area of Circle 110 111 using std::cout; 93 double Circle::area() const 94 { return 3.14159 * radius * radius; } 112 using std::endl; 113 95 96 // Output a Circle in the form: 114 #include <iomanip> 97 // Center = [x, y]; Radius = #.## 115 116 #include "point.h" 98 ostream &operator<<( ostream &output, const Circle &c ) 117 #include "circle.h" 99 { 118 100 output << "Center = " << static_cast< Point >( c ) 119 int main() 101 << "; Radius = " 102 << setiosflags( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint ) 120 { 103 << setprecision( 2 ) << c.radius; 121 Point *pointPtr = 0, p( 30, 50 ); 104 105 return output; // enables cascaded calls 106 } 1. 1 Function Definitions ---------------------- Driver 1. Load headers 1.1 Initialize objects

  16. 122 Circle *circlePtr = 0, c( 2.7, 120, 89 ); 134 cout << "\nCircle c (via *circlePtr):\n" << *circlePtr 123 135 << "\nArea of c (via circlePtr): " 136 << circlePtr->area() << '\n'; 124 cout << "Point p: " << p << "\nCircle c: " << c << '\n'; 125 137 Assign pointPtr to a Point object. It has no derived-class information. When it is cast to a Circle *, circlePtr is really assigned to a base-class object with no derived-class information. This is dangerous. 126 // Treat a Circle as a Point (see only the base class part) 138 // DANGEROUS: Treat a Point as a Circle 127 pointPtr = &c; // assign address of Circle to pointPtr 139 pointPtr = &p; // assign address of Point to pointPtr Assign derived-class pointer (&c) to base class pointer pointPtr. The base class pointer only "sees" the base-class part of the object it points to. 140 128 cout << "\nCircle c (via *pointPtr): " 141 // cast base-class pointer to derived-class pointer 129 << *pointPtr << '\n'; 142 circlePtr = static_cast< Circle * >( pointPtr ); 130 Cast pointPtr into a Circle *, and assign to circlePtr. circlePtr will treat c (the object to which it points) as a Circle. 143 cout << "\nPoint p (via *circlePtr):\n" << *circlePtr 131 // Treat a Circle as a Circle (with some casting) 144 << "\nArea of object circlePtr points to: " 132 // cast base-class pointer to derived-class pointer 145 << circlePtr->area() << endl; 133 circlePtr = static_cast< Circle * >( pointPtr ); 146 return 0; 147 } Point p: [30, 50] Circle c: Center = [120, 89]; Radius = 2.70 Circle c (via *pointPtr): [120, 89] Circle c (via *circlePtr): Center = [120, 89]; Radius = 2.70 Area of c (via circlePtr): 22.90 1.1 Initialize objects 1.2 Assign objects 2. Function calls Point p (via *circlePtr): Center = [30, 50]; Radius = 0.00 Area of object circlePtr points to: 0.00

  17. Point p: [30, 50] Circle c: Center = [120, 89]; Radius = 2.70 Circle c (via *pointPtr): [120, 89] Circle c (via *circlePtr): Center = [120, 89]; Radius = 2.70 Area of c (via circlePtr): 22.90 Point p (via *circlePtr): Center = [30, 50]; Radius = 0.00 Area of object circlePtr points to: 0.00 Program Output

  18. Virtual Functions • virtual functions • Suppose a set of shape classes such as Circle, Triangle, etc. • Every shape has own unique draw function but possible to call them by calling the draw function of base class Shape • Compiler determines dynamically (i.e., at run time) which to call • In base-class declare draw to be virtual • Override draw in each of the derived classes • virtual declaration: • Keyword virtual before function prototype in base-class virtual void draw() const; • A base-class pointer to a derived class object will call the correct draw function ShapePtr->draw(); • If a derived class does not define a virtual function, the function is inherited from the base class

  19. Virtual Functions ShapePtr->Draw(); • Compiler implements dynamic binding • Function determined during execution time ShapeObject.Draw(); • Compiler implements static binding • Function determined during compile-time

  20. Abstract and Concrete Classes • Abstract classes • Sole purpose is to provide a base class for other classes • No objects of an abstract base class can be instantiated • Too generic to define real objects (i.e., TwoDimensionalShape) • Can have pointers and references • Concrete classes • Classes that can instantiate objects • Provide specifics to make real objects (i.e., Square, Circle) • Making abstract classes • Declare one or more virtual functions as “pure” by initializing the function to zero • Example of a pure virtual function: virtual double earnings() const = 0;

  21. Polymorphism • Polymorphism • Ability for objects of different classes to respond differently to the same function call • Implemented through virtual functions • Base-class pointer (or reference) calls a virtual function • C++ chooses the correct overridden function in object • If non-virtual member function defined in multiple classes and called from base-class pointer then the base-class version is used • If called from derived-class pointer then derived-class version is used • Suppose print is not a virtual function Employee e, *ePtr = &e;HourlyWorker h, *hPtr = &h;ePtr->print(); // call base-class print functionhPtr->print(); // call derived-class print functionePtr=&h; // allowable implicit conversionePtr->print(); // still calls base-class print

  22. New Classes and Dynamic Binding • Polymorphism and virtual functions • Work well when all classes are not known in advance • Use dynamic binding to accommodate new classes being added to a system • Dynamic binding (late binding) • Object's type need not be know at compile time for a virtual function • virtual function call is matched at run time

  23. An example // Drozdek example p20 #include <iostream.h> class c1{ public: virtual void f( ){cout << "F( ) in c1\n";} void g( ){cout << "G( ) in c1\n";} }; class c2{ public: virtual void f( ){cout << "F( ) in c2\n";} void g( ){cout << "G( ) in c2\n";} }; class c3{ public: virtual void f( ){cout << "F( ) in c3\n";} };

  24. Example continued void main() { c1 o1, *p; c2 o2; c3 o3; p = &o1; p -> f(); // f in c1 p -> g(); // g in c1 p = (c1 *)&o2; // casting: old style; new style: p = static_cast< c1 * >( &o2 ); p -> f(); // f in c2 since g is virtual: dynamic binding on c2 obj p -> g(); // g in c1 since g is not virtual: static binding on p p = (c1 *)&o3; p -> f(); // f in c3 since g is virtual: dynamic binding on c3 obj p -> g(); // g in c1 since c3 has no definition for g }

  25. Case Study: A Payroll System Using Polymorphism • The following example is a payroll system • Uses virtual functions and polymorphism to perform payroll calculations based on the type of an employee

  26. 1 // Fig. 10.1: employ2.h 2 // Abstract base class Employee 3 #ifndef EMPLOY2_H 4 #define EMPLOY2_H 5 6 class Employee { earnings is declared pure virtual because the implementation will depend on which derived class it will be used in. Employee is an abstract base class. 7 public: 8 Employee( const char *, const char * ); 9 ~Employee(); // destructor reclaims memory 10 const char *getFirstName() const; 11 const char *getLastName() const; 12 13 // Pure virtual function makes Employee abstract base class 14 virtual double earnings() const = 0; // pure virtual 15 virtual void print() const; // virtual 16 private: 17 char *firstName; 18 char *lastName; 19 }; 20 21 #endif 1. Employee Definition (base class)

  27. 22 // Fig. 10.1: employ2.cpp 23 // Member function definitions for 24 // abstract base class Employee. 25 // Note: No definitions given for pure virtual functions. 26 #include <iostream> 27 28 using std::cout; 29 30 #include <cstring> 31 #include <cassert> 32 #include "employ2.h" 33 34 // Constructor dynamically allocates space for the 35 // first and last name and uses strcpy to copy 36 // the first and last names into the object. 37 Employee::Employee( const char *first, const char *last ) 38 { 39 firstName = new char[ strlen( first ) + 1 ]; 40 assert( firstName != 0 ); // test that new worked 41 strcpy( firstName, first ); 42 43 lastName = new char[ strlen( last ) + 1 ]; 44 assert( lastName != 0 ); // test that new worked 45 strcpy( lastName, last ); 46 } 47 48 // Destructor deallocates dynamically allocated memory 49 Employee::~Employee() 50 { 51 delete [] firstName; 52 delete [] lastName; 53 } 1.1 Function Definitions

  28. 54 55 // Return a pointer to the first name 56 // Const return type prevents caller from modifying private 57 // data. Caller should copy returned string before destructor 58 // deletes dynamic storage to prevent undefined pointer. 59 const char *Employee::getFirstName() const 60 { 61 return firstName; // caller must delete memory 62 } 63 64 // Return a pointer to the last name 65 // Const return type prevents caller from modifying private 66 // data. Caller should copy returned string before destructor 67 // deletes dynamic storage to prevent undefined pointer. 68 const char *Employee::getLastName() const 69 { 70 return lastName; // caller must delete memory 71 } 72 73 // Print the name of the Employee 74 void Employee::print() const 75 { cout << firstName << ' ' << lastName; } 1.1 Function Definitions

  29. 76 // Fig. 10.1: boss1.h 77 // Boss class derived from Employee 78 #ifndef BOSS1_H 79 #define BOSS1_H 80 #include "employ2.h" 81 82 class Boss : public Employee { 83 public: 84 Boss( const char *, const char *, double = 0.0 ); 85 void setWeeklySalary( double ); 86 virtual double earnings() const; 87 virtual void print() const; 88 private: 89 double weeklySalary; 90 }; 91 92 #endif 1. Boss Definition (derived class)

  30. 93 // Fig. 10.1: boss1.cpp 94 // Member function definitions for class Boss 95 #include <iostream> 96 97 using std::cout; 98 99 #include "boss1.h" Notice the overriden earnings and print functions. They were declared virtual in the base class. 100 101 // Constructor function for class Boss 102 Boss::Boss( const char *first, const char *last, double s ) 103 : Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor 104 { setWeeklySalary( s ); } 105 106 // Set the Boss's salary 107 void Boss::setWeeklySalary( double s ) 108 { weeklySalary = s > 0 ? s : 0; } 109 110 // Get the Boss's pay 111 double Boss::earnings() const { return weeklySalary; } 112 113 // Print the Boss's name 114 void Boss::print() const 115 { 116 cout << "\n Boss: "; 117 Employee::print(); 118 } 1.1 Function Definitions

  31. 119 // Fig. 10.1: commis1.h 120 // CommissionWorker class derived from Employee 121 #ifndef COMMIS1_H 122 #define COMMIS1_H 123 #include "employ2.h" 124 125 class CommissionWorker : public Employee { 126 public: 127 CommissionWorker( const char *, const char *, 128 double = 0.0, double = 0.0, 129 int = 0 ); 130 void setSalary( double ); 131 void setCommission( double ); 132 void setQuantity( int ); 133 virtualdouble earnings() const; 134 virtualvoid print() const; 135 private: 136 double salary; // base salary per week 137 double commission; // amount per item sold 138 int quantity; // total items sold for week 139 }; 140 141 #endif 1. CommissionWorker Definition (derived class)

  32. 142 // Fig. 10.1: commis1.cpp 143 // Member function definitions for class CommissionWorker 144 #include <iostream> 145 146 using std::cout; 147 148 #include "commis1.h" 149 150 // Constructor for class CommissionWorker 151 CommissionWorker::CommissionWorker( const char *first, 152 const char *last, double s, double c, int q ) 153 : Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor 154 { 155 setSalary( s ); 156 setCommission( c ); 157 setQuantity( q ); 158 } 159 160 // Set CommissionWorker's weekly base salary 161 void CommissionWorker::setSalary( double s ) 162 { salary = s > 0 ? s : 0; } 1.1 Function Definitions

  33. 163 164 // Set CommissionWorker's commission 165 void CommissionWorker::setCommission( double c ) 166 { commission = c > 0 ? c : 0; } 167 168 // Set CommissionWorker's quantity sold 169 void CommissionWorker::setQuantity( int q ) Notice the overriden earnings and print functions. They were declared virtual in the base class. 170 { quantity = q > 0 ? q : 0; } 171 172 // Determine CommissionWorker's earnings 173 double CommissionWorker::earnings() const 174 { return salary + commission * quantity; } 175 176 // Print the CommissionWorker's name 177 void CommissionWorker::print() const 178 { 179 cout << "\nCommission worker: "; 180 Employee::print(); 181 } 1.1 Function Definitions

  34. 182 // Fig. 10.1: piece1.h 183 // PieceWorker class derived from Employee 184 #ifndef PIECE1_H 185 #define PIECE1_H 186 #include "employ2.h" 187 188 class PieceWorker : public Employee { 189 public: 190 PieceWorker( const char *, const char *, 191 double = 0.0, int = 0); 192 void setWage( double ); 193 void setQuantity( int ); 194 virtual double earnings() const; 195 virtual void print() const; 196 private: 197 double wagePerPiece; // wage for each piece output 198 int quantity; // output for week 199 }; 200 201 #endif 1. PieceWorker Definition (derived class)

  35. 202 // Fig. 10.1: piece1.cpp 203 // Member function definitions for class PieceWorker 204 #include <iostream> 205 206 using std::cout; 207 208 #include "piece1.h" Again, notice the overridden earnings and print functions. They were declared virtual in the base class. 209 210 // Constructor for class PieceWorker 211 PieceWorker::PieceWorker( const char *first, const char *last, 212 double w, int q ) 213 : Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor 214 { 215 setWage( w ); 216 setQuantity( q ); 217 } 218 219 // Set the wage 220 void PieceWorker::setWage( double w ) 221 { wagePerPiece = w > 0 ? w : 0; } 222 223 // Set the number of items output 224 void PieceWorker::setQuantity( int q ) 225 { quantity = q > 0 ? q : 0; } 226 227 // Determine the PieceWorker's earnings 228 double PieceWorker::earnings() const 229 { return quantity * wagePerPiece; } 230 231 // Print the PieceWorker's name 232 void PieceWorker::print() const 233 { 234 cout << "\n Piece worker: "; 235 Employee::print(); 236 } 1.1 Function Definitions

  36. 237 // Fig. 10.1: hourly1.h 238 // Definition of class HourlyWorker 239 #ifndef HOURLY1_H 240 #define HOURLY1_H 241 #include "employ2.h" 242 243 class HourlyWorker : public Employee { 244 public: 245 HourlyWorker( const char *, const char *, 246 double = 0.0, double = 0.0); 247 void setWage( double ); 248 void setHours( double ); 249 virtualdouble earnings() const; 250 virtualvoid print() const; 251 private: 252 double wage; // wage per hour 253 double hours; // hours worked for week 254 }; 255 256 #endif 1. HourlyWorker Definition (derived class)

  37. 257 // Fig. 10.1: hourly1.cpp 258 // Member function definitions for class HourlyWorker 259 #include <iostream> 260 261 using std::cout; 262 263 #include "hourly1.h" 264 265 // Constructor for class HourlyWorker 266 HourlyWorker::HourlyWorker( const char *first, 267 const char *last, 268 double w, double h ) 269 : Employee( first, last ) // call base-class constructor 270 { 271 setWage( w ); 272 setHours( h ); 273 } 274 275 // Set the wage 276 void HourlyWorker::setWage( double w ) 277 { wage = w > 0 ? w : 0; } 1.1 Function Definitions

  38. 278 279 // Set the hours worked 280 void HourlyWorker::setHours( double h ) 281 { hours = h >= 0 && h < 168 ? h : 0; } 282 Overridden functions. 283 // Get the HourlyWorker's pay 284 double HourlyWorker::earnings() const 285 { 286 if ( hours <= 40 ) // no overtime 287 return wage * hours; 288 else// overtime is paid at wage * 1.5 289 return 40 * wage + ( hours - 40 ) * wage * 1.5; 290 } 291 292 // Print the HourlyWorker's name 293 void HourlyWorker::print() const 294 { 295 cout << "\n Hourly worker: "; 296 Employee::print(); 297 } 1.1 Function Definitions

  39. 298 // Fig. 10.1: fig10_01.cpp 299 // Driver for Employee hierarchy 300 #include <iostream> 301 302 using std::cout; 303 using std::endl; 304 305 #include <iomanip> 306 307 using std::ios; 308 using std::setiosflags; 309 using std::setprecision; 310 311 #include "employ2.h" 312 #include "boss1.h" 313 #include "commis1.h" 314 #include "piece1.h" 315 #include "hourly1.h" 316 317 void virtualViaPointer( const Employee * ); 318 void virtualViaReference( const Employee & ); 319 320 int main() 321 { 322 // set output formatting 323 cout << setiosflags( ios::fixed | ios::showpoint ) 324 << setprecision( 2 ); 325 1. Load headers

  40. 326 Boss b( "John", "Smith", 800.00 ); 327 b.print(); // static binding Call function print using the object itself. 328 cout << " earned $" << b.earnings(); // static binding Call function print, using a base-class pointer. This uses virtual functions and dynamic binding. 329 virtualViaPointer( &b ); // uses dynamic binding 330 virtualViaReference( b ); // uses dynamic binding 331 Call function print, using a base-class reference. This uses virtual functions and dynamic binding. 332 CommissionWorker c( "Sue", "Jones", 200.0, 3.0, 150 ); 333 c.print(); // static binding 334 cout << " earned $" << c.earnings(); // static binding 335 virtualViaPointer( &c ); // uses dynamic binding 336 virtualViaReference( c ); // uses dynamic binding Take in a baseclass pointer, call the virtual function print. 337 338 PieceWorker p( "Bob", "Lewis", 2.5, 200 ); 339 p.print(); // static binding 340 cout << " earned $" << p.earnings(); // static binding 341 virtualViaPointer( &p ); // uses dynamic binding 342 virtualViaReference( p ); // uses dynamic binding 343 344 HourlyWorker h( "Karen", "Price", 13.75, 40 ); 345 h.print(); // static binding 346 cout << " earned $" << h.earnings(); // static binding 347 virtualViaPointer( &h ); // uses dynamic binding 348 virtualViaReference( h ); // uses dynamic binding 349 cout << endl; 350 return 0; 351 } 352 353 // Make virtual function calls off a base-class pointer 354 // using dynamic binding. 355 void virtualViaPointer( const Employee *baseClassPtr ) 356 { 357 baseClassPtr->print(); 358 cout << " earned $" << baseClassPtr->earnings(); 359 } Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 1.1 Initialize objects 2. Print Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00 Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00 Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00

  41. 360 361 // Make virtual function calls off a base-class reference 362 // using dynamic binding. Take in base class reference, call the virtual function print. 363 void virtualViaReference( const Employee &baseClassRef ) 364 { 365 baseClassRef.print(); 366 cout << " earned $" << baseClassRef.earnings(); 367 } Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Boss: John Smith earned $800.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Commission worker: Sue Jones earned $650.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 Piece worker: Bob Lewis earned $500.00 Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00 Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00 Hourly worker: Karen Price earned $550.00 3. Function Definitions Program Output

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