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Understanding demographic trends: Implications for Extension

Understanding demographic trends: Implications for Extension. Bridging the Culture Divide: Inclusive Extension Programming for Latinos October 14-15, 2008. Acknowledgement.

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Understanding demographic trends: Implications for Extension

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding demographic trends: Implications for Extension Bridging the Culture Divide: Inclusive Extension Programming for Latinos October 14-15, 2008

  2. Acknowledgement • The presenters wish to thank Steve Murdock, Director – U.S. Census Bureau, for permission to include slides from his presentation “Population Change and Immigration in the United States: Implications for Economic and Socioeconomic Change and the 2010 Census” given at Joint Council of Extension Professionals Galaxy Conference held in Indianapolis, IN, September 16, 2008.

  3. Overview • Population trends • Demographics • Racial/Ethnic Diversity • Age • Role of immigration • Implications for Socioeconomic Development

  4. Overview • Population trends • Demographics • Racial/Ethnic Diversity • Age • Role of immigration • Implications for Socioeconomic Development

  5. Total Population & Percent Population Change in United States

  6. Population of U.S. & Percentage Distribution by Region, 1950-2000

  7. Percent Change in Population for States and Puerto Rico: 2000-2007

  8. Overview • Population trends • Demographics • Racial/Ethnic Diversity • Age • Role of immigration • Implications for Socioeconomic Development

  9. Population, Percent Change in Population and Proportion of Population by Ethnicity for Texas and the U.S (2000 and 2007)

  10. Latino Population in U.S.

  11. Percent Change in Latino Population in U.S.

  12. Median Age in the United States and Texas, 1900-2007

  13. Percent Change in Population by Age Group in the United States and Texas, 1990-2000

  14. Percent of U.S. Population By Age Group and Ethnicity, 2000

  15. Percent of Texas Population By Age Group and Ethnicity, 2000

  16. Overview • Population trends • Demographics • Racial/Ethnic Diversity • Age • Role of immigration • Implications for Socioeconomic Development

  17. Percent of U.S. Population Change Due to Immigration and Natural Increase, 1820 to 2005

  18. Immigration into the United States (in thousands), by Period and Area of Origin of Immigrants (Percentage), 1820-2006

  19. Components of Change by Hispanic Origin, United States, 2000-2006

  20. Numeric Change in Projected U.S. Population by Race & Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050 (in millions)

  21. Projections of the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050 (in millions)

  22. Projected Change in the U.S. Population by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2000 to 2050

  23. Projected Age Distribution of the U.S. Population: 2000 to 2050 (in percent)

  24. Percent Change in the Projected U.S. Population by Age: 2000 to 2050

  25. Overview • Population trends • Demographics • Racial/Ethnic Diversity • Age • Role of immigration • Implications for Socioeconomic Development

  26. Language Spoken at Home of Foreign-Born and U.S.-Born Hispanics and Non-Hispanics, 2000 (Persons 5 Years and Older)

  27. English Proficiency of Foreign-Born and U.S.-Born Hispanics and Non-Hispanics Who Speak a Language Other Than English at Home (Persons 5 Years and Older)

  28. Educational Attainment of Foreign-Born and U.S.-Born Hispanics and Non-Hispanics in the U.S., 2000 (Persons 25 Years and Older)

  29. Percent of Workers in Selection Occupations in U.S. Who Are Unauthorized Migrants, 2004

  30. Foreign-born share of employmentby occupation

  31. Foreign-born share of job growth,by occupation Source: 1996-2002, BLS 35

  32. Foreign-born share of employment growth by census division < 40 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 + - Source: 1996-2003, BLS 36

  33. Share of US scientists and engineers who are foreign-born large, increasing 37 Source: Science and Engineering Indicators

  34. Native and foreign-born labor force change, by education 38 Thousands Source: 1996-2003; BLS, Haver Analytics

  35. Median Household Income in the United States by Age of Householder, 1999 39 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Money Income in the United States: 1999, Current Population Report P60-209

  36. Median Household Income in U.S. by Race/Ethnicity, 1989 and 1999 with Percent Change 1989 to 1999 40

  37. Median Household Income in U.S. by Race/Ethnicity, 1999

  38. Median Household Income in U.S. by Race/Ethnicity, 1989 and 1999 with Percent Change 1989 to 1999

  39. Median Household Income in U.S. by Household Type, 1999

  40. Median Household Income in U.S. by Age of Householder and Race/Ethnicity, 1999

  41. Median Household Income in the U.S. by Race/Ethnicity, 1989 and 1999 with Percent Change 1989 to 1999

  42. Average (Mean) SAT Scores for College Bound Seniors in U.S. in 2001 by Selected Characteristics

  43. Percent of Net Change in Elementary & Secondary & College Enrollment 2000-2050 Due to Each Race/Ethnicity

  44. Percent of Population 15 Years of Age and Older in U.S. by Educational Attainment Level and Race/Ethnicity, 2000

  45. Percent Projected Educational Attainment Level in U.S. by Race/Ethnicity, 2000-2050 Population 15 Years of Age and Older

  46. Implications for the 2010 Census (and Extension / Public Services?) The post 9/11 psyche The Immigration Debate Natural and manmade disasters A larger and “hard-to-reach population Increased resistance to providing personal information 50

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