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Battle of Guadalcanal

Battle of Guadalcanal. CPT William Louie. Outline. References Strategic Situation Physical Geography Invasion Summary Questions. References. The Scope of Military Geography by E.J. Palka & F.A. Galgano, McGraw-Hill, New York

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Battle of Guadalcanal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Battle of Guadalcanal CPT William Louie

  2. Outline • References • Strategic Situation • Physical Geography • Invasion • Summary • Questions

  3. References • The Scope of Military Geography by E.J. Palka & F.A. Galgano, McGraw-Hill, New York • The Campaign for Guadalcanal by J. Coggins, Doubleday & Company, Inc, New York • AMTRACS in action by J. Mesko, Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc, Texas • http://www.friesian.com/history/guadal.htm • http://www.janeresture.com/grssknoll/index.htm • http://www.gnt.net/~jrube/indx2.html • http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USMC/USMC-I.html • http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/aaav.htm • http://www.gdls.com/programs/aaav.html

  4. Strategic Situation

  5. Physical Geography

  6. Present

  7. Invasion Planning

  8. Beaching

  9. Landing Craft

  10. Landing Craft

  11. Amphibious Assault Vehicle

  12. Amphibious Assault Vehicle

  13. Amphibious Assault Vehicle

  14. Amphibious Assault Vehicle

  15. Ships off-shore

  16. Airfield Capture

  17. Future of Amphibious Assault Vehicles

  18. Summary • Operation “Shoestring” successful despite time crunch due to tremendous efforts of Marines and Sailors. • AAV’s usefulness became apparent and Marines began upgrading and integrating it into amphibious assaults. • Logistics support required steep learning curve for future operations. • Navy and Marines debating future of Amphibious Assaults.

  19. Questions?

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