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Is God at work? The framework we are using. The motive for work Jono Borsley The First Great Commission was to work The Frustration of Work The Splendour of the Ordinary The manner of work Jono Borsley The mission of work Bob Robinson.
Is God at work?The framework we are using The motive for work Jono Borsley The First Great Commission was to work The Frustration of Work The Splendour of the Ordinary The manner of work Jono Borsley The mission of work Bob Robinson
His Witnesses in the workplaceWhy should we be? - The biblical imperative • Jesus commands it - "Go and make disciples of all nations"; and "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15). • The disciples modelled it“Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ” Acts 5v42 • The New testament church practiced it“Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prisonThose who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went” Acts 8 v3-4 • The apostles taught it–”But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” 1 Peter 3 v 15
His Witnesses in the workplace – Why should we be? -The pragmatic reality • Where do we spend the most of our time? • Where do we have the greatest contact with non Christians? • Where we have most in common ground with non Christians? • Where have you built the best relationships with non Christians? • Where do you have the greatest opportunity to be salt and light? “We are encouraged to go out and fish in pools and puddles when we are sitting in a lake full of fish” Mark Green “We are encouraged to go out and fish in pools and puddles when we are sitting in a lake full of fish” Mark Green
His Witnesses in the workplace – Why should we be? – Barriers to progress • Society argues that our faith is private and has no place in the workplace • Churches tends to focus on the neighbourhood and not the workplace • Churches tend to focus on getting the unconverted to church rather than empowering the Christian at work • Work is not viewed as a “spiritual” ministry - the church tends to value us for what we do outside of work • Churches seldom preach a theology of work or value the Christian’s vocation at work • I may risk loosing my job if I share my faith
His Witnesses in the workplace – Why should we be? – overcoming setbacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=charVSlJvDs
His Witnesses in the workplace – Why should we be? – overcoming setbacks Caroline Petrie, a nurse, was suspended from her job in 2009 after she offered to pray for a patient Mrs Petrie’s employers, North Somerset Primary Care Trust, invited her back after widespread media coverage of her story. The Trust has since acknowledged she was acting in her patient’s “best interests” and Mrs Petrie says she can still pray for patients if she asks them first “whether they have any spiritual needs”. She added: “I can still pray for my patients as long as I keep within the boundaries of the care plan, and ask them first whether they have any spiritual needs.” The Christian Legal Centre said: “The decision highlights the importance of being able to take personal faith into the workplace rather than leave it at the door.”
His Witnesses in the workplace – How can we be? - Building good foundations1 Peter 3 v 12-16 Keeping a clear conscience so that those speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Christ may be ashamed of their slander Strive to live out your faith in every part of your life, so it becomes an integral part of every ordinary encounter you have with people. • Work to please your ultimate boss. • Show, don't just tell. • Treat other people with consideration. • Deal with sinful behaviour gracefully. • Don't discount the beliefs or experiences of others. • Don’t cheat on company time
His Witnesses in the workplace – How can we be? - Investing in friendships Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone ……. But do this with gentleness and respect, Realize that the simple can be profound. • Use "faith flags." • Don't be afraid to show your own flaws. • Invite people from work to share non-work activities with you. • Ask people questions. • Share in peoples struggles
His Witnesses in the workplace – How can we be? - Sharing the Gospel effectively Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. View evangelism as a process, rather than an event. • Share "faith stories." • Forget formulas. • Never force discussions about faith. • Don't try to do God's job. • Don't overload people. • Avoid Christian jargon. • Don't react negatively to objections. • Be prepared if God gives you an open door to present the gospel message in full to someone. • If you don't know the answer to a particular question, admit it, and offer to do research with the person who asks you.
His Witnesses in the workplace – How can we be? - Your workplace - your ministry But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Don't discriminate between sacred and secular jobs. • Build strategic alliances at work. • Pray! • Support fellow workers to grow in their faith.