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Midsummer’s Night Dream By Albert and Jane. This is Puck. This is Titania the Fairy queen. This is Oberman the Fairy king. This is Lysander. This is Hermia. This is Helena. This is Demetrius. This is Nick Bottom. Midsummer ‘s Night Dream. Albert.
This is Lysander This is Hermia
This is Helena This is Demetrius
Albert There was a lady and a man called Lysander and Hermia and another man and lady called Helena and Demetrius. They got mad at each other and then they all went to the forest.
There in the forest lived Oberman the King of the fairies and Titania the beautiful queen of the fairies. They had a argument and the Fairy queen went of into forest with her Fairies. Albert
There was also some men acting out a play, there names were Nick Bottom the weaver, Peter Quince the carpenter, Francis Flute the bellows mender, Robin Straverling the tailor, Tom Snout the tinker and Snug the joiner.
Oberman got Puck the mischievous fairy to put a magic spell on Lysander so that he would fall in love with Hermia, but instead he done it to Demetrius and the fairy queen. Albert
He changed Nick Bottom into a donkey and when the queen woke up she fell in love with him because he was the first person she saw. Albert
Lysander and Demetrius started to fight each other over Helena and Hermia, which made Oberman very cross with Puck for doing the spell wrong. Albert
He made puck go and change the spells back to make it alright. And the Fairy queen fall back in love with Oberman. Where thou art my Titania
After that they had a parade and got married to the right people. And they all lived happily ever after. Albert