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The changing roles of Women

The changing roles of Women. By: Dzemila Muskic and Jasmine Kole. 1873. 1880. 1890. 1900. 1908. 1917. 1870. 1874. 1879. 1896. 1905. 1910. 1870. Food Nearly 2 million females worked outside the homes Typewriter. 1873.

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The changing roles of Women

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The changing roles of Women By: Dzemila Muskic and Jasmine Kole

  2. 1873 1880 1890 1900 1908 1917 1870 1874 1879 1896 1905 1910

  3. 1870 • Food • Nearly 2 million females worked outside the homes • Typewriter

  4. 1873 • Edward H. Clarke warned that young women could not engage in studying and learning while retaining “uninjured health and a future secure from sickness, hysteria, and other derangements of the nervous system” • The Association of the Advancement of Women’s Clubs

  5. 1874 • Woman’s Christian Temperance Union

  6. 1880 • Carpet sweeper

  7. 1879 • Chain stores

  8. 1890 • National American Women Suffrage Association • General Federation of Women’s Clubs

  9. 1896 • Rural Free Delivery (RFD)

  10. 1900 • Fewer woman made own food

  11. 1905 • Delivering mail on over 32000 RFD routes

  12. 1908 • The Cost of Cleanliness • Electric vacuums

  13. 1910 • Quick cereals and factory-made biscuits

  14. 1917 • Only a quarter of homes had electricity

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