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REPTILES. Výukový materiál OR 03 - 75 Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Miloslava Dorážková Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR. REPTILES.
REPTILES Výukový materiál OR 03 - 75 Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Miloslava Dorážková Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005 Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
REPTILES • have changeable blood heat (cold-blooded) • reproduction does not depend on water environment • adapted to land life • breath by lungs • the surface of a body is protected against drying by: shell bone plates corneous scales
REPTILES • secretion: • concentrate urine (they keep water in the body) • most of them lay eggs • ovoviviparie (young ones are come out from eggs during laying) – a viviparous lizard, a slow-worm, a smooth snake • viviparie– a viper • eggs on the land and some of them care of them • growth of reptiles is slow, they grow whole their lives
TORTOISES • have shells from bone plates, vertebras and ribs grow out of them • toothless jaws (hard keratin) • live in tropics and subtropics • 200 kinds of tortoises • an european pond turtle is original in our country • A red eared slider, a spur-thighed tortoise, a galapagos tortoise, a green sea turtle
Crocodiles • their body is covered by corneous carapaces, there are corneous plates under them • they live in water (they swim with help of the tail) • they lay eggs on the land • they eat fish, land vertebrates and carrions, young ones eat insect and small fish
Crocodiles • we divide crocodiles into: 1) crocodiles 2) alligators and caymans 3) gavials
Squamata • SNAKES AND LIZARDS • the body is covered by scales • they get the skin off (snakes whole, lizards in parts ) • tongue - jagged • there exist about 6000 different kinds • lizards (eyelids are not grown together) • snakes (eyelids are grown together)
Squamata • warning behaviour (signals of threat): • they open their mouths • they extend their bodies • they produce sound signals
Squamata • LIZARDS • the most numerous group of reptiles • most of them live in tropics and subtropics • on ground, in trees, in water • most of them have fully developed legs • their tail breaks off in dangerous (protection against predators) • there are 3 kinds of lizards and a slow-worm in our country
Squamata • SNAKES • the youngest group of reptiles • they do not have limbs • both halves of both jaws are flexibly connected by extensible ligaments swallowing of big bites • transparent eyelids are grown together • venom glands
Squamata • their sight is imperfect • they do not have an outer auditory organ and an ear drum • they have Jacobson´s organ (a hole in the top plate of the mouth)– it reacts to chemical stimulations (smells) • they have organs reacting to temporal changes
Squamata • our snakes: • A viper, ringsnakes (a grass snake, a smooth snake, an aesculapian snake) • boas : • constrictors, anacondas (South America), pythons (SE Asia, Australia and Africa) • poisonous: • cobra, rattle-snake, sea serpent
Revision: • 1. What is the difference between reptiles and amphibians? • 2. Are reptiles cold blooded? • 3. Viviparous reptile is …………… • 4. Which tortoise is original in the Czech Republic? • 5. Our reptiles (except lizards) include….. • 6. What do reptiles excrete?
Source: • DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis pro 7. ročník základní školy. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, 1998, 152 s. ISBN 80-718-3134-4 • Obrázky: http://commons.wikimedia.org (osvobozeno od autorských práv)