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SLAM :Software Model Checking From Theory To Practice

People behind SLAM. MSRTom Ball and Sriram RajamaniSummer internsSagar Chaki, Todd Millstein, Rupak Majumdar (2000)Satyaki Das, Wes Weimer, Robby (2001)Jakob Lichtenberg, Mayur Naik (2002)Shuvendu Lahiri, Jakob Lichtenberg, Georg Weissenbacher (2003)VisitorsGiorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podels

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SLAM :Software Model Checking From Theory To Practice

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    1. SLAM :Software Model Checking From Theory To Practice Sriram K. Rajamani Software Productivity Tools Microsoft Research

    2. People behind SLAM MSR Tom Ball and Sriram Rajamani Summer interns Sagar Chaki, Todd Millstein, Rupak Majumdar (2000) Satyaki Das, Wes Weimer, Robby (2001) Jakob Lichtenberg, Mayur Naik (2002) Shuvendu Lahiri, Jakob Lichtenberg, Georg Weissenbacher (2003) Visitors Giorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski, Stefan Schwoon Windows Partners Byron Cook, Vladimir Levin Abdullah Ustuner, John Henry, Con McGarvey, Bohus Ondrusek Nar Ganapathy

    3. Agenda Specifying and checking software SLAM overview Lessons

    4. Software Validation Large scale reliable software is hard to build and test. Different groups of programmers write different components. Integration testing is a nightmare.

    5. Property Checking Programmer provides redundant partial specifications Code is automatically checked for consistency Different from proving whole program correctness Specifications are not complete

    6. Interface Usage Rules Rules in documentation Incomplete, unenforced, wordy Order of operations & data access Resource management Disobeying rules causes bad behavior System crash or deadlock Unexpected exceptions Failed runtime checks

    7. Does a given usage rule hold? Checking this is computationally impossible! Equivalent to solving Turings halting problem (undecidable) Even restricted computable versions of the problem (finite state programs) are prohibitively expensive May be do this through an exampleMay be do this through an example

    8. Why bother? Just because a problem is undecidable, it doesnt go away! May be do this through an exampleMay be do this through an example

    9. Scientific curiosity Undecidability and complexity theory are the most significant contributions of theoretical computer science. Software property checking, a very practical and pressing problem is undecidable. May be do this through an exampleMay be do this through an example

    10. Automatic property checking = Study of tradeoffs Soundness vs completeness Missing errors vs reporting false alarms Annotation burden on the programmer Complexity of the analysis Local vs Global Precision vs Efficiency Space vs Time May be do this through an exampleMay be do this through an example

    11. Broad classification Underapproximations Testing After passing testing, a program may still violate a given property Overapproximations Type checking Even if a program satisfies a property, the type checker for the property could still reject it May be do this through an exampleMay be do this through an example

    12. Current trend Confluence of techniques from different fields: Model checking Automatic theorem proving Program analysis Significant emphasis on practicality Several new projects in academia and industry

    13. Model Checking Algorithmic exploration of state space of the system Several advances in the past decade: symbolic model checking symmetry reductions partial order reductions compositional model checking bounded model checking using SAT solvers Most hardware companies use a model checker in the validation cycle

    14. enum {N, T, C} state[1..2] int turn init state[1] = N; state[2] = N turn = 0 trans state[i]= N & turn = 0 -> state[i] = T; turn = i state[i] = N & turn !=0 -> state[i] = T state[i] = T & turn = i -> state[i] = C state[i] = C & state[2-i] = N -> state[i] = N state[i] = C & state[2-i] != N -> state[i] = N; turn = 2-i

    16. Model Checking Strengths Fully automatic (when it works) Computes inductive invariants I such that F(I) ? I Provides error traces Weaknesses Scale Operates only on models How do you get from the program to the model?

    17. Theorem proving Early theorem provers were proof checkers They were built to support asssertional reasoning in the Hoare-Dijkstra style Cumbersome and hard to use Automatic theorem provers used desicision procedures for restricted theories Theory of equality with uninterpreted functions Theory of lists Theory of linear arithmetic Combination of the above ! e.g. Nelson-Oppen provers are widely used ESC, ESC-Java Proof Carrying Code

    18. Theory of Equality. Symbols: =, , f, g, Axiomatically defined:

    19. a : array [1..len] of int; int max := -MAXINT; i := 1; { ? 1 ? j ? i. a[j] ? max} while (i ? len) if( a[i] > max) max := a[i]; i := i+1; endwhile { ? 1 ? j ? len. a[j] ? max}

    20. Automatic theorem proving Strengths Handles unbounded domains naturally Good implementations for equality with uninterpreted functions linear inequalities combination of theories Weaknesses Hard to compute fixpoints Requires inductive invariants Pre and post conditions Loop invariants

    21. Program analysis Originated in optimizing compilers constant propagation live variable analysis dead code elimination loop index optimization Type systems use similar analysis Are the type annotations consistent?

    22. Program analysis Strengths Works on code Pointer aware Integrated into compilers Precision efficiency tradeoffs well studied flow (in)sensitive context (in)sensitive Weaknesses Abstraction is hardwired and done by the designer of the analysis Not targeted at property checking (traditionally)

    23. Model Checking, Theorem Proving and Program Analysis Very related to each other Different histories different emphasis different tradeoffs Complementary, in some ways Combination can be extremely powerful

    24. What is the key design challenge in a model checker for software? It is the model!

    25. Model Checking Hardware Primitive values are booleans States are boolean vectors of fixed size Models are finite state machines !!

    26. Characteristics of Software Primitive values are more complicated Pointers Objects Control flow (transition relation) is more complicated Functions Function pointers Exceptions States are more complicated Unbounded graphs over values Variables are scoped Locals Shared scopes Much richer modularity constructs Functions Classes

    29. An optimizing compiler doubles performance every 18 years -Todd Proebsting

    30. When I use a model checker, it runs and runs for ever and never comes back when I use a static analysis tool, it comes back immediately and says I dont know - Patrick Cousot

    31. Agenda Specifying and checking software SLAM overview Lessons

    32. elapsed time: 2elapsed time: 2

    33. SLAM Software Model Checking SLAM innovations boolean programs: a new model for software model creation (c2bp) model checking (bebop) model refinement (newton) SLAM toolkit built on MSR program analysis infrastructure c2bp and newton are written in OCAML bebop is written in C++ Keep this short!!!Keep this short!!!

    34. SLIC Finite state language for stating rules monitors behavior of C code temporal safety properties familiar C syntax Suitable for expressing control-dominated properties e.g. proper sequence of events can encode data values inside state

    35. State Machine for Locking

    37. The SLAM Process

    38. Example

    39. Example

    40. Example

    41. Example

    42. Example

    43. Example

    44. Observations about SLAM Automatic discovery of invariants driven by property and a finite set of (false) execution paths predicates are not invariants, but observations abstraction + model checking computes inductive invariants (boolean combinations of observations) A hybrid dynamic/static analysis newton executes path through C code symbolically c2bp+bebop explore all paths through abstraction A new form of program slicing program code and data not relevant to property are dropped non-determinism allows slices to have more behaviors

    45. Some bugs found with SDV

    46. What kinds of bugs can SDV find? Example driver: Parallel port driver Lines of code: ~35k Example rule: DoubleCompletion Summary: Checks that driver dispatch routines do not call IoCompleteRequest() twice on the I/O request packet passed to it by the OS or another driver

    67. What kinds of bugs can SDV find? Example driver: Floppy disk controller Lines of code: ~10k Example rule: NullDevobjForwarded Summary: Checks that driver dispatch routines do not call IoCallDriver or PoCallDriver on a null device object pointer

    104. Agenda Specifying and checking software SLAM overview Lessons

    105. SLAM Specifications are like programs It is hard to get them right the first time They evolve, just like programs Tools need to tie specifications to programs You can hire people to write them!

    106. SLAM Boolean program model has proved itself Successful for domain of device drivers control-dominated safety properties few boolean variables needed to do proof or find real counterexamples Counterexample-driven refinement terminates in practice incompleteness of theorem prover not an issue

    107. What is hard? Abstracting from a language with pointers (C) to one without pointers (boolean programs) All side effects need to be modeled by copying (as in dataflow) Open environment problem

    108. What stayed fixed? Boolean program model Basic tool flow Repercussions: newton has to copy between scopes c2bp has to model side-effects by value-result finite depth precision on the heap is all boolean programs can handle

    109. What changed? Interface between newton and c2bp We now use predicates for doing more things refine alias precision via aliasing predicates newton helps resolve pointer aliasing imprecision in c2bp

    110. Scaling SLAM Largest driver we have processed has ~60K lines of code Largest abstractions we have analyzed have several hundred boolean variables Routinely get results after 20-30 iterations Out of 672 runs in one set, 607 terminate within 20 minutes

    111. Scale and SLAM components Out of 67 runs that time out, tools that take longest time: bebop: 50, c2bp: 10, newton: 5, constrain: 2 C2bp: fast predicate abstraction (fastF) and incremental predicate abstraction (constrain) re-use across iterations Newton: biggest problems are due to scope-copying Bebop: biggest issue is no re-use across iterations

    112. SLAM Status 2000-2001 foundations, algorithms, prototyping papers in CAV, PLDI, POPL, SPIN, TACAS March 2002 Bill Gates review May 2002 Windows committed to hire two people with model checking background to support Static Driver Verifier (SLAM+driver rules) July 2002 running SLAM on 100+ drivers, 20+ properties September 3, 2002 made initial release of SDV to Windows (friends and family) April 1, 2003 made wide release of SDV to Windows (any internal driver developer) November 1, 2003 SDV announced and pre-viewed at Driver Development Conference SDV moves to Windows with a team of 6 people

    113. What worked well? Specific domain problem Safety properties Shoulders & synergies Separation of concerns Summer interns & visitors Strategic partnership with Windows

    114. Predictions The holy grail of full program verification has been abandoned. It will probably remain abandoned Less ambitious tools like powerful type checkers will emerge and become more widely used These tools will exploit ideas from various analysis disciplines Tools will alleviate the chicken-and-egg problem of writing specifications

    115. Further Reading See papers, slides from: http://research.microsoft.com/slam http://research.microsoft.com/~sriram

    116. Glossary

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