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The Brothers Strugatsky

Explore the lives and works of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, two influential Russian sci-fi writers who shaped the genre. From their early struggles during WWII to the publication of iconic works like "Roadside Picnic," delve into their fascinating journey.

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The Brothers Strugatsky

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  1. The Brothers Strugatsky

  2. Arkady Natanovich Strugatskiy • Born in Batumi, where his father Nathan Zalmanovichstrugatskiy worked as the editor of the newspaper "Labor Adjaristan". Mother Arcadia Alexandra IvanovnaLitvintseva (1901-1981) was a teacher, taught Russian literature at the same Leningrad school, where he studied Arkady, after the war, awarded the title "Honored teacher of RSFSR" and was awarded the order "Sign of Honour".During the great Patriotic war the family Strugatsky was in the besieged Leningrad. In January 1942, the father of Nathan Zalmanovich and ArkadyStrugatsky evacuated along the "road of life" through Ladoga lake, and the mother with a sick Boris remained in the city. Father died in Vologda, and Arkady in the summer of 1942 was in Tashla village Chkalov (now Orenburg region). He served there as a head of the item for purchase of dairy products by the population, in 1943 he was drafted into the Red Army. Prior to that, he was able to smuggle his mother and brother from Leningrad.

  3. Boris Strugatsky • Boris Strugatsky was born April 15, 1933 in Leningrad, where his father Nathan Zalmanovich the Strugatsky was just assigned a scientific worker of the State Russian Museum. Boris's mother, Alexandra IvanovnaLitvintseva, was a teacher, taught Russian literature in the same school, where he studied Boris, after the war, awarded the title "Honored teacher of RSFSR" and was awarded the order "Sign of Honour".During the great Patriotic war the family Strugatsky was in the besieged city, and because of the illness of Boris in January 1942 Arkady and Nathan ZalmanovichStrugatsky went to the evacuation of some. Only in 1943, the elder brother, Arkady managed to take the mother and brother of Boris in Tashla village Orenburg (then Chkalov) region. In Leningrad they returned in 1945 in 1950 graduated from school with a silver medal and was going to join the physics Department of Leningrad state University, but was not approved. Then he applied to the faculty of mathematics and mechanics, from which he graduated in 1955, specialty "astronomer".

  4. Сreative Writing • Attempts to write fantastic prose A. N. The Strugatsky was taken before the war (according to the testimony of Boris Strugatsky, it was the story "the Discovery of major Kovalev, lost during the Leningrad blockade). First surviving work ArkadyStrugatsky, the story "As died Kang" was finished in 1946 and published in 2001. Boris Natanovich started to write since the beginning of 1950-ies. The first art publication ArkadyStrugatsky - story "Ashes Bikini" (1956), written together with Lev Petrov even during the service in the army, dedicated to the tragic events associated with the test of a hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll, and remained, in the words of WojciechKitka, "typical of the time an example of "anti-imperialist prose". In January 1958, the magazine "Technics for youth" was published the first joint work of the brothers is a science fiction story "from the Outside", revised later in the same story.In 1959 he published his first book Strugatsky - story "Country crimson cloud". According to the memoirs, she was started on a bet with his wife ArkadyNatanovich - Elena Ilinichna.

  5. Six Speciece • By 1960 was a collection of short stories called Six Speciece released it with a little delay. The collection included the stories and novels based on science fiction,and in a sense, on samotey world. Mostly novels and short stories speak of far planets unknown worlds and things like that.

  6. Noon, XXII century • The first books Strugatsky meet the requirements of socialist realism. A distinctive feature of these books in comparison with samples of the then Soviet fiction were "neshaminy" heroes (intellectuals, humanists, devoted to scientific search and moral responsibility to humanity), original and daring fantastic ideas about the development of science and technology. Works Strugatsky written in artistic, humorous, heroes distinguishes the individualization of the language. They coincided with the period of "thaw" in the country and reflected the then faith in a bright future and steady progress in social relations. Software book of this period was the story "the Afternoon, XXII Vek" (1962), large strokes charted exciting prospect for the future of mankind, the representatives of which is bright, intelligent people who are dedicated to the conquerors of space, the seekers, the creative person.

  7. Roadside picnic • Roadside picnic" is a fantasy novel by the Strugatsky brothers, first published in 1972. The novel is the leader among the other works by the number of translations into foreign languages and publications outside the former USSR. As at 1998 Boris Strugatsky counted 38 editions of "Picnic" in 20 countries[1].In English novel translated by Antonina Bois (Antonina W. Bouis). The Preface to the first American edition (MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc, New York, 1977) wrote Theodor Station. Afterword to the German edition 1977, wrote S. LEM, who praised the work.Based on the novel is cleared released in 1979 film by Andrei Tarkovsky's "Stalker". In 2000, the U.S. has announced intentions to put a new big-screen adaptation.The term "Stalker" became the Russian language and, as the authors say, has become the most popular of their neologisms. In the context of the book Stalker - a person who in violation of the prohibitions penetrates the Area and makes it different artifacts, which are then usually sells and the earns a living. In the Russian language after Tarkovsky this term has acquired the meaning of a conductor, oriented in different forbidden and other little-known places and territories.

  8. Storyline • The action of the novel takes place on the Earth supposedly in the 70-ies of XX century in the town of Harmont in fictional English-speaking country.About 20 years before the beginning of the described in the book of events in several places on the globe there "zones" - areas that are starting to happen strange phenomena that violate the known laws of physics. Zones are located along the smooth lines on the surface of the Earth, the projection of the so-called Pilman radiant - points that lie on the straight line connecting the Earth and Deneb. It quickly became clear that people and animals to live in Areas cannot, and all the people were of them urgently evacuated. Themselves zone surrounded strictly protected by fencing and officially became the subject of careful scientific study. Also very quickly discovered that in many Areas of artifacts make sense of. Some of them are very useful - for example, to treat a disease, just some strange toys, and some very dangerous weapon.It is assumed that the Zone created by the representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, and built many hypotheses, different explaining what they are and how necessary aliens to contact us. One of the heroes of the book, Dr. Valentyn Pilman, figuratively assumes that all objects is a "dummy"so-so", "bracelets" is just the space debris left by aliens on the planet Earth during occasional visits, akin empty cans and bottles and forgotten after the human picnic on the roadside.One of the main themes is the moral choice of those into whose hands are artifacts of the Area, how they are exploited humanity, which, strictly speaking, poorly understand what the purpose of these dangerous toys, no purpose left by aliens

  9. Hard to be a God • The action of the novel unfolds in the future on another planet in the state Arkanar, where there is a humanoid civilization, whose representatives are physically indistinguishable from the people. Civilization is on the level of development corresponding to the earth's late middle Ages. On the planet behind the scenes present the staff of the earth of the Institute of experimental history, observing the development of civilization.

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