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SOME ASPECTS OF HISTORICAL-ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE. K .A. Omeluk Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A . Gagarin.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOME ASPECTS OF HISTORICAL-ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE K .A. Omeluk Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin

  2. Throughout its history of Russia changed its geographical boundaries, and with it there is a change in the shape of the regions, cities. One of these historical regions of our vast country just became the Saratov region, including its regional center.

  3. In Saratov there is quite a large housing stock, including the building of the old building in the historic center of the city and the building mass building 60-90s mostly northern and southern parts of the city.

  4. Among the major monuments City Market Hall (1910-1915) hotel "Astoria" (1911) mill Schmidt (1870) Imperial Alekseevskaya Conservatory (1912)

  5. A large number of monuments are currently in poor condition, and some of them in an emergency, which could lead to their total destruction and loss. For example, in the Volga region of Saratov, on the corner of the October and Lermontov, is brick mansion of the middle of XIX century Fig.1

  6. Based on many years of observations, the restoration of operational reliability, restoration of monuments of history and culture in the city of Saratov is often associated with the need to address the impact of high and non-uniform deformation of the foundations.

  7. Building an experimental school-system number 4 and the Tatar school in Saratov (street Radishchev - Moscow) Fig.2 Fig.3

  8. Figure 4 plot is uneven cake base foundations of the building

  9. The building of the regional federation of trade unions in Saratov (street Volskaya Sacco and Vanzetti). Fig.5 Fig.6

  10. Figure 7 plot is uneven cake base foundations of the building

  11. Proceeding from the above, we can conclude that for frameless buildings with walls of brick slight excess limits uneven deformation of the results in damage to the wall with cracks and significant reduction in the reliability and durability of the building.

  12. A good number of ways to preserve historical and architectural heritage of our country and in particular the Saratov region, but one way or another, we are going to choose is based on the historical aspects and the legal framework

  13. Thank you for your attention

  14. List of sources used • 1. ВПООПиК : http://old.voopik.ru • 2.Иноземцев В.К. Математическая модель деформирования геомассивов применительно к деформационным процессам в основаниях сооружений / В.К. Иноземцев, В.И. Редков. Саратов: Сарат. гос. техн. ун-т, 2005. 412 с. • 3. СНиП 2.02.01-83*. Основания зданий и сооружений. М., 1985 (2000). • 4. СП 50-101-2004 Проектирование и устройство фундаментов зданий и сооружений. Москва, 2005. – 158 с. 5. Памятники архитектуры Саратова: http://www.komandirovka.ru/dostoprim/list.php?ID=1352&CAT=879

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