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Romania, Bucharest School No 1 “Sfintii Voievozi”. Oana SICLOVAN, Head of Languages Department. My school. 800 Pupils (primary and secondary level school), 25 % Roma 45 pupils studying through “A Second Chance” programme Teaching and auxiliary personal: teachers = 50 auxiliar y = 6
Romania, Bucharest School No 1 “Sfintii Voievozi” Oana SICLOVAN, Head of Languages Department
My school • 800 Pupils (primary and secondary level school), 25 % Roma 45 pupils studying through “A Second Chance” programme • Teaching and auxiliary personal: • teachers = 50 • auxiliary = 6 • administrative = 14
Roma education in my school • All the Roma pupils are included in classes together with Romanian students. • since 2005, a Romani teacher (Romani language 3 times / week and Roma people history for an hour/ week). • Romani songs, Romani language theatre plays. Romani Language National Contest, Roma traditional exhibition.
Second chance programme in my school • The Second chance is a programme for adults who feel they didn't make full use of their first chance in education. In Romania this programme has been developed to facilitate adults who want to return to education.
Programmes initiated and financed by the MECT • Distribution of specific places for Roma children at the examination for high-school admission; • Providing specific places for Roma youngsters at the examination for admission in universities and colleges; • Teaching Roma language and history in schools and high-schools; • Teaching Romani language in universities; • Establishment of Inspector positions within the ISJ for the purpose of Roma education; • Organisation of summer schools for Roma language and history; • A national contest of Romani language; • Roma language and creation camps; • Editing Romani language and literature, history and Roma traditions school textbooks; • Courses of initial and continuous training.
Programmes conducted in collaboration with UNICEF • Publishing educational materials and auxiliary school textbooks for Roma language, history and Roma traditions; • Granting scholarships for the study tuition of Roma youth who teach Romani language in schools and who attended Romani language institutor’s training through the Open Distance Learning-IDD programme at the University of Bucharest; • Financing summer schools of Roma language and history; • Patenting the “summer kindergarten” programmes that precede the enrolment in the primary education; • Training for non-Roma teachers who work with Roma pupils and children; • Workshops for inspectors for the education of Roma.
Programmes financed from European funding - PHARE • Development of the PHARE education programme for disadvantaged children (especially Roma), since September 2002; • Granting study scholarships for Roma youngsters who studies at the University of Bucharest; • Training Roma and non-Roma teachers in the field of inclusive education; • Establishment of the Roma mediators network in the schools that are included in the project (over 400 school mediators) and their training; • Conduction of the “Second Chance” Programme ( Ist -Xth), from the 6th of Oct. 2005 ; • Conduction of summer kindergarten programmes for children who have not attended it before starting the Ist grade since 2004; • Development of educational materials (including bilingual or for Romani language); • Rehabilitation of school facilities and equipment.
Relation with Governmental programs • All educational activities for the Roma follow the Governmental strategy for the Improvement of the Roma Status, Government’s Decision no.522/26 April 2006 – published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 371in 28 April 2006 - (initially: Government’s Decision no. 430 /25 April 2001 published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 252, 16 May 2001) and the objectives of the Decade of Roma Inclusion programme financed by George Soros and the Government of Romania. • European Strategic Projects – the Government of Romania. E.g.: The project “All in kindergarten!, All in the Ist grade !”, regarding the summer kindergarten programmes that precede the enrolment in the primary education and integrated assistance programmes during the Ist grade for 8,400 Roma children.
Results • The number of pupils who have assumed the Roma identity: over 260,000 since 1990; • The increased number of Roma pupils who study Roma language and/or history: (3-4 hours / week); • The number of teachers of Romani and Roma history: 420 in 41 counties; • Over 600 Roma school mediators; • 42 inspectors for Roma’s educational issues; • 60 methodists for the education of Roma and the teaching of the Roma curriculum in the counties; • Integral teaching in Romani in the Ist to IVth grades in School no. 12 of Măguri (Lugoj –Timiş county) and in School no. 1 of Orăştie (HD), School of Ineu (Bihor); • Partial teaching in Romani at the Vth to VIIIth grades (School no. 12 Măguri – Lugoj); • Romani/Romanian bilingual curriculum in the kindergartens in Săruleşti (Călăraşi county), Ciurea (Iaşi), Bacău (3 units), School no. 12 Măguri (2 groups); • Over 14,000 Roma children, teenagers, youth and adults have already attended the “Second Chance” programme;. • Over 2,500 non-Roma teachers of Roma groups and classes of Roma pupils have attended continuous training programmes on educational Romanipen during 1994- 2008.
Legal initiatives related to Roma • Order on the approval of the syllabus for the optional subject “Intercultural Education” (the curriculum for the lower secondary education at the option of the school) and the approval of the revised syllabus for the optional subject “Human Rights” (the high-school curriculum is decided upon by each school) no. 3774 / 22.04.2008; • - MECT Order no. 1529/18 Jul. 2007 on developing diversity in the national curriculum (published Official Journal of Romania no. 670/1.X.2007); • - MECT Order no. 1539/19 Jul. 2007 on hiring and activity regulation for mediators (published Official Journal of Romania no. 670/1.X.2007); • - MECT Order no. 1540/19 Jul. 2007 on the interdiction of school segregation of Roma children and the approval of the Methodology for the prevention and removal of the segregation of Roma children (published Official Journal of Romania no. 692/11.X.2007);
Romania a country of wonderful places with palaces, castles, monuments of art
Palace of Parliament Bucharest
Retezat Mountains Bucura lake
Romaniaa country withpicturesque MONASTERIESandauthentic customs
Easter eggs
Thank you! Romania countryside
Thank you! Contact: Oana SICLOVAN oana_siclovan@yahoo.com