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Outsourcing and ICT strategy in Slovakia.
AXASOFT provides innovative software solutions and services. The Company was established in December 1991 as AXA. In 2008, the original shareholders decided to sell their shares, and at the end of the year entered into final negotiations, gradually transferring the shares to new shareholders. With the entry of a new shareholder, the Company made significant changes focusing on more efficient internal corporate processes and increasing competitiveness, which culminated in 2009 with a name change to AXASOFT, a.s. In the twenty years that the Company has been in business, it has developed into a leading supplier of IT solutions and services, with many years of experience and invaluable know-how with banking institutions, public administration and the private sector. AXASOFT operates in three fields: Public Administration Comprehensive IT solutions are provided to public administrators ranging from analysis and process optimization through the design of IT solutions, IT consulting, development, operational support, and maintenance of complex information systems for public administration. There are consultants, analysts, and developers available with years of experience and knowledge of the law and the public administration environment. In engineering terms, AXASOFT offers solutions based on advanced technologies, portal solutions, J2EE, Oracle and Weblogic. • PROFILE AXASOFT, a. s.
PROFILE Banking Software and Services Banking information systems are developed for financial institutions, providing customers with comprehensive analysis, design and development services, even after a solution has been implemented. The section supports cash systems for foreign customers. It also has consultants, analysts, and developers available with many years of experience in the development and implementation of banking information systems. Besides a wealth of analytical knowledge about banking systems, processes and laws, technological knowledge is also at hand about DP4, C, shell and JEE environments. POS POS concentrates on developing value added applications and applications to support card transactions at POS terminals, loyalty systems, network management systems for POS terminals, and payment verification and routing. They also handle full servicing and installation of POS terminals. AXASOFT is a member of the Bank Card Association (ZBK) and the Slovak Finance and Treasury Association. AXASOFT has implemented and maintains a quality management system in compliance with 9001:2008 standards. The Company was certified by BUREAU VERITAS SLOVAKIA, spol. s.r.o. on August 5, 2010, so it is able to meet its partners’ most demanding requirements and bring information communications technology and progressive solutions to the market. AXASOFT, a.s.
VISION AND OBJECTIVES Vision • To improve market position and be a stable and reliable business partner and employer. • To supply customers with competitive and convenient IT solutions. • To continually improve the quality of the solutions and services it provides. Mission • To provide high-quality, reliable software solutions and value added services. Objectives • Introduce more effective and competitively advantageous solutions to meet demands from existing and new customers and to contribute to their growth. • Improve the standard of services it provides to customers. Enhance servicing and hot-line services. • Anticipate customer needs and increase added value in all areas where it operates. • Maintain and improve the quality management system. • Create for staff a suitably motivational working environment conducive to their growth and development. • Follow through on the strategy laid down by the shareholders. AXASOFT, a.s.
VISION AND OBJECTIVES Company Values Customer orientation Each staff member takes an individual and professional approach toward customers to meet their needs to the greatest possible extent and highest level of quality. Professionalism, innovation and development Developing new solutions lets AXASOFT create new opportunities for customers to be successful. Developing solutions tailored directly to each customer enables AXASOFT to meet their challenges. Quality and a responsible approach AXASOFT strives to raise the quality of the solutions it delivers and delighting its customers, dedicating itself to their needs and expectations while monitoring their satisfaction. Employee focus AXASOFT staff are the company’s most valuable asset and value which ensure fulfillment of the Company’s mission and vision. Their professionalism, skills, experience and enthusiasm guarantee the Company operates. Open communication The Company’s long-term relationships are built upon open and honest communication with customers, partners, employees and shareholders. AXASOFT, a.s.
SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES The Company’s main business is development of software applications for banking institutions and the public and private sector. It develops POS software (both payment and prepaid features), loyalty systems, network management systems for POS terminals and systems for verification and routing of payments. AXASOFT offers a wide range of Ingenico and Gemalto latest generation EFT POS terminals, certified for the Slovak market, which include several models tailored to merchant needs. AXASOFT is ready to deliver and install POS terminals, train service staff and concurrently provide servicing while they are in operation. An expert team that provides an appropriate combination of existing solutions and software development tailored directly to a client’s needs gives AXASOFT the ability to satisfy even the most challenging requirements. AXASOFT, a.s.
POS Business Solutions AXA CARD - a set of applications for card transactions Credit card payments require a reliable and, most of all, secure software solution. AXASOFT offers a portfolio of solutions that include applications designed to verify, authorize and route payment transactions and link authorized centers to banking information systems, as well as applications for POS terminals and information payment kiosks connected either to conventional or self-service checkouts. These solutions also include support for the latest trends in non-cash payments, such as the use of contactless debit cards. EFT POS terminals accept cards issued by VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and JCB. The terminals we supply are certified by VUB, UniCredit Bank, Tatrabanka and Poštová banka. ATRAN A solution allowing immediate access to credit transaction data from POS terminals. Businesses using this service gain a real-time overview of payment transactions along with transactions involving other products and solutions, such as TOP UP and AXAp@y. The solution includes the ability to produce statistical reports as required by the client. AXASOFT, a.s.
POS Business Solutions AXAp@y– pay bills and bank orders at a POS terminal This solution enables invoices and bank orders to be settled at selected retail chains. For customers, AXAp@y is a flexible solution whose advantages can be exploited anytime they visit a commercial establishment that provides the service, while AXAp@y 2.0 is an online solution that allows money orders and invoices to be paid without having to take them with you. A customer identification number lets service staff tell customers about unpaid invoices and money orders displayed in a payment portal. Customers can opt to get an instant overview of any outstanding obligations, while also electing to cover them. The system currently accepts 190 invoices issued by utilities operating in Slovakia, with the best-known being ZSE, ALLIANZ, TELEKOM, HOME CREDIT UNION, Orange Slovakia, Telefónica Slovakia and others. Paysafecard / Cash-Ticket A solution developed for selling and having services provided by paysafecard and Cash-Ticket, electronic prepaid products and alternative means of payment that let you pay online. The solution allows these products to be sold to customers at different accessible locations such as service stations, newsstands, tobacco shops and the like. AXASOFT, a.s.
POS Business Solutions AXA CLS - Loyalty Systems Loyalty systems allow merchants to maintain and expand the number of customers they have, achieving higher turnover. A customer's purchasing activities are recorded by the system either through their loyalty card or directly from a debit card. Based on individual purchase volumes, customers are awarded different bonuses which the merchant has the option to use. A sophisticated, “multi-brand” loyalty system enables entry into systems kept by several merchants, increasing opportunities for using a loyalty system on a larger scale. Loyalty systems can be adapted to individual merchant requirements in order for the system’s advantages to be utilized to the greatest extent possible. AXA ROUTING This stable and efficient online solution for POS-terminal networks handles and treats incoming requests, processing them for external systems, while providing detailed monitoring of operations and automatically processing data for output spreadsheets. AXASOFT, a.s.
Banking Information Systems AXA DBS - banking information systems AXA DBS is a banking information system designed for universal banks. It includes support for retail and wholesale operations, interbank communications, statistics for the central bank and overall IT management system. AXA DBS is a transactional banking information system thatprovides a comprehensive solution for banking services and operations at all bank levels and ensures communications between them. It is a fully integrated operating and accounting system whose output is a transparent and easily controllable report on the flow of banking activities at all organizational levels at a bank. The system is flexible, permits multiple currencies and can be implemented according to telecommunications options as either a decentralized or centralized system. AXASOFT, a.s.
Banking Information Systems AXA DBS features Intricacy: Covers all functions necessary to handle day-to-day retail banking operations. Flexibility and parameterization: Can be customized to individual client requirements with options of modifyingindividual modules, adding newmodules to the system and parametrically defining products. Security: Protects data against abuse, misuse and damage (passwords, limits, defining user access, authorizing critical transactions, etc.) and includes an audit system. Rapid creation of transactions: Selected types of deposits and loans can be quickly opened Broad product support: For instance, printing contracts, recording signatures, credit management workflow,registering stolen documents, credit card support, etc. Integration: Offers many interfaces to enable a banking information system to integrate in theheterogeneous environment of financial institutions. AXASOFT, a.s.
Banking Information Systems Process automation: • allows a number of automatic transactions to be engaged in accounting, cash payments and deposit/loan reports, reducing labor intensity. • links all transactions to the general ledger and NBS statistics, including the option of automatically monitoring and reporting classified assets • directly creates most NBS statements AXAREPJ - central bank reporting The central bank reporting module can be deployed separately. Created by JEE technology, it allows parametric modification of reports using constants, algorithms and formatted output. The system supports multiple browsers, is easy to handle and sets up individual parameters for users. It is multilingual, supports themes, easily selects output formats and downloads STATUS results and outputs to EXCEL. AXASOFT, a.s.
Public Administration Systems IACS - Integrated Administration and Control System A comprehensive information system created for the Ministry of Agriculture to manage and administer the filing of requests and subsequent allocation of assistance to individuals and agricultural companies farming the land with EU funding. The system accepts grant applications from farmers, performs automatic checking in accordance with applicable legislation, supports on-site inspections, calculates penalties, handles payment of assistance and keeps historical records of applicants. In addition to the assistance earlier mentioned, the system also supports one-time project subsidies for selected crops and extra benefits for farming less satisfactory soil. AXASOFT, a.s.
Other Services • AXASOFT has many years of experience and know-how in implementing systems and system components ranging from analysis to development of software applications, design and optimization of hardware and software equipment, and servicing and applications support of software products. • IT advice and consulting - professional consulting services in banking, public administration and business. • Technical servicing and installation of POS terminals. • Leasing of software applications and POS terminal networks AXASOFT, a.s.
REFERENCES Financial Sector • Československá obchodná banka, a. s. /Istrobanka, a. s.- KBC Group (Belgium) • Oberbank AG (branch of foreign bank) – Oberbank AG (Austria) • Poštová banka, a. s. • Privatbanka, a. s. - Penta Group (Slovakia) • Raiffeisenbank im Stiftland eG, branch Cheb o.z. (Czech Republic) - Raiffeisenbank Waldsassen (Germany) • Tatrabanka, a. s. - Raiffeisen Group (Austria) • UNICREDIT BANK Slovakia, a.s. • Všeobecná úverová banka, a. s. - Intesa Sanpaolo Group (Italy) • BKS Bank AG, branch of a foreign bank in Slovakia - BKS Bank AG Klagenfurt • EXIMBANKA SR AXASOFT, a.s.
REFERENCES Trade, Services and Industry • Bertelsmann AG (Germany) • 1.Day, s.r.o • Agip Slovensko, spol. s r. o. • Berkshire BLUE CHIP, a.s. • CBA SK, a.s. • COOP Jednota • DKV EURO SERVICE s.r.o. • Diligentia R. C., s.r.o. • ENI Slovensko, spol. s r.o. • GG TABAK, a.s. • Gurlex, s.r.o. • Tesco StoresSR • OMV Slovensko, s. r. o. • SHELL Slovakia, s.r.o. • TERNO Slovakia AXASOFT, a.s.
REFERENCES Telecommunications • Orange Slovensko, a. s. • Telefónica Slovakia, s.r.o. • Slovak Telekom, a. s. AXASOFT, a.s.
AXASOFT, a.s. Radničné námestie 4 821 05 BRATISLAVA Tel.: +421-2-43331 583 Fax: +421-2-43335 843 E-mail: axasoft@axasoft.eu www.axasoft.eu • CONTACT AXASOFT, a.s.