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Wolfram Fischer Thanks to: M. Blaskiewicz, A. Fedotov, C. Montag, L. Merminga, V. Ptitsyn eRHIC ZDR authors EIC2006, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 17 July 2006. Hadron beam intensity limits. Outline. Parameters for ELIC and eRHIC Electron clouds Beam-beam effects Instabilities
Wolfram Fischer Thanks to: M. Blaskiewicz, A. Fedotov, C. Montag, L. Merminga, V. Ptitsyn eRHIC ZDR authors EIC2006, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 17 July 2006. Hadron beam intensity limits
Outline • Parameters for ELIC and eRHIC • Electron clouds • Beam-beam effects • Instabilities • Intrabeam scattering • Space charge • Resistive wall heating
Not covered • Cooling of high energy ion beams[Talks by V. Lebedev, A. Zholents] – total p-beam currents in ELIC and eRHIC are comparable (~1A) • Polarization issues of protons and light ions • Injection, acceleration • IR, stored energy issues, beam loss at bmax[Talk J. Seeman, Tue 5:00-6:00pm Discussion] • Radiation safety • Technical challenges of crab cavities in ELIC[Session 3A, Tue 1:30-3:00pm Discussion]
ELIC (linac-ring) Linac 200 MeV, pre-booster 3 GeV, booster 20 GeV
EBIS BOOSTER AGS LINAC eRHIC (linac-ring) eRHIC detector beam dump e-cooling Place for doubling energy linac ERL (5-10 GeV e-) PHENIX RF STAR STAR For multiple passes: vertical separation of the arcs Wolfram Fischer
ELIC and eRHIC parameters Use only limited number of parameter sets: • A linac-ring and a ring-ring version for both machines • Protons, mostly at highest energy (p bunches have largest no of charges, largest beam-beam parameter) • Beam parameters for highest luminosity
with cooling without cooling ELIC and eRHIC parameters (p-beam only) [ELIC parameters courtesy of L. Merminga.]
ELIC and eRHIC Both ELIC and eRHIChave versions with 10higher luminosity
Selected machines with electron clouds [ECLOUD04 proceeding.]
Selected machines with electron clouds less e-cloud more e-cloud
RHIC e-clouds caused dynamic pressure rise S.Y. Zhang et al., EPAC06 • Dynamic pressure rise caused by electron clouds • Upgraded warm and cold vacuum system: • installed 430m of NEG pipes (~700m warm sections) • reduced pressure in cold section to 1e-7 Torr before cool-down • Dynamic pressure currently not a concern in operation
Crossing transition with slowly ramping sc. Magnets(all ions except protons) Instability limits bunch intensities for ions (~1.5 – 2.01011 e ) Instability is fast (t =15 ms), transverse, single bunch gt-jump implemented Octupoles near transition Chromaticity control(need x-jump for higher bunch intensities) Electron clouds can lower stability threshold, will gain more operational experience in next ion run J. Wei et al., HB2006 Longitudinal distribution after transverse instability (courtesy C. Montag) RHIC e-clouds can lower stability threshold
E-cloud simulation for RHIC (2) CSEC (by M. Blaskiewicz) – requires cylindrical symmetry, faster than ECLOUD, POSINST RHIC warm, field free region, single beam Nb=2.01011, tb=108ns, lb=5ns, dmax = 2.1
E-cloud simulation for RHIC (2) CSEC (by M. Blaskiewicz) – requires cylindrical symmetry, faster than ECLOUD, POSINST RHIC warm, field free region, single beam Nb=2.01011, tb=108ns, lb=5ns, dmax = 2.1
Activated NEG E-cloud in current RHIC vs. eRHIC Nb=2.01011 36 ns (1 bucket) spacing Nb=1.01011 Nb=2.01011 108 ns (3 buckets) spacing Nb=1.41011 Expect serious e-cloud problems forNb=2.01011 and 36 ns bunch spacing (Analysis needed for warm double beam, and cold regions also.)
Electron and ion effects in ELIC • CSEC shows no electron multipacting in ELIC • Bunches with short spacing and low bunch charge behave like coasting beam • ISR like problems possible • Electron accumulation from beam loss or rest gas ionization can lead to instabilities(need gaps and/or clearing electrodes) • Pressure instability(rest gas ionization, ion acceleration in beam potential, molecular desorption after ion impact on wall, etc.) [beam currents in ELIC 1A, ISR 60A]
Slide from a talk by V. Dudnikov (2006) ISR, coasting proton beam, ~1972 (R. Calder, E. Fischer, O. Grobner, E. Jones) excitation of nonlinear resonances; gradual beam blow up similar to multiple scattering beam induced signal from a pick up showing coupled e-p oscillation; beam current is 12 A and beam energy 26 GeV 2x10-11 Torr, 3.5% neutralization, DQ=0.015 • Damped by extensive system of electrostatic clearing electrodes
intensities beams go into collisions DQbb,tottunes split to avoidcoherent modes luminosity Beam-beam limitation (1) Current (Run-6) RHIC conditions • Current beam-beam induced tune spread in RHIC DQbb,tot = 0.012 • SPS, Tevatron reached DQbb,tot 0.025 • No hadron collider stores beam on resonances of order 10 or lower
concurrent opswith p-collision could be beneficial 2 IPs is beyondexisting machines Beam-beam limitation (2)
Beam-beam limitations (3) Coherent effects now observed in hadron rings (RHIC, Tevatron, HERA) could become operational problem for large x, few bunches beam-beam coupled First observationof coherent modesin hadron ring,RHIC, Jan 2002 More on coherent effects: J. Shi?
Beam-beam compensation Head-on beam-beam compensation • Need electron beam (for p+), amplitude dependence of beam-beam force cannot be matched with magnets • 4-beam e+e machine DCI (~1970) not successful(failure usually attributed to coherent effects) • May become a task in US LARP Long-range compensation • E-lens in Tevatron (not yet used for bb compensation in ops)[V. Shiltsev et al.] • Wires (proposed for LHC, tested in SPS, planned tests in RHIC – US LARP)[J.-P. Koutchouk et al.] • Partial compensation with wire demonstrated in DAFNE[K. Milardi et al. EPAC06] More on beam-beam: J. Qiang, J. Shi
Nb=2.01011 lb=15cm Growth time ~hrs(like current Au). Intrabeam scattering (1) Calculations byA. Fedotov, using Betacool. • Cooling of protons not yet fully assessed • [Did not find IBS calculations for ELIC.]
Intrabeam scattering (2) IBS dominates lifetime over many other effects(competes with beam-beam + other nonlinearities): For p-beam in eRHIC: • Luminosity (burn-off): tL >> 100 h • Restgas inelastic scattering : tNb 200 h • Emittance growth from restgas scattering: te 15 h • Emittance growth from bb elast. scattering: te 2000 h Used RHIC II pp-calculations, BNL C-A/AP/235 (2006).
Instabilities – single bunch Had stored p-bunches with Nb>21011 and Ip > 5A at injection. Most problematic at low energy, can use long bunches.Expect no fundamental problem.
Instabilities – multi-bunch If no single-bunch instability, tune shifts from long-range wake fieldsmust be larger than tune shifts from short range wake fields • RHIC impedance model includes resistive wall, abort kickers, unshielded bellows. • May be too low by up to a factor 3 • Calculation for injection (worst case) tune shift relatively flat <5ms growth time, could be damped Expect no fundamental problem with multi-bunch instabilities in RHIC. [Can make similar argument for ELIC.] M. Blaskiewicz
Space charge Parameters for low energy operation, keep bunch length ofhigh energy operation. May be problematic.
Resistive wall heating [A. Ruggiero, S. Peggs, BNL RHIC/AP/46 (1994).] Heat load in beam pipe wall assuming same beam pipe as RHIC(stainless steel at 4K),could use Cu for reduction +possible e-cloud heat load, current capacity 0.5 W/m
Summary Considered hadron beam limitations from: • Electron cloud • Beam-beam • Instabilities • Intrabeam scattering • Space charge • Resistive wall heating Of concern appear: • Electron cloud in RHIC for Nb=2.01011 and 36 ns bunch spacing • Beam-beam in ELIC with more than 2 IPs • Intrabeam scattering in RHIC (ELIC?) • Possibly space charge at low energies Significant challenges for cooling, crab cavities (ELIC)