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Quark Matter Under Extreme Conditions. Neda Sadooghi Sharif University of Technology Tehran-Iran Munich-January 2011. F our F undamental F orces. Strong nuclear force . Electromagnetic force. Theory of Everything. Weak nuclear force . Gravitational force . Standard Model of Cosmology.
Quark Matter Under Extreme Conditions NedaSadooghi Sharif University of Technology Tehran-Iran Munich-January 2011
Four Fundamental Forces Strong nuclear force Electromagnetic force Theory of Everything Weak nuclear force Gravitational force
Standard Model of Cosmology 1019GeV 1014GeV 100 GeV 100 MeV ~10-4eV Inflationary Epoch QCD Phase Transition Big Bang QGP EW Phase Transition
Standard Model of Particle Physics Quark flavors Quark colors
QED vs. QCD Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) describes the force between electrically charged particles in terms of exchange of massless and neutral photons Elementary process (three point vertex):
QED vs. QCD Quantum Electrodynamics (QED)
QED vs. QCD Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Elementary process(es) Gluons carry color-charge Gluon-Gluon Self-Interaction
QED vs. QCD Flux Lines Chromoelectric flux between a quark and an antiquark Flux tube
QED vs. QCD Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) Static potential between a quark-antiquark pair Small r Large r r 0 ↷ A(r) 0 ↷ V(r) 0 Asymptotic Freedom
String Tension σ~ 880 MeV/fm A force sufficient to lift three elephants !!!
Hadrons: Mesons and Baryons Confining Potential Color Confinement Hadrons are color singlet
Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking Chiral Symmetry • Helicity: • For masslessparticles, helicity and chirality are the same • Right handed particles have positive helicity (chirality) • Left handed particles have negativehelicity (chirality) • Up and down quarks can be regarded as massless A theory including only up and down quarks should be symmetric under global chiral transformation
QCD at low energy ∋ (u,d) Proton Neutron Pion
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking The mysteries of Mexican Hat Potential Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking: (Pseudo) Goldstone Mechanism: SUL(2) x SUR(2) π+ SUL+R(2) π0 π-
Standard Model of Cosmology 100 MeV QCD Phase Transition Big Bang QGP
Extreme Temperature QCD phase transition at TQCD~2.4 x1012 K~ 200 MeV Core of our Sun ~ 1.57 x 107 K ~1.3 keV Room temperature ~ 27 C ~ 300 K ~ 25 meV
QCD Phase Diagram N d d Temperature d Early Universe u d LHC s u s d s s RHIC Quark Gluon Plasma Phase u u u s Tc~170 MeV SPS s u d Confinement-Deconfinement phase transition Chiral Symmetry Restoration Hadronic Fluid Hadronic Phase sd us ud CFL 2SC Color Superconducting phase Nuclear Matter Hadron gas Neutron Stars μc~310 MeV Baryonic Chemical Potential
Neutron stars: Laboratories of Matter under Extreme Conditions
Neutron Stars Natural laboratory for extreme conditions • Neutron star is a type of stellar remnant that can result from gravitational collapse of a massive star during a supernova event • When a giant star dies, it can collapse into a black hole or implode into an ultra-dense neutron star • Pauli exclusion principle supports the neutron star against further collapse (they are made almost entirely of neutrons)
Neutron Stars: Structure Neutron star radius: 12 km Outer crust 0.3-0.5 km Ions and electrons 0.3-0.4 ϱ0 Inner crust 1-2 km Electrons, neutrons, nuclei 0.5-2.0 ϱ0 >2ϱ0 Outer core ~9 km Neutron-proton Fermi liquid Few % electron Fermi gas Inner core 0.3 km Quark-Gluon Plasma/ CFL Color Superconductor ???
108 x Earth ~3x106x Earth 1.2-2 Solar mass 56 x Earth 1/3 c ~104 Solar T
Extreme Density Neutron Stars
Neutron Stars:Pulsars Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotatingneutron stars that emit a beam of electro-magnetic radiation Because neutron stars are very dense objects, the rotation period and thus the interval between observed pulses is very regular Atomic Clocks The observed periods of the pulses range from 1.4 msec to 8.5 sec Extremely large magnetic fields Magnetars Surface: B~1014-1015 G Inner field: B~1018-1020 G
Extreme Magnetism Measured at the magnetic pole 0.6 G The Earth’s B field Like those used to stick papers on a refrigerator 100 G Hand-held magnet Within dark, magnetized areas on the solar surface The magnetic field in strong sunspots 4000 G The strongest, sustained magnetic fields achieved in the lab Generated by huge electromagnets 4.5 X 105 G ~ 45 T The strongest fields ever detected on non-neutron stars Strongly-magnetized, compact white dwarf stars 108 G Typical surface magnetic fields of radio pulsars The most familiar kind of neutron star 1014-1015 G Magnetars: Inner fields Soft gamma repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars 1018-1020 G
Effects of Extreme Magnetism Calcite crystal: Some letters showing the double refraction Liquid Crystal Displays are also birefringent • Vacuum Birefringence (double refraction) Polarized light waves change speed and hence wavelength when they enter a very strong magnetic field • Photon Splitting X-rays split in two or merge together. This process is important in fields stronger than 1014 G • Scattering Suppression A light wave can glide past an electron with little hindrance if the field is large enough to prevent the electron from vibrating with the wave • Distortion of Atoms Fields above 109 G squeeze electron orbitals into cigar shapes. In a 1014 G field, a hydrogen atom become 200 times narrower
Effects of Extreme Magnetism on Quark Matter N Temperature Early Universe LHC RHIC Quark Gluon Plasma Phase Tc~170 MeV Hadronic Phase Chiral-SB phase Color Superconducting phase Neutron Stars Baryonic Chemical Potential
Center of mass energy √s=200 AGeV for Au+Au collision • Collision with 99.7% speed of light Ultra-RHIC • The energy density ε= 5.5 GeV/fm3 • The pressure generated at the time of impact 1030 atmospheric pressure
Question: Deconfinement Phase Transition
? ? • Color Glass Condensate (CGC) sheets • Initial singularity at the time of collision • Glasma phase (Out of Equilibrium Physics) • Not expected: Strongly correlated QGP (Perfect Fluid) • Mixed phase (quarks, gluons and hadrons) • Hadron Gas CGC Initial Singularity Glasma sQGP Hadron Gas
Big Bang vs. Little Bang: The evolution of matter produced in the Little Bang is comparable with the Big Bang (same evolution equations) t=10-21-10-20sec t=10-22-10-21sec t=0-10-22sec
Perfect Liquid: Strongly Correlated QGP Idea supported by the conjecture of AdS/CFT duality T Electric Plasma m- strongly correlated ?? Deconfinement T~ 2 Tc Magnetized Plasma e-strongly correlated sQGP Tc Confinement CS Dual superconductivity m-correlation e-confined (Color) Superconductivity e-correlation m-confined ?? 1101.1120 Shifman et al μB
ChiralMagnetic Effect Parity Violation in QCD Strong CP Problem Question: Is the world distinguishable from its mirror image? • Answer(s): • Weak interaction violates P and CP • Strong interaction: • Experimentally: No evidence of global strong CP violation C: Matter↔Antimatter P: Mirror symmetry Neutron’s EDM ~ 0 Theoretically: QCD θ ≠ 0 ( topological charge) The existence of topological charge Matter-Antimatter asymmetry in the Early Universe !! Experimental bound for θ < 3x10-10 Strong CP problem
ChiralMagnetic Effect Local (event by event) P and CP Violation in QCD Theory: Fukushima, Kharzeev, Warringa, McLerran, (2007-09) Lattice: Polikarpov et al. (2009-10) Charge separation stems from the interpaly between the strong magnetic field in the early stage of heavy ion collision and the presence of topological configurations in hot matter → → B~L Charge separation Electric current QGP in the deconfined phase
ChiralMagnetic Effect Local Parity Violation in QCD Chiral magnetic Effect dR dR uL uR Charge Separation L dR R uR uR dL
ChiralMagnetic Effect Very Strong Magnetic Field 1019 Gauss eB (MeV2) 1014 Gauss D.E. Kharzeev, L.D. McLerran, and H.J. Warringa (0711.0950) The strength of B is comparable with Magnetic Field in Neutron Stars
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity N LHC Temperature RHIC Quark Gluon Plasma Phase Tc~170 MeV Hadronic Phase Chiral-SB phase Color Superconducting phase Neutron Stars Baryonic Chemical Potential
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity QED Superconductivity vs. Color Superconductivity Ingredients: q (QED) A liquid of fermions with electric charge (QCD) Quarks with electric and color charges q • (QED) An attractiveelectromagnetic interaction between the fermions • (QCD) An attractivestrong interaction between two quarks • (QED) Low temperature: T<Tc • (QCD) Low temperature: In neutron stars T<100 MeV ≪ Big Bang T~1019GeV Results: (QED) QED Meissner Effect Photons acquire mass (QCD) QCDMeissner Effect Gluons acquire mass
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (I): Sh. Fayazbakhsh and NS: PRD (2010) Normal Normal Normal ChSB ChSB ChSB CSC CSC CSC Normal Normal ChSB ChSB ChSB
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (II): Low μ: Only chiral phase transion De Haas-van Alphen oscillations before the system enters the regime of LLL dominance 2nd order phase transition from chiral SB to the Normal phase
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (III): Low T: Chiraland Color phase transions
Results The type of the phase transition between chiral SB and the Normal phase changes with B: 2nd Order 1st Order 2. Increasing B has no effect on the type of phase transition between the color symmetry breaking and the normal phase (2nd order) 3. De Haas-Van Alphen oscillations CSC-Normal-CSC phase transition 5. For eB>eBt ~ 0.5 GeV2: System is in the LLL dominant regime 4. For eB>eBt: The effect of T and μ are partly compensated by B
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (II): Intermediate μ: Chiraland Color phase transions
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (II): Large μ: OnlyColor phase transion
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (III): Intermediate T: Chiral andColor phase transions
Effect of Strong Magnetic Fields on Color Superconductivity Effects on QCD Phase Diagram (III): Large T: Only Chiral phase transion