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John Ford September 28, 2009. Casper Instrumentation at Green Bank. The NRAO is operated for the National Science Foundation (NSF) by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), under a cooperative agreement. Outline. NRAO Configurable Instrument Collection for Agile Data Acquisition (CICADA)
John Ford September 28, 2009 Casper Instrumentation at Green Bank The NRAO is operated for the National Science Foundation (NSF) by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), under a cooperative agreement.
Outline NRAO Configurable Instrument Collection for Agile Data Acquisition (CICADA) Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI) West Virginia University Pulsar Processing Instrument (WUPPI) GUPPI - 2 Future instruments
NRAO Mission The (US) National Radio Astronomy Observatory enables forefront research into the Universe at radio wavelengths. In partnership with the scientific community, we: provide world leading telescopes, instrumentation and expertise, train the next generation of scientists and engineers, and promote astronomy to foster a more scientifically literate society.
Aperture Synthesis Telescopes Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) Network of 10 telescopes spread over United States Resolution of a 5000 mile diameter telescope Highest Resolution of any telescope on earth or in space Sometimes the GBT becomes part of this array (E) Very Large Array (VLA)
Green Bank Facilities 2700 Acre site in Pocahontas County 8 Radio Telescopes on site National Radio Quiet Zone 150 mile rectangle centered around Green Bank and Sugar Grove Provides protection for the sensitive receivers on the telescopes Green Bank Science Center
CICADA Configurable Instrument Collection for Agile Data Acquisition FPGA based data acquisition and processing Uses CASPER tools and hardware Umbrella program for organizing FPGA projects Purchase/obtain boards, software, development systems 3 ROACH, 2 BEE2, 5 iBOB, 6 ADC, 3 ADC-2, 10 GbE switches, servers, etc.
CICADA People • GUPPI • Randy McCullogh, Jason Ray , Patrick Brandt, Ron Duplain, Paul Demorest, Scott Ransom • WUPPI/43 meter stuff • Shilpa Bollineni, Glen Langston, Paul Demorest • WVU Folks
CICADA Projects Spectrometer Proposals KFPA backend Replacement for GBT Spectrometer Event capture machines Used for transient events Pulsar machines Incoherent machine (GUPPI, WUPPI) Coherent dedispersion machine GUPPI-2
GUPPI Software Overview *.nrao.edu GUPPI command prompt Python SOAP client GUPPI GBT M&C Manager C++ SOAP client Ethernet beef.gb.nrao.edu • guppi controller • modules: • DAQ • POWER • SYNTH • BEE2 • guppi_daq • threads: • net • disk • fold (for folding mode) • will also run on GPU nodes in GUPPI Phase II Unix socket shared memory guppi_statusd gets GBTStatus shared memory 100 MbE 10 GbE equipment telnet over Ethernet clock input Clock Synthesizer ADCs IBOBs no custom controller software GBT IF BEE2 runs guppi controller on Debian + BORPH O/S XAUI power Power Strip telnet over Ethernet XAUI out-of-band control bits systems control signals data streams notes/comments .
GUPPI Status • Currently available GUPPI Modes • 128 to 4096 channels • 2 polarizations • 100 to 800 MHz bandwidth • Full Stokes or Total Intensity Only • Decimation in frequency and time in CPU • Records up to ~250 MB/S continuously • Disk space is a considerable problem • Fully integrated into the GBT Observing System
GUPPI's Advantages Searching: 800MHz of BW, 4096 chan, and RFI-resistance (from polyphase filterbank) will make GUPPI a “Super-Spigot” that will be unbeatable for searches from 1-5 GHz (previously the BCPM and Spigot) High Dynamic-Range Studies: 8-bit sampling, high spectral resolution and Full Stokes will make GUPPI perfect for scintillation studies, HI absorption, Faraday rotation measurements, polarization studies, and singlepulse studies (previously the Spectral Processor) Ultra-High Precision Timing: 8-bit sampling, 800MHz of BW, and RFI resistance will allow unprecedented timing precision from 1-3 GHz for millisecond pulsars (i.e. the NANOGrav project and the search for nHz gravitational waves; previously GASP/CGSR2)
GUPPI-2 • Uses GUPPI to feed a 9-machine cluster of GPU’s via 4 10 GbE ports. • 128, 256, or 512 coarse channels will be supported • 100 MHz processed per GPU at “reasonable” DM’s. • Only modification to GUPPI is a new output FPGA personality and software to control the nodes
Future Projects • Not funded, but… • K band Array receiver spectrometer • GBT Spectrometer Replacement • Transient searches on old telescopes (like fly-eye, with bigger and fewer dishes) • Lunar Neutrino project • Several 43m projects: • WUPPI • Receiver project
K band Feedhorn Array Spectrometer 7 pixels, dual polarization 21 ROACH boards, 14 ADC's Needs to be in receiver room 3 GHz bandwidth Cross correlation between polarizations on a single pixel “Zoom” mode for multiple narrow windows in a bandpass Fast dump mode for pulsar use on a few polarizations Normal dump times of 1 ms
The End • Summary: • GUPPI is working well • Designs available for distribution in unadorned form now (version 7.1 right now) • Plan to submit the FPGA designs, software, and hardware designs to the CASPER wiki