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Psa 4:4 As jy ontsteld raak, moenie sondig nie; dink in stilte daaroor na as jy gaan lê, en laat dit daarby! . Spr 27:19 Soos jy jou eie gesig sien as jy in die water kyk , so sien jy jouself in wat jy dink. .
Psa 4:4 As jy ontsteld raak, moenie sondig nie; dink in stilte daaroor na as jy gaan lê, en laat dit daarby!
Spr 27:19 Soosjyjoueiegesigsien as jy in die water kyk, so sienjyjouself in watjy dink.
Php 4:8 Verder, broeders, alles wat waar is, alles wat eerbaar is, alles wat regverdig is, alles wat rein is, alles wat lieflik is, alles wat loflik is—watter deug en watter lof daar ook mag wees, bedink dit.
Pred 11:10 Hou kommer uit jou hart en vermy wat jou liggaam kan kwaad doen.
1Kor 9:27 Maar ek oefen my liggaam en bring dit onder beheer, sodat ek nie ander tot die stryd oproep en self nie kwalifiseer nie.
Aupers & Houtman (2006:201) New Age spiritualiteit: omdie verskeiegodsdienstigetradisiestegekombineer in 'n idiosinkratiesekodevolgenspersoonlikevoorkeureom ‘n soort "doendit self godsdiens“ tevorm.
“It amazes me to see the power of positive thinking operating in the lives of people who don’t even know the Lord. They apply principles of God’s Word and get results.”
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think another negative thought – Peace Pilgrim
“You don't need to change the world; you need to change yourself.” ― Miguel Ruiz
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.” ― Wayne W. Dyer
“Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.” ― Stephen Richards
“The realisation that limitations are imaginary will make you strong and overpowering.” ― Stephen Richards, Think Your way to Success: Let Your Dreams Run Free
Rom 8:7 Die dinge waarmee die sondige natuur van die mens hom besig hou, is immers vyandskap teen God. Die sondige natuur onderwerp hom nie aan die wet van God nie, dit kan trouens ook nie.
Paulus gebruik die woordpneumatikoi (letterlik, geestelikepersoon) ommensetebeskryfwat in pas bly met die pneuma (Gees) van God. Die woord "spiritualiteit" stam van die Latynse word spiritualitas , en houverband met die byvoeglikenaamwoordspiritualis (geestelike).
Die Latynseformuleringkomegter van die Grieksewoordpneuma en die byvoeglikenaamwoordpneumatikos, soosgevind in Paulus se briewe. Binne die Paulinieseetos, is 'n spirituele person in weseiemand in wie die Gees van God woon of watleefonder die invloed van die Gees van God.
Nee (1968:45), het bv die volgendestellinggemaak: “Man can be moved to tears, can confess his sin, can consider redemption reasonable, can profess his interest in religion, can read the Bible and pray, can even testify with joy; but still his spirit has not received God’s life and therefore remains as dead as before. Why? Because man’s soul is capable of performing all these things.”
Wommackwaarsku en sê “Mere beliefs and motile religious transformation theories, which can be processed by the corporeal and psychological capacities of a person, do not birth spiritual transformation or constitute Christian spirituality, due to the absence of the Spirit (Wommack 2007:133).
“The difference between psychofortology and spiritual fortology is the following: Despite the fact that both operate within the paradigm of constructive and positive human empowerment (the fortification of human dignity and meaningful living), psychofortology uses the inner psychic potential/energy of human behavior,
while spiritual fortology uses the indwelling charisma of the Spirit and fruit of the Spirit to set free a courage to be and a spirit of hope that is not merely dependent on inner human potential but on the interplay between the biblical text, appropriate God images and the eschatological reshaping and transformation of the being qualities of human beings (human beings as a new creation due to Christ’s death on the cross and his resurrection).
One can call this pneumatological empowerment and affirmation of human beings: Christian spiritual humanisation; spiritual humanness and spiritual human dignity. In terms of Christian theology, spiritual fortigenetics is inhabitational theology, i.e. the energy of the Spirit within the inner human potentials.”
Scorgie (2011:27) stelditmooi: “Christian spirituality is the domain of lived Christian experience. It is about living all of life – not just some esoteric portion of it – before God, through Christ, in the transforming and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit.”