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Horses in the Old West Tools of the Mind Kindergarten. When people think of the Old West, they think of cowboys on horses. These were tame horses. Tame means they are trained to obey people and are not afraid of them.
When people think of the Old West, they think of cowboys on horses. These were tame horses. Tame means they are trained to obey people and are not afraid of them.
In the Old West, cowboys and cowgirls tamed horses to ride on and help do their work.
Horses were used to herd cattle and for pulling carts and plows on the farm. This picture shows the horses pulling a plow through a field.
When people ride horses, they use special equipment. What do you see that would make it easy to ride this horse?
There are different parts of a saddle. There is a seat, a horn to hold on to, and stirrups for feet. Talk with a partner to see if you can figure out where these parts might be…
Did you figure it out? seat horn stirrups
A rider can use his or her position in the seat to control and guide the horse. Leaning slightly forward communicates to the horse to move forward, and leaning slightly backwards tells the horse to slow down. Pretend you are on a horse and communicate to speed up and then slow down!
Riders also use their legs and feet to help direct the horse. By looking in the direction a rider wants to go, his or her legs will move slightly and cue the horse to turn that direction. See how this horse’s head is turned the same direction as the rider’s body?
Riders also hold reins in their hands that are connected to a bit in the horse’s mouth. They can use the reins to direct horses. If the rider gently pulls on the right side of the rein, the horse will know to turn right. Pretend you are riding a horse with reigns in your hand – do you remember what to do to get it to slow down? How would you get it to turn to take you out the door of your classroom?
When people have tamed a horse, they have to take care of it. This means they have to make sure the horse is fed and the stable is cleaned. They also have to be sure it got exercise and rest.
Not all horses are tame. Some wild horses, called Mustangs, live in the Western part of the United States. Over a hundred years ago there used to be even more of them.
Mustangs live together in big groups, called herds or bands.Herds of horses work together to protect each other. What do you notice about these horses?
There are special names for the different horses in the herd. This female horse is called a mare and the baby horse is called a colt. Male horses are called stallions.
A long time ago, people tried to capture the wild mustangs. Sometimes people tamed them so that they could ride them. Other times, people caught them and sold them.
Describe what you see happening in this picture…How do you think the mustang herders are feeling right now? How are the mustangs feeling?
Some people think all wild horses should be left free in the wild. Do you think people should catch, tame and sell wild horses? Why or why not? Turn and talk with a friend about your opinion.