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The JonBenet Ramsey Case http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682451/Brief%20Chronology. JonBenet Ramsey. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, August 6, 1990 At 9mnths family relocated to Boulder, Colorado.
The JonBenet Ramsey Casehttp://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682451/Brief%20Chronology
JonBenet Ramsey • Born in Atlanta, Georgia, August 6, 1990 • At 9mnths family relocated to Boulder, Colorado. • First name combination of father's first and middle names, John Bennett; her first name of her mother, the late Patricia "Patsy" Ramsey- • 6 yr old former Little Miss Colorado & National Tiny Miss Beauty.
Other Ramsey Children - 2 brothers & 2 sisters (1 sister died in a auto accident) • Burke • John Andrew • Melinda • Beth – deceased
Beth Ramsey Daughter from John’s first marriage. Died in a car accident 1-8-92 in Chicago, Illinois
Melinda RamseyLong • Daughter of John from his first marriage She was in Atlanta at The time of the murder
Burke Ramsey A leak to the news media indicate that Burke's voice could be heard in the background of the 911 call Patsy made, although she said he was asleep until after police arrived.
John Andrew Ramsey son of John Ramsey and his first wife, was with his sister Melinda Ramsey Long in Atlanta when his half sister JonBenet was found dead. He is not considered a suspect.
Patsy Ramsey Mother: Former Miss West Virginia (1977). She was active in the community of Boulder, Colorado, and was recovering from ovarian cancer around the time of JonBenet’s death, & had also become a very religious person during her struggle with cancer. She has since passed away -
John Ramsey Father: C.E.O: Access Graphics; very wealthy businessman - voted Boulder’s “Business Man of the Year” in 1996. John Ramsey, dad of slain child JonBenét, weds Jan Rousseaux 5 years after wife Patsy's death
Crime Timline • December 25, 1996: JonBenet last seen at 10:00 p.m. when parents put her to bed. • December 26, 1996 – Patsy Ramsey calls 911, reports her daughter has been kidnapped. She tells the dispatcher that she found a kidnap note on the stairs. The police arrive at 5:52 a.m. JonBenet’s body is found at 1:00 p.m. • December 27, 1996 – Autopsy conducted. • December 31, 1996 – JonBenet is buried in Marietta, Georgia.
January 4, 1997: Police find notepad similar to the table used for ransom note. • March 6, 1997 – The adult children of John Ramsey eliminated as suspects • March 14, 1997 – Police determine that John Ramsey did not write the ransom note; they believe a female wrote it. • September 29, 1997 – Police execute search warrants on the Ramsey home and find duct tape, rope, and fibers that match those found on the body of JonBenet. • October 13, 1999 – The grand jury announces that it has found insufficient proof to indict anyone in the death of JonBenet Ramsey.
Critics of the investigation have since claimed that officers also did not sufficiently attempt to gather forensic evidence before or after JonBenét's body was found, possibly because they immediately suspected the Ramseys in the killing. Some officers holding these suspicions reported them to local media, who began reporting on January 1 that the assistant district attorney thought "it's not adding up"; the fact that the body of the girl was found in her own home was considered highly suspicious by the investigating officers. The results of the autopsy revealed that JonBenét was killed by strangulation and a skull fracture. A garrote made from a length of tweed cord and the broken handle of a paintbrush had been used to strangle her; her skull had suffered severe blunt trauma; there was no evidence of conventional rape, although sexual assault could not be ruled out. The official cause of death was asphyxiation due to strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma.
In December 2003, forensic investigators extracted enough material from a mixed blood sample found on JonBenét's underwear to establish a DNA profile. The DNA belongs to an unknown male. The DNA was submitted to the FBI's Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a database containing more than 1.6 million DNA profiles, mainly from convicted felons. The sample has yet to find a match in the database, although it continues to be checked for partial matches on a weekly basis, as are all unmatched samples
A break in the case came unexpectedly in August 2006, when Boulder DA Mary Lacy announced the arrest of a new suspect — an American school teacher named John Mark Karr. Patsy Ramsey died of ovarian cancer in June, but a family spokesman says Karr attempted to correspond with Patsy before her death
In a startling post-arrest confession, Karr told reporters in Bangkok that he was with JonBenet when she died. "I loved JonBenet very much," Karr said. When asked if he was innocent, Karr shook his head and replied, "No." Her death, Karr said, "was an accident." But doubts soon surfaced about Karr's alleged confession.
Thai dermatologist Dr. Setthakarn Attakonpan says that Karr came to his office for laser hair removal in preparation for what Karr told him would be a sex-change operation. The display, a computer image of Karr, was taken in March 2006, according to the clinic
Alexis Valoran Reich Karr has not had a sex change, but refers to himself as a woman and holds a Washington state license under the name Delia Alexis Reich. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRy4KJuEna4&feature=player_embedded
Days Prior to JonBenet’s Death Christmas function 3 days before JonBenet’s death in the 15-bedroom suburban home - 30 people • Night before JonBenet’s death – Christmas dinner at the Whites’ home (family friend)
Morning of JonBenet’s Death - December 26 (5:52 a.m.) Patsy Ramsey goes into JonBenet’s room to find her missing, along with a ransom note on the stairs - Patsy Ramsey notifies police, who arrive 10 minutes later (Officer French) and then soon after Sergeant Reichenbach. When they arrived Patsy was completely dressed, including face makeup - The Ramseys’ family friends come to the home at 6:30 (the Whites and Fernies) - The Ramseys’ priest also arrived at the home - Detectives Patterson and Arndt arrive at 8:03 to the scene -
At 1:00 p.m. Detective Arndt asked Fleet White & John Ramsey to search entire house - JonBenet found dead in basement at approx. 1:00 p.m. o Wrapped in a white blanket with a piece of duct tape next to her on a blanket o Arms were both straight above her head with a white cord tying her right wrist o Another white cord was wrapped around her neck connected to a broken paint brush handle that was use as a garrote for strangulation o Mucous stains on the sleeve of her shirt o Her pants and underwear are stained with urine
Autopsy Reports of JonBenet’s Death - Ligature strangulation - Ligature of the right wrist - Cranial hemorrhaging and injuries - Abrasions on the body such at the right cheek, left lower leg, left lower back, neck - Abrasion and vascular congestion of vaginal mucosa
Basement where Jonbenet’s body was found The blanket wrapped around JonBenet's body had been left in the dryer. There was still a Barbie Doll nightgown clinging to the blanket, so it had to have come out of the dryer recently – as stated by Linda Hoffman-Pugh
n Unidentified marks on left side
Autopsy Report States On the left lateral aspect of the lower back, approximately sixteen and one-quarter inches and seventeen and one-half inches below the level of the top of the head are two dried rust colored to slightly purple abrasions. The more superior of the two measures one-eighth by one-sixteenth of an inch and the more inferior measures three-sixteenths by one-eighth of an inch. There is no surrounding contusion identified.
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Top: The rope around her neck Bottom: Broken paintbrush handle Top: Removed rope around wrists attached to ligature Bottom: Rope still attached to wrist