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William Mcintosh. February 12, 1825 . PICTURE. PROFILE Where do you live? My plantations are Lockchau Talofau (“Acorn Bluff”) and Indian Springs Where were you born? The Lower Creek Town of Coweta Ga in 1778(Estimated)
William Mcintosh February 12, 1825 PICTURE PROFILE Where do you live? My plantations are LockchauTalofau(“Acorn Bluff”) and Indian Springs Where were you born? The Lower Creek Town of Coweta Ga in 1778(Estimated) What is your family like? Dad(Of the same name) was a Scottish revolutionary war veteran and trader. Mom was Senoya of Wind clan. Where were you educated? The lower creek towns ga (taught by creek) and Savannah ga. How far did you go in your education? Standard Creek education: What do you do for a living? I am a Creek chief and a planter with 2 plantations. I also run a resort hotel at a hot spring at my Indian Springs plantation. I also own a Ferry boat to transport people and goods across the Cattahoochee River. Philosophies (Religion, Politics, Views, Values, People who inspire you, Favorite Quotes) I support Indian removal and Assimilation. I support cotton cultivation, slave holding, individual property ownership, and other “Great American Values.”(And the exploitation of said “values” for my personal gain) Arts & Entertainment (Music, Books, Games) Watching an older native American version of Lacross. Activities & Interests (Sports, Hobbies, What you do for fun) Taking as much money and land as I can through treaties. .
STATUS • What is going on with you today? This must be a short paragraph relating to your life as a leader. • I have made a major achievment in Creek history. We will finally move west to a new home. The Second Treaty of Indian springs will mark a new age in Creek history. (Please disregard the rumors, there is NO land-grab on my part ANYWHERE in the treaty.)
Friends • Andrew Jackson- We share a pro-Indian Removal stance and worked together for it. we also fought together during the Battle of horseshoe Bend during the Redstick War. • George Troup- He is my cousin and current governer of Georgia. We share veiws on Indian removal and recently negotiated our biggest step yet: the Second Treaty of Indian Springs. • David Mitchell, Indian agent- I worked with him to distribute food and supplies to my people after the Redstick War. We also negotiated the First Treaty of Indian Springs.
WALL • What are other people saying to you? • At least two related comments are required • Chief Menawa- I survived the Battle of Horseshoe Bend for a reason: To do something about your traitorous and greedy Treaty of Indian Springs, you will pay for this. • Governor George Troup- Thank you for letting these negotiations run smoothly and peacefully, have a nice day.
NEWS FEED • At least two related events or headlines should be included here. • February 9, 1825:The US House of Representatives elects John Quincy Adams as our newest President due to a special election held due to no candidate receiving a majority of electoral votes. The new President is not very fond of the new Treaty of Indian Springs though, the nation wonders: How Adams will react to it when it is presented to the Senate this early in his administration? • February 12, 1825:The Second Treaty of Indian Springs was signed by, among others, Governor George Troup and Creek Chief William Mcintosh.