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Albany Town Hall Restoration Project 2010

Albany Town Hall Restoration Project 2010. The Albany Improvement Association would like to show you what your generous donations have allowed them to accomplish. Thank You!. Much work had to be done to restore this Albany Township Landmark. repairs needed to be done.

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Albany Town Hall Restoration Project 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Albany Town Hall Restoration Project 2010 The Albany Improvement Association would like to show you what your generous donations have allowed them to accomplish. Thank You!

  2. Much work had to be done to restore this Albany Township Landmark.

  3. repairs needed to be done

  4. Attic of the building is pretty stable

  5. A few extra supports were added to the attic to support the roof

  6. The major damage was around the chimney where there had been a leak

  7. Looks like there was water damage

  8. And there was. Right where the chimney to the kitchen sits.

  9. Pulling down the ceiling tiles the damage became evident

  10. Timbers had to be replaced

  11. This was a rather extensive job

  12. The kitchen ceiling and the main room ceilings were replaced

  13. Things are looking up (pun intended)

  14. All the old wall paper has to go!

  15. The stripping begins…

  16. and continues….

  17. and more stripping….

  18. And more stripping….

  19. Some of the walls were a bit crumbly but fixable.

  20. And some hidden treasures were found under the wallpaper

  21. If walls could talk…

  22. Now the painting begins

  23. The new back door is painted

  24. And the new toilet room is built to replace this one holer

  25. Toilet room door

  26. And the new toilet

  27. Lights are replaced

  28. And the painting is finished

  29. Looking to the back

  30. The side wall

  31. Side and front wall

  32. New front door and notice board

  33. The kitchen

  34. kitchen

  35. Before the handicap ramp and drive is built.

  36. The drive up to the handicap ramp being built

  37. Soon you can drive up closer to the building

  38. Drive up to handicap ramp is completed and did we mention the new roof?

  39. The town hall was once again used for voting.

  40. Table set up for voter registration

  41. The AIA THANKS YOU! We would like to thank all those who helped to replace, repair, rebuild, strip, paint and bring this landmark as close to its original state as possible. We also thank you for your donations of money, materials and labor. Without your help and donations this project could not have happened!

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